
15-03-2025 Vol 19

Jan. 1st BOTB Results along with photo shares from Gatlinburg, TN and a do-over of TADwR illustration

The first week of the new year went zing.  I guess this is an indicator of how things will progress the rest of 2020, don’t you? It’s now time to recap Reflections of My Life #BoTB showdown from last week. Here’s how the voting went.  Those who voted for HELENO included John, Stephen, Mary, and Birgit. THE SIXTIES got votes from Tom, Brian, Lee, Binky, Patrick, Eugenia, and Amy giving the Israeli rock band the victory.

One more time, let’s listen to The Sixties covering another classic 60s song, He Ain’t Heavy, He’s My Brother!

For more showdown results, visit BoTB coordinator, Stephen, for a complete list of participators. Mark your calendar for the 15th for the next battle!

Last week I shared pictures taken at The Inn at Christmas Place. Earlier on the same evening we we were went to Gatlinburg.  We didn’t stay long, though. After the sun dropped in the sky, then the cold air was more than we comfortably wanted to deal with, so we packed it in and went back to the car but we did get the important stuff done like I snapping a few photos and we bought candy. Near the first major intersection in town, on the left, you’ll see Anakeesta chairlift. Nope, we didn’t go and don’t plan on it but I love the old truck and decorations they used.

Although our visit was short, it was nice.  The wonderful thing about living here is we can go back on the weekends anytime we want.  Preferably at a time the weather and terrorists tourists aren’t bad. 🙂

That wraps things up but hopefully if inspiration strikes then you might find me back here tomorrow with Thursday Art Date with Rain.  This week’s art theme is Snow Creatures.   Speaking of TADwR,  I modified my original Cozy prompt sketch in December to show two grandparents to make a Christmas card for our granddaughter, Angelina. I wish I had done this from the start but the good thing with digital art is I can make changes almost effortlessly.

Thanks for joining me today and may you have a blessed day!

X💋X💋, Cathy

Please read: Aces are wild birthing the idea of my new mid-week hop WILD WEDNESDAYS (#WildWednesdays) and all personal bloggers are invited to promote yourself. Share your photos, artwork, music, musings, randomness, or more because we want to connect with you. Warning… please NO CRUDE CONTENT and spammers will be DELETED without prejudice. Thank you! 

This linky list is now closed.

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34 thoughts on “Jan. 1st BOTB Results along with photo shares from Gatlinburg, TN and a do-over of TADwR illustration

  1. You cozy sketch hits to homey spot. I bet the card was loved. This place looks like a nioce place to visit and I might go on that ski lift:) Here we started at -10 but in 10 hours it is supposed to go up to +10!

    1. Birgit,

      Holy smoke it was cold there this morning! I don’t like it when it gets below freezing. It’s a noticeable difference. Here’s looking for spring’s arrival. lol

    1. Eugenia,

      I don’t like going to Gatlinburg generally because it’s too busy but in the winter on a week day works well even during the Christmas season. I was surprised it was a little busier on this day than I expected it to be. It was nice, though.

  2. Great photos! I miss Gatlinburg – we haven’t done much traveling since opening a comic shop a couple years ago. Hopefully I’ll make it back there someday.

    1. Kristin,

      WOW being an entrepreneur is time consuming! I hope the business is doing well and maybe you’ll get to return to the Smoky’s foothills communities this year. 🙂

    1. Brian,

      My apologizes, WP needed me to approve your comment(s) and since it was a duplicate I only approved one. Sorry ’bout that! Thanks for dropping by for latest mews on this end. 🙂

  3. Hi, Cathy!

    I didn’t forget you, dear friend. It was another busy travel day for us beginning early this morning when we needed to drive to the airport in heavy traffic and drop off Mrs. Shady’s brother for his return flight to California, ending a holiday visit that began before Thanksgiving. From there we drove across the state and back home. We just arrived a short while ago.

    I am happy to see that The Sixties band won your latest band battle. They really bring the sound of the period back alive. I enjoyed “Reflections” and “He Ain’t Heavy” so much that I checked out their Y/T channel for more. I am on a Beatles kick lately after watching back-to-back movies loaded with Beatles songs – Across the Universe and Yesterday. If you like the music of the Beatles, Mrs. S and I highly recommend both of those films. I notice that The SIxties performs quite a few Beatles covers and here’s one they did particularly well: I’ll Be Back,” the John Lennon song found on Beatles ’65 album.

    I enjoyed the pics taken at Gatlinburg showing the remnants of the holidays. The Christmas card you created for granddaughter Angelina is charming and filled with love. It warms my heart. I want another dose of your artwork and therefore I plan to be here again tomorrow. Until then have a nice day/evening, dear friend Cathy!

    1. Tom,

      I’m sure you and Mrs. Shady have bittersweet feelings with the departure of your extended stay family member. I’ve meant to ask is your wife originally from California? I’ve wondered since that’s where her brother lives. Traffic in Florida is horrible! I remember when we were visiting our dear friends in Naples, especially on our return trip home cars were nearly bumper to bumper what seemed liked the whole time we were in the state. I did notice when looking for another song by The Sixties that they covered a lot of the Beatles mewsic. I do like the old stuff. Thanks for the film recommendations. Perhaps when things slow down, I’ll look into them. Thanks for popping for a visit and mewsic share, my friend!

  4. Fabulous pictures girlfriend, but I love your picture the most and it’s in color. Too cool. Luv ua……

  5. Your Battle outcome is as it should be. I’ll always back Israel so why not back the Israeli band? Besides I just thought their version was better!

    It’s been a few years since I’ve been to Gatlinburg. Hopefully I’ll make it back one day. Fortunately I have you to keep me supplied with pictures from back home.

    Arlee Bird
    Tossing It Out

  6. I love your sketches. This one is extra special.

    Love the video. It was one of my favorite tunes back in the day.

    Thank you for joining the Wordless Wednesday Blog Hop.

    Have a fabulous Wordless Wednesday. Love and hugs. ♥

  7. Hi Cathy! Sorry I missed your battle, but will definitely catch the next one. The Sixties did a nice job with “He Ain’t Heavy”, so I’m not surprised they won. Gatlinburg looks like a fabulous place and I enjoyed your photos. Such a sweet, cozy card, too. Thanks for hosting this WW linkup. I’m in. Cheers!

    1. Deb,

      You’ll have to come visit the Gatlinburg and other Smoky Mountain foothills communities. It’s a beautiful part of the country! Thanks for dropping by today. 😉

  8. What a fun Christmas card for your Granddaughter! We love that old truck all decorated and made into part of the whole Christmas scene. Really fun looking place.

    1. Old trucks are so nostalgic, aren’t they? If I had a large piece of property I’d like to have an old one to decorate for the holidays. That would be super cool!

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