
15-03-2025 Vol 19

Hoo Are You?

WELCOME to the 51st week of Hoo Are You?

Grant it, this isn’t my 51st week of participating in this get-to-know me/you meme, but I have played along for several weeks now and am loving it!  This week, Leslie has decided to revisit her very first week of this blog hop by reposting those questions.

This is what she’s asking this week:

  1. If you could choose one of your personality traits to pass on to your children, what would it be?  How can I limit to just one of my wonderful personality traits? Just kiddin’…if I had to pick a single trait that I could pass on to my kiddos then it would be my easy-going nature.  Having this as part of your personality make-up can make life a little less cumbersome.  You just don’t allow things to get to you so quickly.  Don’t get me wrong, I can get miffed just like anyone else.  It usually takes a whole lot more to get me mad than say some others I know. =D
  2. What’s your favorite candy bar? Ooh tuffy…my favorite candy bar. I’d have to go with just about anything chocolate, but my over-all top dog pick would have to be a Reese’s cup.  I love the taste of chocolate and peanut butter together. Yum, good! However be warned, if you pass a chocolate bar in front of my eyes then I’ll be like a hawk and will swoop in for the kill.
  3. If you could vacation anywhere in the world, where would it be? Without no question, I would vacation all across America. I would LOVE to visit all the National Parks in the US and maybe some of the ones in Canada. While there are other nice spots globally to see, none hold my fascination as much those in my homeland.  Perhaps after I see all I care to see here in the states, then I’ll begin to think about elsewhere.

4. What 3 adjectives would you use to describe yourself?  Bubbly, friendly, and energetic are some good ways t’d describe myself to someone else.

  1. In one word, how would your best friend describe you? My best friend who happens to be my husband may use loyal to best describe me.  Once I’m a friend, I’m always a friend despite time and distance that can separate friends.  The sentiments I have for a friend remain forever in tacked inside my heart, I mean forever, too.  Word of advice, if you don’t want a forever friend, then don’t befriend me. Ha!

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3 thoughts on “Hoo Are You?

  1. When I retire I want to RV through as much of  the US as I can.  I want to go to each state.  May have to ferry the RV to Hawaii though…  LOL

  2. Love the way you linked the song… Sung it in my head when I saw the title.  I have the same favorite candy bar as you!

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