“Friendship doubles your joys, and divides your sorrows.”
~ author unknown

Friendship [friend-ship] n.
1.the state of being a friend; association as friends: to value a person’s friendship.
2.a friendly relation or intimacy.
Okay, we all get what friendship is and obviously, it’s a valuable commodity to you and me. Did you realize the value of friendship to social networks such as Facebook Twitter, MySpace, Classmates? They totally capitalized on the idea of friends meeting or reconnecting and developed this industry into multi-million dollar businesses. Whew doodle, right?
Today, I’m joining Amanda in playing T2Q. My questions this week will center around friendship.
- “Don’t walk in front of me, I may not follow. Don’t walk behind me, I may not lead. Just walk beside me and be my friend forever.” ~ author unknown When thinking of this quote, do you have friends who always want to lead? If so, how do you handle them?
- “Friendship is unnecessary, like philosophy, like art…It has no survival value; rather it is one of those things that give value to survival.”~ C.S. Lewis Have you ever allowed a friendship to cloud your decisions to keep control your priorities on track resulting in some terrible mistakes? If so, how did you turn things around?
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I never really think about it too much, lead or follow. I guess it is because the friends I have now are neither. I learned to let go of friends that stresses me out…yeah, too much of both follow and lead could be very stressful.
I can’t remember the last time I listened to a friend’s advice. I don’t believe I took any unless it is what I wanted to do too. I have always made sure that I am totally okay with all my decisions, so no one to blame but myself.
1) All my friends walk right beside me, but the leading and following must take turns some time to make a great relationship.
2) I had a neighbor who was overpowering and overwhelming me, so I cut off the relationship once and for all.
1. No. I only do have one friend that I share everything with. We just clique (sp) very well and share both ways.
2. No. That’s why it took me some 20 odd years to find a friend I could trust. It takes me awhile to know someone and usually by that time they’ve moved on. So I’m not or ever being in such a situation….
We haven’t lived in this area for very long so my circle of friends is very small. I think someone who wants to lead all the time might not qualify as a true friend, that sounds a little self centered.
I learned the hard way a long time ago to keep business and friendships separate. Since then no problems.
Most of my friends walk at the same pace as me or are slightly ahead/behind but it doesn’t matter. If I do have friends who want to lead and I’m not in favour I will gently decline their lead.
I feel that friendship is necessary but then being true to oneself if more important. I think that’s how I keep them separate.
I am so blessed with the most amazing friends. They walk beside me, never ahead and they are always very concerned with my thoughts on an issue – imagine that!! Never have I had a friend that would want to do anything that was questionable. Where I lack in other areas of life, I am rewarded by truly wonderful friends!
I have been blessed with some truly amazing friends and I’m so grateful for them, but sadly, I think we’ve all had experiences with a “friendship” that wasn’t all that we’d hoped for.
True friendship shouldn’t be chaotic or complicated. It should be like a warm, soft robe on a blustery day… Comforting and well missed when it’s not around you.
I think that first quote sums it up very well. Great post!
Have a blessed day!
~Mrs B