
27-03-2025 Vol 19

I’m no Blundering Idiot, says me! A2Z Road Trip

Howdy, kittens & dawgs! How’s the #AtoZ Road Trip going for you guys? I’m keeping a list of the folks I visit until I cross everyone off and if I find someone I personal connect with then I created (not published yet) a special blog page to pin their URL as a reminder for me while encouraging others to visit them, too. I didn’t make a lot of progress last week, but I did do a little hopping.

I’m using this opportunity to visit new bloggers and revisit others while utilizing the alphabet prompt again for my weekly inspiration.


I’m no Blundering Idiot (depending on who you ask), says me! I didn’t need a map, globe, or GPS to get us to one of our favorite destinations…the Blue Ridge Parkway.

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In early April we took a day trip to the mountains. We wanted to visit Mt Mitchell State Park (the highest peak east of the Mississippi River). It’s not officially apart of the BRP, but in my mind it’s the same. I snapped this photo from the parking lot of the restaurant below the summit parking area. The climate is similar to central…or is it southern? Canada (I can’t remember) and it’s often a lot cooler there than nearby Asheville, North Carolina.

On this day the wind was super strong. I mean it was STRONG! I can’t stand up…gotta lean into it so to not fall over strong AND it took my breath away, as in I had trouble breathing NOT that this is awesomeness. Although, it was sorta amazing fun. The temp was about 39º (meanwhile in Asheville it was in the low 60s) according to our car’s thermometer, but THAT wind sent the chill straight to the bone.

What a coincidence B is for Berlin and this song title totally fits! 😀

We are looking across the Appalachian Mountains from the Mt Mitchell’s observation tower (elevation 6684′) on May 1st.  Geez, I can’t believe it’s the end of the month is already!  Anyhow, it was a gorgeous day with plenty of sunshine.

It was windy, but not hurricane strength, like I mentioned in the previous photo shoot, and the temperature tolerable for short sleeves, but do you see what lies beneath the evergreens in the shadows? Yep, SNOW! That was a fun surprise. The weather is kinda unpredictable up there even this time of the year.

One more thing before I blow the doors off this barn. Netflix released a new original series (March). We watched the first episode, but got distracted. Last night, we picked up where we left off and really enjoyed the program. I invite you to check out Bloodline!

What sorta system do you have for with keeping track of bloggers visited on the Road Trip? Tag along with me, as I hit the open road with these cool cats!

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8 thoughts on “I’m no Blundering Idiot, says me! A2Z Road Trip

  1. Beautiful pics. But brrrr.

    As for keeping track of blogs, I use Feedly. Every blog added is added to a group, so I know where I stumbled on it. I need to go through and organize it as it’s still a mess from April (I added every blog in, but not all are going to be kept).

  2. Love the BRP! I’m from Maryland and we’d make a day trip down there with the kids and hike or drive and enjoy the scenery. Never been there when snow was on the ground, though.

    I’m doing the post A to Z and the blogs I like and connect with I’m “joining” or “following” so I can find them easily down the road.

    Love the picture of the kitty! We foster mama cats and kittens.

    1. Heather, do you visit the Virginia portion of the BRP? We’ve been the entire North Carolina end of the parkway, and as far north as Roanoke, Virgina, but that’s about it. I would like to see the rest of it, though. I like cats, but don’t have any because of allergies. I hope someday to get some outdoor kitties. Thanks for stopping by!

  3. I have no system for visiting bloggers and that’s probably what causes so much inefficient time use for me.

    I’ve probably traveled the entire Blue Ridge Parkway in my lifetime, but never from one end to the other at once. That’s a trip that I should make one day. It’s a beautiful route.

    Arlee Bird
    A to Z Challenge Co-host
    Road trippin’ with A to Z
    Tossing It Out

    1. Lee, we have seen most of the North Carolina end of the parkway, but haven’t been on the Shenandoah Valley portion. It would be amazing to go from one end to the other, though.

  4. Hi, Cathy! Mrs. Shady and I have the Blue Ridge Mountains on our bucket list. After living in Central Florida more than 30 years we look forward to getting away from this flat terrain and steam bath heat and humidity and experiencing the cool, clean air and beautiful scenery of mountainous areas. We thoroughly enjoyed a recent trip to the mountains of Alabama and last summer we visited the Grand Canyon for the first time. I hope we can travel the Blue Ridge Parkway soon.

    Today is a travel day for me and I need to hit the road. I will be back later to check the results of your band battle. Have a great day, dear Cathy!

    1. Shady, I love this area and can’t imagine not living near the mountains. I hate summer heat, so I know I would not be a happy camper in Florida during the warmest months of the year. Plus, I’m not a huge water fan, so living where do is suits me perfect even when it’s a bit too cold to my liking. I hope y’all get to see the BRP soon!

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