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Is it Monday? It’s not. It sure feels like Monday. Are you sure it isn’t Monday? Okay, okay, it’s not Monday. That’s what happens to me every year after a looong holiday weekend. No, I’m not complaining. In fact, I rather liked the looong holiday weekend, didn’t you?
Speaking of the looong holiday, how was your Thanksgiving? Ours? Oh, it was great. A little short spent, but great. We visited our folks…actually my husband’s parents in southern WV on Thursday. It was such a pleasure to be able to provide the entire Thanksgiving feast. We had a lot of left-overs since Uncle JD didn’t show up for dinner and my BIL & his wife are on the HCG diet. What brave people they are to be on a diet during the holidays!
We got home very late Thanksgiving night. Our intention was to stay overnight with my in-laws, but my DH didn’t want to make things hard on his lovely mother. There was no need for her to have to wash the bedding of two more beds and she would. I tried doing it but she won’t allow it saying it’s no trouble. Instead of creating more work for her, we decided it would be easier on everyone if we came on home.
Here’s a real shocker, I actually lost two pounds over Thanksgiving. Yeah, it’s the truth! This has to be a first for me. I was up last week by a pound, but this Sunday I was down two giving me a net loss of a pound bringing my weight to 116. All in all, I’ve lost 4.5 pounds since the last Sunday in October. Let’s keep our fingers and toes crossed I can keep this up. My goal is to be 110 by the end of December. I’m a bit fearful this may be a bit tricky to pull off with all the Christmas goodies.
Black Friday came and went without incident in our fair city, but it wasn’t the case elsewhere. For instance, did you hear about Women pepper sprays other Black Friday shoppers? Strange as this was and relatively non-lethal there was other more strange news reported, Black Friday shooting victim undergoes foot surgery. Christmas…correction, Christmas shopping can bring out the best and the worse in people.
We did go out on Black Friday. I know, the gal who has said year after year, “You can’t pay me enough to go into a store on Black Friday” did exactly that! The only reason I went was because my DH said, “Would you like your Christmas present early?” Like, duh do you have to ask that question? Of course, I do! Naturally, that’s what I was thinking. My reaction told the tale precisely how I felt. I was bouncing up and down like a 6-year old full of wide eye excitement. I truly am a kid at heart and…in mind. blush
My DH wouldn’t tell me what he was getting me until after he had it in his cart at Best Buy. Thankfully people were well-behaved, no pepper spraying or gun shots. However, there was a squad car parked out front. No doubt to keep the crowd civil. Did I say, crowd? Holy cow, was it ever jammed pack inside of Best Buy. Now, I know why we have never done this before. It’s safe to say, we won’t again or at least not in the near future. It may take decades before we attempt Black Friday shopping again.
Oh yeah, my Christmas present! I’m sorry sometimes my tangents pull me off track. Okay, I’m still a bit giddy. My DH got me a XBox 360 Kinect unit. Whoo-hoo!!!! Now, I can like so exercise in style, right? Forget the fact, I will no doubt look like a loony bird dancing to the latest beats or getting into the Zumba groove. I don’t care, really! I mean for years, I’ve taken abuse from my kids when they step in my exercise room (living room) to say, “Mom, you’re doing it wrong!” My answer is always the same, “Who cares, I’m having fun!”
How’s your Christmas shopping coming along? I have all of mine done except for DH. I’m always at a loss each year and am not quite sure what to get him, but I’ve got a small idea I’m gonna run with. Nope, can’t give away my secret just yet. That would be like putting a spoiler in the Knoxville News Sentinel entitled: For Your Eyes Only, Dear!
Our weekend rounded out nice playing Madden 12 and with me giving Zumba a go. We even watched a couple of movies off Netflix on my new toy. How cool is that? We also added decorating to our Christmas tree and hung our stockings up on the mantle. Then, yesterday my DH stayed home and despite the rainy mess we did some grocery shopping. Wal-Mart was very calm. I suppose the Black Friday explosion and the rain must have kept everyone away. That was totally fine by me!
How is the week stacking up for you? Here are just a few things my agenda this week…
- My first compensated review & give-away post scheduled.
- Make a batch of chocolate covered cherries.
- Write my annual Christmas letter.
- Make out my Christmas cards.
- Wrap presents.
- Set up my Christmas village.
Thanks Stacy for keeping the randomness alive while Keely @ UnMom continues her blog break! Go ahead, slip into the ranting mood with the rest of us. I know, you’ll feel right at home. You won’t run into any odd ball looks here because anything goes. C’mon on, join the weekly fun with this cool meme and tell Stacy, “Cathy sent ya!”
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Wow, Cathy. You’ve been busy. Makes me want to prode myself to move a little faster. Maybe. I’m impressed with your weight loss and exercise. Well done.
I have no idea what day of the week it is anymore either – or what month it is… and how is tomorrow december?
Oh I love chocolate covered cherries! I can’t believe you braved Best Buy on Black Friday.
My husband order my gift online (cause we live in the middle of nowhere unless I want my gift from the grocery store or CVS). So a 2 boxes arrive yesterday. I ordered something and then the one I’m not supposed to open. Geesh! Which is which!?
I’m pretty sure I can wrestle the present out of him, frankly he sucks at keeping secrets
We have to get stocking stuffers and some science/model stuff from Hobby Lobby and that covers the shopping for the boys. I have a couple of things still to pick up for Nick and I’m done shopping.
I get the same deal – “Mom that’s not how you do it” or when we play together they get way more greats and goods than I do. Oh well, it’s fun.
I’ve done some of my Xmas shopping but have to space it out when I have money. My husband – finally – sees the value in only asking for useful things. Which is what I usually get him anyway. So this makes my job a whole lot easier! Happy Tuesday.