
13-03-2025 Vol 19

HS Days One-Hit Wonders #4M & Grateful for ALL Things Quote #Sparks

Good morning, Kittens and Dawgs! I’m taking life easy in Blogosphere. The holidays are fast approaching and instead of getting stressed about this or that, I’m just going with the flow. Our mewsic theme this week is “One-Hit Wonders from Your High School Days” submitted by today’s Spotlight Dancer, Vandy J from The Testosterone Three and Me. Very cool theme I might say, not that I’m doing a series on this subject or anything. 😉

I graduated in 1980, so my high school years spanned the late 70s. This is currently the decade I’m working on with my #1 One-Hit Wonders series, so I thought I’d pick those one-hit wonders that were a little less known to me, such as my opening song “It Must Be Love” by Alton McClain & Destiny peaking #32 on June 9, 1979 which coincidentally is our wedding date. Yeah, I was a child bride and you can read a little more about it here. Now, stroll down memory lane with my high school years one-hit wonders playlist!


  1. Summer 1976, “Save Your Kisses For Me” Brotherhood of Man, peaked #27
  2. Fall 1977 “Smoke From a Distant Fire” Sanford Townsend Band, peaked #9
  3. Summer 1978 “Dance Across the Floor” Jimmy Bo Horne, peaked #38
  4. Summer 1980 “New Romance” Spider, peaked #39

Some of these one-hit wonders I remember but most I can’t say for sure, except for the #9 charting song. Okay, it’s your turn, what mewsic moves you today?


I invite you to hit the dance floor with my dance partners XmasDolly, Stacy,  & Colette!

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This is a weekly hop for mewsic enthusiasts regardless if you follow our weekly theme or not if you have mewsic to share then we’re ready to dance with you. Otherwise, I ask that you do not link non-mewsic posts below to boost traffic to your site. You’re welcome to leave your URL in comments with a brief description inviting me to check it out. Thank you!


[tweetthis]Hit the dance floor with “Your Highschool Years One-Hit Wonders” with the #4M gals! @xmasdolly #music [/tweetthis]



I invite you hop over to McGuffy’s Reader for more “Sparks” of inspiraiton/encouragement. Let’s make the world a better place, one person at a time beginning with #1! 😉

I pulled together a playlist of Contemporary Christian and Country Artists with songs about blessings/gratitude prior to knowing today’s mewsic theme and instead of ditching it, I decided to share it in this segment. Hey, what can I say, I love mewsic!  This is the season of reflection and a time to express gratitude for everything in you life no matter how small or how difficult because we have it better than most. We just need to open our eyes to receive the blessings in all shapes


  1. “We Are Blessed” All Sons & Daughters
  2. “I Could Not Ask For More” Sara Evans
  3. “Blessings” Laura Story
  4. “It’s a Great Day to be Alive” Travis Tritt
  5. “10,000 Reasons (Bless the Lord)” Matt Redman
  6. “But For The Grace of God” Keith Urban
  7. “Good Good Father” Chris Tomlin
  8. “Live Like You Were Dying” Tim McGraw


I’m chillaxing in Blogosphere with the upcoming holidays. There’s no need to add stress to one’s life. This is a season of blessings and good cheer, so enjoy it – live in the moment! Keep those tunes playing, your body swaying, and I’ll see ya around the cyber block soon! X💋X💋, Cathy



























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40 thoughts on “HS Days One-Hit Wonders #4M & Grateful for ALL Things Quote #Sparks

    1. Diego, I’m delighted you enjoyed the mewsic. It’s always great to see someone new stopping in for a visit. Next up, your place to see what’s going on there!

  1. nostalgia. i remember smoke from a distant fire. I had a job that was pretty rote at the same so listened to the radio a lot back then.

    1. I don’t recall listening to the radio much in my high school days, mainly because we couldn’t pick much up sandwich between the hills of southern West Virginia and the radio stations’ distance. Thanks for popping by for a visit. I hope you join us next week on the dance floor! 😉

      1. In my 20s, I used to listen to the radio more than 8 hours a day, even when I was driving. Nowadays I am more like you were back then. I don’t listen to the radio much, most of the music I get introduced to these days is either from friends or random things I come across.

        1. Chances are good if we had better reception then I would have listened to the radio more because my folks didn’t have the money to spend on non-essentials such a mewsic and today I just prefer to stream mewsic making radio listening almost obsolete. 🙂

    1. Barbara,

      We’re close in age living through the same era of mewsic. I’ll check out your response in comments at Mary’s. Thanks for visiting!

  2. I am glad I came back, because my comment is not here. My Internet connection is stil very wonky, and I am ready to have a hissy fit! It is off and on…and off…and on…
    Thank you for this Spark! This is exactly why I wanted to start Sparks. We need positivity. And, we need to give it to others. thank you, my dear friend. HUGS.

      1. Cathy, there is such a need. There are those who have blessings they don’t even recognize. They focus on illusions that are perceived instead of blessings that are real. It made me sad. So, I want to Spark some goodness. I am thankful you are in on this! Thank you! HUGS. ❤

        1. Annie,

          I agree. People are looking for an idealistic life instead of the reality and become too disappointed to see just how good they have it. I learned long ago to look for blessings even in hard times. They can be found if one is willing to see.

  3. Sorry I’m so late today these doctor appointments are really screwin’ up my life. 🙁 Anyway girlfriend you have rocked the house today and so has everyone else. This theme really went over big. Have a rockin’ week my friend! It’s late & I have many more to rock with. Thanks for the boogie!

    1. Marie,

      There’s NEVER a late time to boogie! Doctor appointments do wreck your schedule. I have two next week but then I’m done for the the year. 👏 Yes, this theme is a sensational hit! I was introduced to a lot of new mewsic, too. 😊 Thanks for joining me on the dance floor. Have a tunetastical week!!

    1. Joyce,

      Have I not warned you before about such language?! We do not utter that word “OLD” here. Who’s getting old? Me? You? Nah, neither! Let’s defy age together, my friend. After all isn’t 55 the new 35? Hey, I can live with those numbers, how about you? Thanks for dancing with me!

  4. This is funny… You and I probably looked at the same Wikipedia page ( to do our sets this week, and that page told me that “United We Stand” by The Brotherhood of Man was a one-hit wonder in 1970 (I almost picked that one, in fact; I bought the record), and the same exact page said that “Save Your Kisses For Me” by The Brotherhood of Man was a one-hit wonder in 1976. Both pages link to the same page for Brotherhood of Man, and BoM’s discography page ( lists both songs and their chart positions, so it must have been the same group. However, the two groups have completely different lineups, per the discography page. So we now have the same band that was a one-hit wonder twice…

    Had to tell you that because it made me go “HUH?”

    That original BoM lineup had Tony Burrows as one of the singers. He was the lead singer on several 1970 one-hit wonders. I tell the story with “My Baby Loves Lovin'” in my post.

    Anywho, great set here, Cathy!

    1. John,

      Yes, I used the Wikipedia source for the US one-hit wonders since I had the page saved. Thanks for the new-to-me tidbit on Tony Burrows. That’s definitely cool that we featured the same artist in different bands. 🙂

  5. Hi Cathy; I finished high school in 1972, so that era of music is a favourite, but I don’t know any of those songs. Thanks for the education! Your story about getting married young was interesting. “Against all odds” describes it well. A bit similar to my story; had to grow up fast, got married at 18 and still together. 🙂 Great quote! Gratitude is so important for a happy life. Enjoy your holiday preparations!

    1. Debbie,

      Getting married too young means having to grow up fast. You think you’re mature enough for that step until you do it. I’m thankful, as I know you are, to have a good husband who’s also my best friend. I think being friends is an essential element to marital longevity. Thanks for stopping by, my friend!

      1. Surviving a dysfunctional childhood also contributed greatly to my early maturity. I felt I was ready for marriage and we had been platonic friends before we started dating, as well. That said, there were some rocky years but we overcame them. Love conquers all! 🙂

        1. Debbie,

          Nothing prepares you for life better than life. Two willing hearts and love does conquer all! It’s good when couples can see what’s important and work through the storms.

  6. I was definitely around during the late 70s, but I didn’t remember any of these one-hit wonders. I think that’s when my personal taste was transitioning more toward harder rock (up until that point, I had liked hard rock, but a little of everything else as well).

    1. Kim,

      I’m always getting a mewsical education. It amazes me to see how much I just have not heard before someone shares it with me. I’m glad I was able to introduce to you some new tunes. 🙂

  7. Smoke from a Distant Fire is the only one i distinctly remember from your first list. If i count my blessings, i’m sure i could come up with the 10,000 or more of Mr. Redman’s song.

  8. My high school years came prior to 1970 so my list would be very different. I wasn’t listening to much of the type of music you have in your list during those years. I remember the songs though–you brought back memories.

    “10,000 Reasons” is one of my wife’s favorite songs. In fact, we sang it in church this morning. My wife missed it though because she stayed home sick.

    Tossing It Out

    1. Lee,

      You may recall I did #1 One-Hit Wonders for the 60s decade, so I got you covered on that score. I look forward to sharing other one-hit wonders from that era in a future post. “10,000 Reasons” is a lovely song and I feel very much like the lyrics, “I will keep on singing, 10,000 Reasons for my heart to find”. I am truly blessed! I’m sorry to hear your wife isn’t well. I hope she feels better soon. Saying prayers for her and for you to not get sick, my friend.

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