
24-03-2025 Vol 19

If I Were A Carpenter

Awww Mondays hosted by Sandee from Comedy Plus.

This month, I’m moving Monday’s Music Moves Me temporary back to its original time slot since BOTBs posting dates fall on Sundays this time.   

The theme this week is Work songs, in honor of the Feast of St. Joseph the Worker/ May Day

I’m not Catholic, so I don’t know anything about the various feasts or celebrations to honor patron saints which led to me to learn that St. Joseph was the earthly father of Jesus. The special occasion is to commemorate his life as a laborer and a provider for the holy family.  Cool, right?  


My first song pick I remember hearing but I’m not sure if it was Tim Hardin’s original recording (1966) or one of the 167 other covers. I actually listened to The Four Tops (1967) version and it’s really good. Both of which came out when I was too young to remember accurately. I browsed over the list of cover artists at SecondHandSongs. To my amusement I noticed Leonard Nimoy (1968) recorded the song but jumping to the 70s I sort of think it was Bob Seger’s (1972) cover that I grew up listening to.

Johnny Johnson and the Bandwagon first released “Breakin’ Down The Walls of Heartache” (1968) was a new-to-my ears or at least I thought so but I’ll talk about that in a sec. The lyrics tell the story of a workin’ fella who cried a wall of tears and the time had come to break the wall down brick by brick but there’s a line that I really like that goes, “I’m a carpenter of love and affection” which is a great tie in with my song direction.

Song lyrics

It wasn’t until I looked over the short cover artist list on SecondHandSongs. It was recorded in 1980 by Dexy’s Midnight Runners. The band name didn’t ring any bells but when I hit play, I instantly connected with the song/artist. A decade later, Edwin Starr covered the song which I think I remember as well. I think I like Starr’s rendition the best of these three.

The Avett Brothers recording “The Once And Future Carpenter” (2011)  is definitely a new introduction.  Following the onscreen lyrics the vocals and music spoke its magic to my heart.  The words basically illustrate that we should live without regret and to have an enjoyable life vocation or at least this is the way my brain translated the meaning. Over all I have few regrets.  I believe I followed the path designed specifically by God.  Being a full time mother and wife is the most rewarding vocation for me.  I can’t imagine my life any other way.     

I can’t dismiss the day without a nod to May Day. I have fond memories from my elementary school years in which this day was honored. I never understood the significance but I knew it had something to do with spring. YouTube shares a video of May Pole Traditions and while I vividly remember dancing around it myself I can’t recall what music played. I did find a 60s band and song that’s new to me that works beautiful for today. Dance Around the May Pole by Acid Gallery.

This is a music linky party.  Your co-hostess are StacyAlana, and Me.   Every other week we have a suggested music theme (see weekly prompts here) to build your song set around and all participants share YouTube or Vimeo videos for our music enthusiasts.  Failure to meet this basic guideline puts your URL in danger of being removed or labeled – NO MUSIC.

4M design by Cathy Kennedy

An update on our Marie… I spoke with her this past Wednesday.  First off, she wanted me to tell you that she says “Hello!”.  We only had a few minutes to talk because she had a MRI appointment on her stomach.  She says she feels some better but the doctor doesn’t know the cause of her stomach problems.  Stomach issues unpredictable and makes one feel vulnerable even on the best of days.  I think this week, she has a colonoscopy scheduled.  Hopefully between the two procedures the doctor can get a figure out the source of her illness.  Continue to keep her in prayer and as I learn more I’ll bring updates to you.  the brain child, felt the need to step down to tend to her health needs and has asked that I take over for her. You will always have a place when you’re ready to come back, my friend! 


Today is my son’s 28th birthday.  He is five inches taller than his dad and towers a foot over me. Sometimes I just marvel when I look at him.  It’s hard to imagine that he came from me.  It’s obvious to those who know DH’s dad’s family where our son got his tall and broad shoulder genes.  Although, he out grew us long ago, he’ll always be my baby boy.  Happy Birthday!

The #2 ranking rock n’ roll song from 1994, the year DS was born, “Interstate Love Song” by Stone Temple Pilots.

Before I go, yesterday I shared my May 1st BOTB for any of you who are interested.  Keep your eye open tomorrow or Wednesday, hopefully, I can conclude this year’s A2Z blogfest with my Reflections post. I’m glad April is now history. Alrighty, this is CAAC signing off,  have a boogietastic week!  X💋X💋, Cathy






















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11 thoughts on “If I Were A Carpenter

  1. Great playlist, CK and a happy belated Birthday to your son, they grow fast huh…MOL.. and thank you on the update of Mary🙏That Spark is 🙊🙈😹Pawkisses for a Happy Weekend my furriend🐾😽💞

  2. Happy belated birthday to your son. You sent me down some rabbit holes with “If I Were a Carpenter”. I remember the song well, but none of the versions (the original or the Bob Seger cover you remember) sounded “right”. So I did my own listening to snippets of several covers and I think the one I remember is the cover from Bobby Darin. It is a great song no matter who did it but I did like Bob Seger’s the best. Breakin’ Down the Walls of Heartache was new to me and it was instant love. I did like the original slightly better than Edwin Starr’s cover. Dancing Round the Maypole had me wondering who that band reminded me of. “The Once and Future Carpenter” was another new one for me. Great set and I hope Marie’s MRI results come soon, and give some insight and a treatment plan. Alana ramblinwitham

  3. Happy Birthday to your son, Cathy! Sky diving definitely not for me and thanks for the great tunes!

  4. There’s so much great stuff packed in this post!

    A baby beaver! That’s precious, i’ve never seen a baby one before.

    The work songs you chose are just right.

    Marie is in my prayers, being unable to find a diagnosis is scary, i remember.

    Tell your boy i wish him many happy returns of the day!

  5. I will never skydive:)). I enjoyed these posts and the pictures with them. The songs really do speak to you…I like that. Have a great birthday for your little but tall boy. My mom would say the same thing about both of us

  6. Aww on that cutie pie. So precious.

    I couldn’t wrap my mind around the MMMM prompt this week. I tried and tried and it just wouldn’t come to me. Bugger.

    Thank you for joining the Awww Mondays Blog Hop.

    Have a fabulous Awww Monday and week, Cathy. Love and hugs. ♥

  7. Hi, Cathy!

    Happy Paw-some 4M Monday on….. Monday, dear friend! Hey, there’s a first time for everything. 🙂 I hope you and DH had a nice weekend and successfully tackled that project round the house. Awww, I just wanna smooch that little beaver, but I’m sure he’d snap and snarl at me if I tried, and his mama would surely come running and chase me away.

    Yessum, Motown’s Four Tops released a great cover of “If I Were A Carpenter,” but I think my favorite version is by Bobby Darin. I never heard the Bob Seger version before, but enjoyed it. It doesn’t surprise me that so many artists have recorded the song. It tugs at the heartstrings. I honestly don’t remember the late 60s single “Breakin’ Down the Walls of Heartache,” nor am I familiar with the artist Johnny Johnson and his group The Bandwagon. I checked and found that the single never rose above #100 on the Cash Box chart, and failed to escape the Bubbling Under basement on Billboard, peaking at #115. However, the record was a hit in the UK where it cracked the top 5. I read that Johnny Johnson’s birth name is Johnny Mathis. It’s easy to see why he needed to change it to avoid being confused with the famous balladeer. I agree that the lytics “I’m a carpenter of love and affection” are a powerful hook in the song. I enjoyed Edwin Starr’s version of the song. His recording is also new to my ears this morning. I’m sure you remember the English pop/new wave band Dexys Midnight Runners for their signature song “Come On Eileen,” a chart-topping single on both sides of the pond in 1982. The Avett Bros. song is another introduction.. I agree that there are some gem lyrics that include “And remember… we’re all in this together. If I live the life I’m given… I won’t be scared to die.”

    Yessum, I too have fond memories of May Day festivals held at my elementary school every year on May 1. A maypole was erected on the blacktop and kids danced around it, each holding one of the long ribbons. There were rides, animals, mewsic and refreshments. I enjoyed listening to the psychedelic pop sound of British group Acid Gallery and their May Day song “Dance Round The Maypole.” I read that the band started out as The Epics, but changed their name to the hipper sounding Acid Gallery to keep pace with the changing mewsic scene during the “1967 psychedelic explosion.”

    Thanks for the update on friend Marie. I will indeed keep her in my prayers and hope for the best outcome from her exams and procedures. Happy birthday to your son, Cathy! It was nice of you to post a major hit from 1994, the year your DS was born, by one of the most popular 90s bands, Stone Temple Pilots. Coincidentally, today is Mrs. Shady’s 70th birthday, a number she is not happy about. 🙂

    Yessum, I look forward to your Reflections on the 2022 A to Z. I’ll have a new post starting tomorrow if you have time to swing by. Have a safe and happy week, dear friend Cathy!

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