
14-03-2025 Vol 19

Hooray, spring is on its way!

My scheduled posts are waning and things look at bit sketchy on how I’ll proceed with the April A to Z Challenge fast approaching. From here on I will work diligently on my illustrations. Yep, that’s brushing the basics if you want to know more then mark your calendar for March 18th to learn more in my A2Z theme reveal post.   

This is Scribble Picnic’s off week. I didn’t have a mid-week post prepared, so I’m keeping things simple. I found a bit of spring in my yard and have to share it!  

H is for Hooray, spring is on its way!

Today’s post is in part sponsored by the letter ‘H’ and the ABC Wednesday community. 

This is my linky party and it’s open to all regardless of what kind of post you have as long as you’re a personal blogger.  ALL commercial websites, advertisers, or other spammy, non-fun links are subjected to immediate termination by the linky hostess! 

I don’t have anything scheduled for tomorrow unless I’m overcome with enthusiasm to contribute to my usual hops but chances are great I’ll find my nose stuck in my sketch book.  Do join me for March 1st BoTB!

Have a blessed day and I’ll see ya around Blogosphere! 😉

Mid-week hops:

🎨Scribble Picnic   ✍️ABC Wednesday 

📸 These Wordless Wednesday Communities:

Comedy Plus Wordless Wednesday Xmas Dolly

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46 thoughts on “Hooray, spring is on its way!

    1. Mimi,

      I’m not complaining. It makes me happy when the weather is spring-like. We’ll get some nippy to downright cold days before it settles out for the year but it’s better than the constant cold.

    1. Patrick,

      We don’t get heavy rains like that often but it’s when we already have saturated soil that causes this sort of problem. That’s probably not ever much worry for California, huh?

    1. Mary,

      Spring isn’t back for good but it’s sure been nice. We’re expecting a round of cold weather to move in Sunday and staying with us all next week. I’m not looking forward to that!

    1. Bette,

      WOW, that’s a lot of snow. Our daughter seems content with the weather in Maine but she’s always been a fan of winter. I don’t get it because DH and I are not fans of either too cold or too hot weather. Thankfully our too colds don’t last long and while our too hots seem longer, I think I’d rather be too warm than too cold. At least, we don’t live in Florida where you have the heat and humidity worse than here. Overall, we feel like Knoxville is paradise compared to other places. 🙂

  1. Your flower is so pretty!
    Alas. It is already summer here!! Lol!

    Thanks for sharing!


    1. Lisa,

      Do you live in Florida? I can’t remember. If so, then yeah I bet things are heating up there. I’m funny I don’t like either extreme being too cold or too hot. Why can’t it be just right all the time? lol

  2. It is so nice to see the pretty yellow daffodil since we are having a snow storm right now plus cold warning is in effect as well. Wishing you well and a bright day

    1. Birgit,

      Debbie (The Doglady’s Den) is from Canada and she was telling me this winter is one of the worst with the snow and cold. I would not be a happy camper to live that far north. Shoot, I wouldn’t be happy to live anywhere north of where we grew up in southern WV where climate goes. lol I don’t even think I’d like living back home in the winter because it’s cooler than here generally and they do get more snow. I’m purrfectly happy where I am. 🙂

  3. Good Morning my friend…. ooops… let me try that again. Good Afternoon my friend, how’s things going for you today? Do you mean to tell me that that beautiful daffodil actually grew in your back yard already this year? Boy, you sure are lucky!!! Thank you for sharing such a lovely part of the Lord’s creations! It’s beautiful and refreshing that Spring truly is coming! By the way, can you tell me when the AtoZ is going to start? Also, I was thinking I usually do songs, but this time I’d think I’d like to do old songs & old movies combined. Whatcha think? Or should I do something else??? Hugs & have a great day with you & your love! He’s retired now right or am I thinking of someone else? BIG OL’ HUGS!

    1. Marie,

      The little daffodil is a lone survivor from a batch I planted eons ago that just didn’t do much and for some reason unknown to me it pushed through this year to plant a little smile in my heart. 🙂 Spring is definitely coming!

      You can sign up for the April A to Z Challenge I think begins this Friday, March 1st. Your theme sounds interesting and I’m sure many will like it. I say go for it!

      No, DH is not retired yet. He has a few more years to go but who knows perhaps when that time comes he’ll want to continue working like so many do because they enjoying working. We’ll cross that bridge when we get to it. The thing I like about his place of employment is that he has every other Friday off so we get to enjoy a long weekend together. That’s always nice!

      Have a good day and hugs back at you, my friend!

  4. I was just talking about yellow flowers let you know spring is around the corner. It’s true.

    Thank you for joining the Wordless Wednesday Blog Hop.

    Have a fabulous Wordless Wednesday, Cathy. Love and hugs. ♥

    1. Sandee,

      I’m so happy that spring will be here (officially) soon! Of course, I’ve seen it really nippy here well into May. The years DD#2 (’90) and DS (’94) were born were cool ones. The reason I can remember this is my mother-in-law had DD#1 in sweats when her sister was born. It was too cool for short sleeves outside, but my late MIL would’ve bundled her up for the slightest breeze. She always worried that we’d catch a cold if we didn’t have a jacket or cap on which always made us smile. These days, we keep her memory alive by saying thing like, “You get your boggan on!” or “Are you wearing your coat?” This makes us smile and I’m sure if she’s watching from above then she’s smiling, too.

      1. We are chilly until late April or early May. I’m so ready for some warm. I can remember my father wearing a sweater in the summer when the temps were 100+. I can’t wait. 🙂

        1. Sandee,

          We certainly do have our chilly days until early May, too. It’s just generally it feels purrty darn good after much of winter is over. My late FIL would often wear a sweater in the summer, too. It wasn’t as hot as yours but it definitely was too warm to me for sweater wearing but then the elderly don’t have good circulation plus it seems he always had problems keeping warm as long as I knew him. I’m sure we’ll be just like that when we’re old but we don’t have to worry about such things now coz we’re nowhere near being old yet. Right?

  5. A daffodil! How wonderful to see that lovely sign of spring already. We are still in the throes of this horrible (worse than usual) winter and can’t wait to see something similar. Happy sketching! 🙂

    1. Debbie,

      I can’t imagine living that far north! Have you considered relocating to a warmer climate? I know people acclimate to their surroundings but I don’t think I’d ever get used to the extremes. The one thing I like about our area is generally the coldest daytime temps are in the 30s but generally, we’re in the low-to-mid 40s. That’s not bad for winter. On the rare occasions when slipping out of our normal range then it’s usually shortlived and that’s what keeps me going. I know it’ll pass while others still suffer from that stuff much longer. That’s when I count my blessings. I know how wonderful it is to live in East Tennessee. Keep warm, my dear! Spring will eventually make it to Canada!! xx

  6. Beautiful daffodil, long time until we get these 🙂 Thanks for hosting. Have a great day! XO

    1. Ellen,

      I’m sure in your neck of the woods that is very true. I think in southern WV, we saw signs of spring around Easter time each year because my parents often hide Easter eggs in the blooming flowers. 🙂

    1. It’s nice now but starting Sunday we’re expecting winter’s return to take one more bite out of us before hopefully, it lets go for good. I’m not looking forward to the drastic change in temperatures after spring-like weather.

  7. Hi, Cathy!

    Happy ABC Almost Wordless Wednesday and Hooray, Spring is On its Way Day, dear friend! 🙂 Seems like you have decided to enter the A to Z run again this year and that once again you will be posting homemade illustrations. If that is the case, you know how much I look forward to seeing them because I genuinely appreciate your art.

    Yessum, I remember how exciting it was in Pennsylvania to see those early daffodils and tulips opening up and heralding the coming of spring.

    Enjoy your Wednesday, dear friend Cathy!

    1. Tom,

      I’m off my rockers to punish myself each April but I do. I can’t help it, it’s so much fun to be a part of that community pushing myself to do more and more. Art sketching is my favorite passion in recent years as you know and I certainly appreciate your encouragement along my journey of discovery.

      It’s been more than a week since I’ve left the house, so I’m not sure what other signs of spring await me but I know they are out there. One weekend before I noticed this little daff, we were house hunting and we spotted a large patch of forsythia beginning to bloom. That’s the earliest I’ve ever seen that come out! My MIL had several of those sunny yellow bushes which screamed “SPRINGTIME!”. I’d love to plant some of this in an area that gets plenty of sunshine. That is where these plants thrive the best, producing a spectacular display.

      I’m running way behind this morning as I slept in super late because I was having tummy issues which I’m not quite over yet but getting there. Have a marvelous week, my friend.

      1. Thank you, Cathy! I hope your tummy is feeling better hour by hour. Take care and enjoy the rest of your day!

        1. Tom,

          Thank you! My tummy is doing some better but its left a very nasty headache in its wake. sigh Maybe if I take some time to sit on the porch for a while it’ll help. It’s a gorgeous day!

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