
22-02-2025 Vol 19

Labor Day Humor

Purrs and hiiises, Kittens & Dawgs!  Another week bites the dust and so does another month.   The end of summer draws very, very near! This is DH’s off Friday as well as it’s a holiday weekend. Parrr-tay! Well…not really but I like saying it anyhow.   Today,  I’m sharing nothing but sillies with you so be prepared to smile a bit, chuckle to yourself, or laugh out loud with these Friday Sillies!

I’ll leave you with this pre-boogie session to warm ya up for the weekend with this short playlist of tunes honoring the working class. 

Before I leave let me pass on Monday’s post-op follow-up on my ear tube surgery.  The doctor says things look good.  My right ear which has the greater degree of eardrum recession is trying to move back in place.  This was a hopeful sign the doctor said because during the procedure he said it stuck against something and he wasn’t sure how it would respond.  The muffled hearing continues but that’s something I will have to deal with for now and I don’t know if it’ll get a lot better.  At some point down the line, he mentioned that I will need hearing aids.  *shudder*  Have a giggletastic weekend. Join me tomorrow for my newest round of Battle of the Bands!

I spotted this vintage VW Bug ready for some fun in the sun in Highlands, North Carolina.  I love the essence of weekend fun with the top loaded down. SWF contribution

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11 thoughts on “Labor Day Humor

  1. Labor Day as a day off does seem a bit odd to me, but i hope everyone has a great time.

    My hope is that your ear surgery did more good than the doctor thought and that the muffled hearing clears up a lot.

    1. Mimi,

      I believe after this all plays out the surgery will be a success. Things like this always take more time than what you realize up front. Have a good one and try to enjoy some time to yourself. 😉

  2. Glad the ears are doing better. Great news.

    I linked this post to Feline Friday because of that kitty.

    A very fun post. Loved the video.

    Have a fabulous day and weekend. ♥

  3. Hi, Cathy!

    It’s hard to believe Labor Day 2018 is approaching, isn’t it, dear friend?. I enjoyed your Friday Fun Stuff. That is an amazing picture of a kitty taking a nap on a gardener’s back. Cats will snooze anyplace. I also appreciate that cartoon with the orange. It is loaded with juicy puns. The next one reminds us that it is time for the national obsession with football to begin again as another season gets underway.

    I enjoyed your mewsic set, Cathy. I never heard of Sweet Honey in the Rock, the all-woman, African-American a cappella ensemble from Washington. They’ve been nominated for three Grammys, and therefore I am surprised I don’t know them. In a way their song reminds me of “Iko Iko,” the 1965 hit by The Dixie Cups, a New Orleans song about rival tribes of Mardi Gras Indians. The coal mining song by Gil Scott Heron, reminds me of Bobby Scott’s 1956 hit about hard labor “Chain Gang” (not the same song as Sam Cooke’s). The Kinks song is new to my ears and I like it. The one by Michael Jackson was a favorite during my clubbing days.

    Thank you for the ear tube update. I am happy to learn there are good signs. If it becomes necessary for you to use a hearing aid at some point it is not the end of the world. The devices are inconspicuous and you will be happy to have your hearing restored so that you can fully enjoy all of our great mewsic.

    That’s a sharp looking V-Dub. I wish I owned it! I will be over to see you and vote in your BOTB tomorrow. Until then have a happy Friday, dear friend Cathy!

    1. Tom,

      I’m trying to do a bit of catch up this morning. We slept in late and no doubt will run some errands today. There’s a whole going on right now and I’m feeling like I’m slipping just a bit. I’ll share some of our busyness at another time, though. Cats can sleep just about anywhere it seems. I wish I could do that. 🙂 The VW Bug is sharp looking. I love seeing stuff like this when we’re out. It’s great fun and I try to not miss an opportunity to preserve the moment digitally.

      Thanks for the encouraging words about whenever I need to get hearing aids, so are you telling me there’s a good chance the devices won’t clash with my wardrobe? 🙂 It’s great seeing you today, my friend and have a fabulous Labor Day weekend!

  4. Sorry about your hearing issues!

    Labour Day where I live is in March(other states have it different times). It IS just before the men’s footy season, though(the women’s is in summer)

    1. Sue,

      Thanks for visiting and kind words about my hearing problems. I wished you had left a trace back to your blog. Your gravatar profile does not have one listed. 🙁 Have a good weekend!

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