Hey, y’all! I thought it might be a good idea to pop in on you today. How’s your summer going? The season officially changed a few days ago but it’s felt like summer for more than a month in east Tennessee and I’m pretty sure you can say the same. Alrighty, I thought I’d share some art sketches based on this month’s Thursday art dates with Rain. The first and third illustrations are new. You may remember the other two. I am sharing another in-living color Little Mermaid (2019) sketch and am repeating a design from my 2018 Procreate A2Z series.

This week’s Thankful Thursday …
I’m thankful for my daddy. When I was young, I didn’t know how to appreciate him. Kids don’t get that parents aren’t perfect nor the hardships a parent faces daily on many levels. It’s hard to see past bruised feelings or disappointments. I’m thankful as a parent that I not only understand but totally relate and now see my daddy as the perfect father for me. He’s not ‘perfect’. None of us are but he’s perfect in my heart.
I’m thankful for DH. He’s not only my Prince Charming, the love of my life, but the father of my children and he’s a great daddy!
I’m thankful for air conditioning this time of year. It’s nice being comfortable indoors with the heat rising outside.
I’m thankful for this semi-hiatus I’m on this summer. The intermittent posts I share is enough to keep me in the blogging game while Internet traffic down and hopefully once I return to my full routine it won’t be as difficult as in years past.
I’m thankful for the progress I’ve made with getting most of my music related posts done for the rest of the year.
And, as always there are too blessings to name but worthy of recognition and thanksgiving. In a nutshell, I’m thankful for everything in my life. God is so good!
I’m winding things up today with Kat’s Writing Workshop borrowing her prompt to write about the most recent movie I watched.
This past weekend, we watched a couple of movies but the first one to come to mind is The Sweetest Thing with Cameron Diaz, Christina Applegate, and Selma Blair. In this romantic comedy, the movie opens with men being interviewed about the Christina Walters (Diaz’s character) who’s described as a player and user of men. Yep, this a pretty predictable film with the non-committal gal grabbed Mr. Right’s bum at a night club with the hopes of consoling her best friend with a new hookup after being dumped by her boyfriend. The next morning, Christina couldn’t get Peter aka Mr. Right out of her mind, so she and her roommates decide to crash Peter’s brother’s wedding just so she could meet up with him again. I won’t tell you anymore but it was a fun movie and if you like romantic comedies then do check it out! You can stream the movie at no extra cost if you’re a Amazon Prime subscriber. We dropped Netflix but I think it might be available there, too. Anyhow, check out the trailer below.

From May 1988 a few weeks before our 9th wedding anniversary and almost a month from the birth of our first daughter for TBT I’m sharing Gloria Estefan & Miami Sound Machine Billboard Hot 100 #17 hit, Anything for You!
I used one of my photos to create my daddy’s Father’s Day card. I added “Happy Father’s Day, Daddy!” to the front and inside I scribbled a personal verse just for him. Is it poetic? I don’t know but for those who dabble with words might appreciate the attempt.
To my Pops
who really rocks
You took a lot of knocks
To get on top
Good times and bad
You followed God’s command
Things didn’t always go as planned
But, Daddy that’s okay
You always tried your hardest
To be the best father
Your love camouflages everything
Nothing else matters
You’re my Pops
Who really rocks!
I love you!!
I uploaded my Brushstrokes creation to my Zazzle site placing the image on a mouse pad. If you’re interested in using the image for a greeting card, let me know. Do you prefer a generic card with no text on the front or do you like that? If so, would you like for it to read Happy Birthday or something else?
Eugenia’s passion is poetry and her weekly gig is perfect for creative writers. Each Thursday she offers a word to spark the imagination and if you’re inspired to write a ditty then be sure to let her know by leaving a comment on her site with a direct link to your post. Now, go visit my girl!
I’m heading over to Rain’s Garden to browse the gallery of artistry. You’ll find me on the Monday’s Music Moves Me dance floor with your choice song picks and you’re invited to come boogie with me.Have a doodletastic day! XX
, Cathy
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Hi Cathy!!
I LOVE the poem to your Dad!!! It’s really sweet
And thanks so much for catching up with the art dates!! Great illustrations! Your dolphin is lovely by the way, nice JUMP! 
It’s a shame children when they are younger can’t fully appreciate their parents more than they do. Daddy and I are different but in many ways we’re the same. Although, I knew Daddy had a closer bond with my baby brother, I knew that he loved me and that was the most important thing. He’s the only one left. All of his siblings have passed and his mother died 41 years ago. I’m so thankful he’s still with us. I often worry about his health, though. He’ll be 83 next month. Thanks for taking time to check out my artwork and to visit, my friend.
Oh my Goodness Cathy, your post just oozes energy and talent. If you are on hiatus, I would like to see what you can do when you are full timing it:) Where to start … all of your pictures for each of Rain’s prompts are awesome, but I especially like the “hands” and the fact that they are your and Dh’s hands. A wonderful moment commemorating a wise and wonderful choice made by each of you. I do enjoy Romantic Comedy and I have not seen the movies you showed us so I may have to go to Prime and check them out … might be a trick to get my FH to sit through them with me though, ha! Your Poem to your Daddy is touching and I am going to guess it brought a tear to your Dads eye … such a sweet daughter he has. Both my parents have passed, over 20 years ago and I still miss them and think of them often. My parents were awesome as parents and as people … so much of who I am today comes straight from their loving tutelage. I can only hope my own children will feel the same about FH and me … time will tell
So I do believe you lead a blessed life and probably because you are so appreciative of everything that it keeps coming back to you in many forms. I picture you with a smile on your face and in close proximity to your DH … your happiness is what you have made it and thankfulness doesn’t come automatically, it too is a gift to yourself and to all of those that know you and appreciate you. Enjoy your hiatus and the rest of the summer and I look forward to your full time return.
Andrea @ From the Sol
It’s easy to build a full post as this when I do it in bits. This allows me to do what I enjoy at a more relaxing pace and that’s what my summer hiatus is supposed to be all about. I understand and relate to your feelings about your children. I think happiness and appreciation go hand-in-hand. Happiness is appreciation. Whatever comes one’s way, we need to look at it as a gift instead of feeling discontent expecting something more or something better. Thank you for coming by for a visit, my dear.
Fabulous post, Cathy, and thanks for keeping us in the loop! Thanks for the mention too!
I hate pulling completely away during the summer. I did that last summer and I always wished I had done something like this.
Yours is a great idea, Cathy! You’re taking a break yet staying relevant.
I’m glad you can appreciate what I was trying to do with this post. I always struggle to get back into the blogging game if I step completely away. Hopefully this will make the transition easier.
Wonderful updating post, i am so glad to see you when you pop in!
Likewise, my friend, I’m always happy to see you when you pop by!
This is a fabulous post. All the themes at once, a movie that I own and love, and music from the 80’s. You made my day.
I’m glad you enjoyed your time catching with me.
Thanks for dropping by, dear!
We always enjoy your art and those were darn nice thankfuls and good tunes too.
Thanks, furriend! You made me smile.
I love your artwork and the hands are well constructed! It is very hard to do hands. Actually, I took a picture of my mom’s hands and that pic makes me swell with tears. Love the Mermaid who is surrounded my the blues of the water which looks magical. The lightbulb is a great drawing and you are getting better and better. The dolphin made me smile. I love the poem for your dad and I bet, he does too. My dad died back in 1988 when he was 75 and I was 23, shortly before turning 24. He had a tough time when I was a teen because I was changing from his little girl to a young girl. He was in his 60s when I was a teen and he was so old school. He literally was born in a log cabin near Algonquin park. He loved me deeply but he could be very harsh and would set out to find me when he was under pressure. He would often call me a lazy SOB and that I am the reason he and mom would argue. The worst was when he wished I was never born or if I was then a boy because I would be worth something. I left and didn’t see him for over a month. When I finally came home, He almost ran to me, gave me a coffee crisp and apologized for his actions. He was in the wrong. I hugged him and from that moment we started to heal. Now mind you, I was a teen and knew how to get under his skin. I was not an innocent. Despite those negatives, he would often tell me how proud he was of me. He said how beautiful I was and to always stand tall. He even said I was stronger than my brother which made me feel good. He was actually a really good listener. I still am in awe of his huge hands that fully engrossed mine. If he lived longer, I would have smartened up and asked him more about his life. He was a very good man with faults but so do we all.
Now I haven’t seen this film but it looks like fun and your description of it sounds about right. Love the song as well. Have a great day and hug your dad.
You’re so kind. Hands are hard to draw. I knew that going into this project and while it’s not an exact likeness I enjoyed the challenge and am happy to have done it. Older parents especially like your dad has(d) a certain mindset. Their strict or no nonsense attitude is hard for a kid to deal with but reading your story of your reunion with him after being away from home for a month is evidence that his heart was softening. He just didn’t know how to express it until that moment. I’m so happy you have that fond memory and others. Asking questions of our parents should be something we all instinctively do but we don’t. I keep saying I need to ask Daddy or Mommy this or that and haven’t. I need to while they are with us. I want to preserve those thoughts for my kids/grandkids. DH has a few recordings of his dad telling stories which is awesome. Maybe that’s what I need to do with my folks. Oh yes, I’ll hug my daddy the next time I see him. They live in another state so that’s been really hard with the pandemic. Hopefully, soon, though.
Haha! I remember that movie! And the song you chose is perfect for today. Thanks for playing along!
Thanks for hoping over to check out today’s song pick, my friend.
Love your sketches as always. My favorite is you and your hubbies hands. So sweet.
Love all your thankful things. There are so many if we just take the time to look around.
Have a fabulous Thankful Thursday, Cathy. Love and hugs. ♥
I’ve wanted to use the photo of our hands from our wedding day for a long time to sketch and finally got around to it thanks to Rain’s theme earlier in the month. I’m glad you like it. You’re right there are so many things around us to be thankful for. All it takes is opening our minds and hearts to see this truth.
Loving all your art pieces today Cathy, wow. Nice tribute to dad.
Ah, you’re very kind, Christine. Thanks for visiting today.
These are all beautiful drawings and the dolphin the jumper !!! The laying on of hands is a touching picture!
Nice your memories of the past with your father.
The videos are great!
Have a happy time, hugs- Elke
Thanks for your lovely words, dear Elke! You’re so sweet.
Nice words to your Pops, bravo!
Enjoyed your response to the prompt JUMP
Hi, Cathy!
Happy Thankful Throwback Thursday Art Date with Rain, dear friend!
You picked an ideal image for the hands prompt. How proud you and DH can be that those hands are still entwined, still joined together all these years later, when so many other pairings have long since dissolved. It delights me that you are still bringing back your A to Z – 2019 Little Mermaid sketches In Living Color. The lush blue and red combo makes the mermaid pop as she meditates (or sings?) in her underwater domain. I also love your choice for the inventions prompt, Edison’s first incandescent light bulb. It’s very real, very well rendered! The sense of motion is expertly conveyed as the cute dolphin jumps out of the water.
I enjoyed reading your TT musings. It was sweet of you to look back at your girlhood, remember your daddy and see him through different eyes, appreciating him more now as you view him from an adult perspective. I also like the verse you wrote for him for Father’s Day. DH will surely appreciate what you wrote about him, your Prince Charming.
I haven’t seen The Sweetest Thing, but did see and recommend A View From The Top, another Christina Applegate film that also stars Gwyneth Paltrow. A View From The Top was shot during the same time period As Sweetest Thing and scheduled to be released around Christmas 2001. However, since the comedy movie is about flight attendants and Americans were still very jittery about air travel in the wake of the 9-11 terror attacks, the release was delayed until the summer of 2003. Critics panned the film, but I enjoyed it.
How romantic to play that song by Gloria E. and her MSM and reveal that its popularity coincided with your 9th wedding anniversary and birth of DD-1.
Have a happy and Thankful Thursday, dear friend Cathy!
Thanks for dropping by early this morning. I appreciate your kind words regarding my artwork and musings. As a maturing adult I see the value in my parents more and more, as well as DH. When I was younger I always didn’t show my appreciations but time has taught me the value of those around me are super precious with each passing day. I have not seen the movie, “A View From The Top”. I will go look for that in a moment. I do enjoy a good romantic comedy. Have a great day, my friend!