
15-03-2025 Vol 19

I Love Lucy

I’m lagging terribly behind.  If I haven’t done a return visit yet then I will do my best to take care of it when I come by your place with this week’s ‘Comedy’ art prompt.  My first thought was Lucille Ball.  Although, Valentine’s Day is now past us, I couldn’t help but to think about the candy factory scene with Lucy and Ethel. 

My woman isn’t a Lucy carbon copy but I betcha anyone who sees it knows who I was trying to draw and the episode that inspired me.  Okay, how about another Lucille Ball attempt?

I did this yesterday not spending near the time as I did on my first illustration

I searched for caricatures to mimic and I got something like this.  She’s not at all exaggerated but quite lovely and yes, I know she isn’t a dead ringer for the goofy red-head who brought so much laughter to all  of us. 

Join the Thankful Thursday community of furriends.

I’m thankful despite the cold temperatures we did not have snow or ice.  This was a concern earlier in the week but nothing was reported.  Those living to in all four directions around us had either bad roads, even power outages but here in the Tennessee Valley things were okay.    We don’t have an alternate heat source should the electricity go off.  It’s all I can do now to keep my toes and fingers warm enough, so I’m extremely thankful that we have power.  I’m thankful for God’s guidance.  We made plans to get our car paid off a  year from now provided nothing major happens.  This will take tightening our spending habits to put all extra monthly income that we can onto this one loan.  Keep your fingers crossed and say a little prayer for us.  The sacrifice is worth it if we can do it as we’d save a lot of money in interest if we can pay it off early.    All things are possible with our Good Good Father!

I’m winding things up today with Kat’s Writing Workshop.  This week I’m borrowing Kat’s prompt to write about one thing I would change about myself if I could. 

The one thing I would change about myself if I could would be my mid-section.  I know I can lose the weight if I push myself hard enough.  I definitely want to drop these undesirable pounds that I’ve been wishing away.  The trouble is once I get the excess off my stomach won’t look like it did when I was younger.  After three full-term pregnancies, one miscarriage, and multiple abdominal surgeries these muscles are horribly weakened. Strengthening my core will help but isn’t a complete fix…I don’t think so anyhow.   I do need to incorporate core training back into my exercise routine not only to help my stomach’s appearance but to strengthen my lower back.   Once I’m feeling good with my accomplishments,  I’d have a tummy tuck if I could.   A friend told me it’s a very painful process.  Maybe, it’s a good thing I don’t have the money to get this done.  Oh well…maybe I will find a magic lamp to make a wish for gorgeous abs.  Not that wishing for such things ever happened, I think I’ll have a little fun listening to Stevie Wonder sing “I Wish”.  Music always moves me and that’s the first step to making my wish come true. 😉

It’s time to get those abs of steel!

I want to pitch Eugi’s weekly gig for creative writers, especially those who dabble in poetry.  Click on the button below to visit her site for the word prompt and if you’re inspired don’t forget to share a link back on her site in comments to your place.  She’s an awesome friend!



I’m heading over to Rain’s Garden to browse the gallery of artistry and you’re invited to follow.  Have a doodletastic day, my friend!  X💋X💋, Cathy

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24 thoughts on “I Love Lucy

  1. I’ve been trying to strengthen my core too for similar reasons. It’s amazing how muscles can better support my body and prevent back pain. I used to avoid lifting weights because I didn’t want to get bulky, but now I find it really helps. But I would prefer a magic lamp!

  2. The Candy Factory episode is such a classic, I knew right away those were Lucy! LOL…such a great show and she was a brilliant comedian. I love your sketches Cathy! 🙂 I’m also thankful for power. We had a few Nor-Easters lately and though we do have a wood stove, it’s not working very well so I’d hate to lose heat in such a deep freeze. I think I’d love to change my midsection too, but then again I’m lazy when it comes to that kind of thing! Overall I like to exercise and walk a good 90 minutes a day on good days. We are trying to fix up the basement so I can set up my mini trampoline down there with my weights. I want to get my body strong again. Since we moved, I’ve cut out the weight training and I’m feeling it in the mornings when I wake up…a little more creaky boned than I want to be lately! 🙂

  3. You are so right … I would have know it was Lucy and I do remember that episode in the Candy Factory, Ha! We used to laugh ourselves silly watching her show so this was a fun reminder of some good times. Love Stevie Wonder and that poor kitty … I would be getting cramps in my abdominal muscles if I did that exercise just once. I know it is very American to want to be the perfect beauty, but without seeing how you look, I know you are a beautiful person because of your beautiful thoughts, music and art that you share with us every week. My friend had the “tummy tuck” and it was indeed very painful and truth be known, everyone loved her the same as they had before she had it done. I guess it is a question of loving yourself … and for the same reasons I am thinking you can do that. Wonderful post, Cathy …

    Andrea @ From the Sol

    1. Andrea,

      I love myself that’s probably why I really don’t want to have a tummy tuck and I hate being in pain. lol I will continue to improve on how look naturally. In the end, I know I’ll be satisfied achieving a new, improved me without cosmetic help. Thanks for kind words. You really know how to make a girl feel good, my friend!

  4. Wow, Cathy! Your art is excellent! Yes, I’m working on my midsection too and I found that if I get off my butt and move around more, it helps. Thanks for the shout out my boogietastic friend! 😘

    1. Eugenia,

      I definitely need to get more active and I’m slowly getting back into the groove but not fast enough to suit me. At least I’m moving again!

  5. I really wish you’ll find that magic lamp so that you can pay for the surgery to change your midsection. I’m self-conscious about mine too but not enough to want plastic surgery. That being said, I really need to do core training too.

  6. nice faces. 🙂 I remember Lucy from my childhood. I just remember her as a whimsical and funny woman. Very appreciated at the time. Thanks for the reminding.

  7. Nice job with the Lucy caricatures.

    Good for you on paying off the car. I hate paying interest and finance fees so I’ve always tried to pay things off as quick as I could.

    Arlee Bird
    Tossing It Out

  8. That kitty is doing his sit ups to Stevie’s song..hahahaaaa! I have had no kids and still have a BIF (aka-Bum In Front). I would love to lose 50 lbs to be honest. I love Lucille Ball and you captured her so well! I recognize the chocolate episode right away and the glamour pic you created shows off her red hair and her beautiful eyes. well done!

  9. You sketches are amazing. I would know this is Lucy anywhere. She is the queen of comedy. Oh before I forget I make my own salsa for the chicken. Any brand that you like will work. Let me know how you like it. As for changing just one thing, mine is the same as yours. I had two full term pregnancies, a tubal pregnancy that led to emergency surgery. They cut me from hip to hip. 9 months later I was again in emergency surgery for appendectomy. They cut me on the same line as before. another 9 months later I got a total hysterectomy guess what they cut me on the same hip to hip. So abdominal muscles are shot. I work out everyday, especially core but this is the body I am left with. LOL Heck at 68 years old I am not going to be running for any swim suit competitions. LOL We are suppose to love ourselves as we are but I keep trying to improve myself. It just makes me feel better. Probably more info than you were looking for. Have a great day today.

  10. I always Loved Lucy! Great drawings and the kitty doing excercises is a hoot! Take Care!

  11. I love your sketches and really love these of Lucy. She was so talented.

    Love your thankful things today. We are happy to be warm and have electricity too.

    I need to start on my abs. Not happy with the look.

    Have a fabulous Thankful Thursday, Cathy. Big hug. ♥

  12. Your art is very nice and Lucy is such a funny character.
    I’ve never heard of her, but I did find information about her on the net!
    The cat doing the abdominal exercises is gorgeous! I wish I could do the same as her!
    Have a happy Thursday!

  13. Hi Cathy. It was our friend Rain who reminded me about Lucille Ball and the TV programmes I used to watch as a child ( a few years ago LoL). You chose a good subject and your paintings picture LB to a tee. It’s difficult for me here in England to picture the exact geographical location of each US but I’m pleased to hear you escaped the snow. You won’t have the same geographical problem with England – here it is much the same wherever you live – mostly rain!

  14. Love those portraits! I Love Lucy was one of the shows I watched a lot as a kid and it never gets old. All you’ve managed to get done with this post is pretty amazing to me; I’m just starting my blog up and found you through the Insecure Writers Support Group. I’ll definitely have to pay attention to your posts to find things to join so I can find some blog friends.

  15. Hi, Cathy!

    Happy Thankful Thursday and Art Date with Rain, dear friend!

    Cathy, I am astonished by these colorful portraits you created depicting Lucille Ball as her much loved character Lucy McGillicuddy Ricardo. If you framed and sold them to fans of the series, I’m sure you’d fetch a pretty penny.

    I’m happy to learn that your weather is not quite as harsh as it is in many parts of the country. Yesterday I read the heartbreaking story about a Tennessee boy who died rescuing his six year old sister from an icy pond. I imagine that girl will dedicate her life to honoring the memory of her brother who made the ultimate sacrifice for her. Down here we have had four days of heavy rain and our property has large areas of standing water. February can be a brutal month in Florida. In Februaries past, deadly tornadoes have struck the peninsula.

    I appreciated listening to Chris Tomlin’s comforting and inspiring song.

    Yessum, I do believe core training is important to keep our tummies flat. Take it from me, the challenge does not get easier with age. Mrs. Shady doesn’t help matters because she’s a whiz in the kitchen and serves delicious dinners several times a week. Typically she loads my plate with enough food to feed an army. I need to remind her to downsize the portions. It looks like that kitty is doing crunches to that Stevie Wonder hit. 🙂

    Thanks for the art, music and giggles, dear friend Cathy. If you have Sillies coming up tomorrow, I’ll be here. Till then have a happy and Thankful Thursday!

    1. Tom,

      You’re very kind with your wonderful words regarding my art. I’m not remotely comfortable enough with my sketches to frame and sell. I’m tickled to share my work with my friends in Blogosphere for now and whoever else happens to stumble on it. I borrow from other people’s artistry using their examples to create my illustrations. I suppose if I were pulling the designs straight from my head then perhaps I could offer my artwork up for sell. Well…maybe. 🙂 I missed the story about the young Tennessee boy saving his sister. Oh how heartbreaking! The weather pattern has been really bizarre this winter. We’ll all be happy when this passes. I’m undecided about tomorrow but if I do put up something it’ll be later than usual because I haven’t even started on a Friday Sillies post. Thanks for the interest, my friend.

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