
17-03-2025 Vol 19

I Was Attacked!

Really, I was attacked! Of all places, inside of Wal-Mart in the dairy department. There we were looking at the milk…

“The date on the milk is July 15th,” said my DH. “How many should we get?”

“Hey, Dad – look!”

My DH and I turned to see what DS was pointing toward. Across the way in front of the eggs stood a woman. Something was clinging onto her arm.

My husband says, “Is it a squirrel?”

“I don’t think so, ” came DS’s response.

I exclaimed, “What is that thing?” Obviously a little too loud because it got the woman’s attention. She approached us. Just as she entered my personal space I began backing up. Remember folks, I’m totally OCD. I felt threatened. Panic swelled inside me. I totally tuned out the conversation between my DS and this woman by this point. Suddenly, IT leaped onto my arm.

“Eeeck!’ I let out. I could hear my echo as that THING ran up on my arm to my shoulder.

“Oh! This has never happened before,” explained the woman. “Don’t be afraid, it won’t hurt you. It must like you.”

I didn’t care that IT liked me or not. I was in shock and paralyzed, as the woman retrieved this THING now on my left shoulder. My arm felt all scratchy. That’s when I noticed the culprit drew blood…my blood! It’s tiny razor claws dug into my skin at my wrist where it initially jumped onto me.

“Are you okay?”

All I could do is shake my head that I was okay.

“It’s really a friendly little thing.”

I backed away.

She finally turned to leave, “This has never happened before, I just don’t understand. Are you sure you’re okay?”

With one last nod of affirmation I was okay, she….more importantly, IT disappeared from my sight.

Meet my attacker or at least this is what my attacker looked like…

No, not the woman, the thing on her shoulder. It’s called a Sugar Glider. If I hadn’t been frightened out of my wits and had the pleasure of seeing it behind glass or in a cage then I might find this little critter kind of cute. I’m very thankful, though it didn’t do this to me….

give me a facehug!

Word of warning, Sugar Gliders are notorious for jumping on people. Steer clear of them. I know I will! On a positive note, the only good thing which came from my experience is the inspiration for my Alphabe-Thursday ‘G’ assignment. Who would have thought, right? ^.^

Today’s T2Q are:

1. How do you feel about people bringing pets into the store? I certainly don’t think pets of any size should accompany people to the store unless it’s an animal that’s used to assist someone. I highly doubt a Sugar Glider falls into that category.

2. Have you ever been attacked by an animal? This attack is not my first, when I was very small two large dogs attacked me or so it seemed. I was really small, maybe two or three years old. We were visiting someone, I don’t even know who when I spied two horses dogs coming toward me and I bolted (first mistake) for my mommy who was…where was she anyhow? I don’t remember, I just ran for our car which was up a very long driveway. It had to be a mile long…okay I’m exaggerating. It felt like a mile, though. By the time I reached the gate, those beasts were standing behind my back, breathing down my neck pressing me against the gate. All I can remember was I was trembling and crying so hard. In retrospect, I realize they were probably only playing with me. I wasn’t physically hurt me, but try telling that to a very small and scared little girl. “Oh, darling the nice big dogs only want to play with you.” Uh-huh, I don’t think so.

Visit Miss Jenny and the rest of the Alphabe-Thursday classroom for more groovy ‘G’ posts and while you’re hopping around, be sure to play along with Miss Amanda in 94th edition of Thursday Two Questions.


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31 thoughts on “I Was Attacked!

  1. Holy criminy.

    Stores around here DO NOT allow pets if there is any food unless it’s a service dog.


    This is scary.

    I would totally freak out about this.

    My cousin had Sugar Gliders. They were cute, but boy did they stink something fierce!

    This was a fascinating read, but I’m sorry it’s not fiction!

    Hugs and A+

  2. No one loves critters more than I, but that was just not a good idea…for anyone. The little critter belonged at home.
    Glad you are okay. People never cease to amaze me!

  3. Service animals ONLY in stores, especially grocery stores! I’d have called the police and had her and the animal detained until it was determined the critter didn’t have any diseases it could transmit to me.
    Dang. You’re a far nicer woman than I!

  4. Animals definitely do not belong in shops selling foodstuffs, unless they are assistance trained.
    I’ve never heard of sugar gliders either, but they look sweet. I’d be happy to met one on my terms, but it would have to behave itself!

  5. Oh YIKES! That would be scary!
    I’ve heard of sugar gliders and they do look cute (in photos). I’ve never seen one in person.
    I do NOT like animals jumping on me. This has occurred with dogs at various times over my lifetime. In fact, I’ve been bitten by dogs several times–only friends’ dogs, mind you.
    No, animals do not belong in stores unless they are assisting the people bringing them in. in which case they are trained. just sayin’.

  6. I would have screamed BLOODY MURDER and why did Walmart allow it? A store with food? What in the world? I am so confused? In addition you said the animal drew blood? Well, I think you handled yourself great and was so very nice, not sure I would have been as gracious.

  7. Girl you are strong. I would be running, and scraping myself and screaming and just thrashing all about to get it off me!
    NO WAY!!

    1. I don’t have pets, but if I do, I wouldn’t bring them into the store.
    2. I think maybe a dog chased me and a cow and chickens. but yea, I defended myself. I was scared pitless though, especially that I was a child.


  8. While I have seen Sugar Gliders and think they are somewhat cute they do not belong in stores or around the public is not restrained. Other than service animals no pet should be inside a business.

    It depends on what you mean by attacked. When I was very small there was a rooster that chased me and probably would have pecked me except my dad came along and scooped me off the ground. But that attack was probably provoked by a curious toddler who just wanted to “pet” the birdie.

    Then there was the semi-feral cat who put a tooth into my thumb a couple of months ago. Little darling put me in the emergency for several hours getting antibiotics and iv’s (thank goodness the insurance company understood). But then I did have him by the scruff of the neck (the day after his neuter surgery and a few injections) and was putting him in a carrier. After all that had been done to him I blame this one on my carelessness.

  9. I must completely agree with you first and foremost; what the heck was one of those cute, but furry animals doing in a store where people buy their FOOD? I don’t think anything but service animals sound be allowed in establishments like that!

    Second, that must have been scary o.O Regardless of the animal, if something enters your ‘personal bubble’ like that without any advanced notice, I would freak out, too!

  10. Cathy, you had me scratching my head, because I thought you were in the diary department, but you were actually in the dairy department. Hahahaha! Only service animals are allowed in stores in the U.S. I have been attacked! By my son’s small dog, who lunged at my face when I was sitting on the steps. He grabbed my lips in his teeth and ripped them up. He took a wedge-shaped chunk out of my top lip and my bottom lip looked like ground hamburger. I spent hours at the emergency room with a plastic surgeon. The dog had always been a little unpredictable and had bitten other people as well. My son took him the next day to be put down because it was too dangerous to keep him.

  11. Hello Cathy, that must have been scary. I hope you are ok, and able to take care of that wound. I would not have appreciated the jump, but what could you have done? Touchy questions today for me though.
    1) I do not think people should be bringing pets into the stores, especially around vegetables and sensitive items of such. I had seen a dog licking and sniffing vegetables. It totally turned me off!
    2) Yes, I have been bitten by our own precious house dog. He got sick and went delusional. And jumped by an alley cat that was spooked by something. I just happened to be in the wrong place at the wrong time. I’ve since been very skeptical being around any pets at all.

  12. The Friendly Walmart Greeter should have nabbed her at the door and sent her out to leave it behind. I don’t care how cute it is – unless it’s a Service Animal it doesn’t belong in a crowded store. That answers question #1 – as for #2, yes, I was attacked by a cat – strange but true!

  13. The Friendly Walmart Greeter should have nabbed her at the door and sent her out to leave it behind. I don’t care how cute it is – unless it’s a Service Animal it doesn’t belong in a crowded store. That answers question #1 – as for #2, yes, I was attacked by a cat – strange but true!

  14. Was recently introduced to a Sugar Glider, and they are cute, but should never be allowed in a Walmart unless in a cage….Don’t Walmart Greeters have any say on the subject?

  15. Hi Cathy ~~ I am sorry that you got bitten. Do you think you might need to be tested for any kind of germs or diseases?

    1. How do I feel? They should never be allowed in a story except for a guide dog or a service animal. Because, a) They are not sanitary; and b) someone might get hurt (bitten or scratched).

    2. I have been attacked by an insect, bitten by a dog, scratched by a cat, rooted by a pig, and kicked by a horse.

    Jim’s Alphabe-Thursday, Things in a Row, and Two Questions post

  16. Hello.
    I hope you’re ok and that thing is not rabid! That woman must be crazy. This is a health and safety issue. Animals, unless they are registered service animals, are NOT permitted in stores that sell food. If this had happened to me, I would have freaked out, but I would have had a thing or two to say to that lady too and I would have sought out security or the manager of Walmart to let them know. We might laugh and joke about the incident now, but this really is a serious issue. I’m just glad you were not seriously injured.
    Thanks for sharing.

    Goddess Of Fantasy

  17. Wow. I’ve never been attacked by an animal, thankfully. But, was she even supposed to have an animal in the store? Cause around here you can’t unless it’s a service animal. I guess the lesson is to avoid crazy ladies with strange animals hanging on them. LOL

  18. Oh my gosh! I would have freaked out!! We went to the Flea Market last week out by the interstate and somebody was there selling them. I stopped to look at one and the guy says “Be careful they WILL bite.” I wanted to say “Then take them outside.”

  19. OMG I’ve never heard of a sugar glider and it sounds worse than the Chihuahua I just adopted! Greatest post ever! Thanks for the warnings and sorry, the laugh at your expense. Hope you’re okay now. Tetanus shot?

  20. Yikes…a surprise jumped on like that would give me a heart ache as I am not fond of animals that close. I love them, but not on me.

    I have animal attacking incident, just yet, and hope to stay this way forever!

  21. That is crazy. That thing shouldn’t have been allowed into the store. Especially it drew blood, you have to wonder about it’s shots and things. I believe only service animals should be allowed, no pets. What’s the point of taking a pet shopping?

  22. That must have been a really scary experience for you. I don’t think that pets should be allowed in a grocery store. I too am not for pets. HAven’t been attacked by them but frightened by dogs/cats before.

  23. First of all, I’m an animal lover. But I don’t think pets should be in the grocery store, especially in the produce section. And sorry about the “dogs attack”. That’s what make people afraid of dogs, those tramatic early childhood experiences! Tell your DH to keep an eye on you – don’t know what rabies looks like, but I’m surprised she didn’t do more than say I’m sorry! {:-D

  24. First of all, I’m glad you’re ok even though you could have scream in sheer fear 🙂

    I don’t think pets of any size should be in public places without a protected cage or harness around them. Everyone reacts differently or maybe seriously allergic to certain ones.

    No memory of any animal attack for me that I can recall!

  25. I’m not so sure that I’d like to meet up with that guy in Walmart! I would have flipped out! She must have sneaked him in past the security cameras : )
    I don’t think animals should be in any store unless they are a service animal. I’m not wild about them in PetsMart either!!

  26. Oh my gosh, not exactly the thing you want to happen when looking at milk is it.
    I’m surprised she was allowed in the shop with her pet.
    I do thnk they are kind of cute, but would not appreciate it jumping on me, especially as the lady was a stranger.

  27. I would have freaked out! that animal shouldn’t be allowed in a shop. When I was little I saw a girl around my age 5 or 6 get badly attacked by a dog, luckily the owner was able to get the dog off her when he did because it didn’t look like the dog was about to stop any-time soon.

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