
15-03-2025 Vol 19

Honoring the American Worker

Good morning, kittens & dawgs! It’s Labor Day, I’m saluting every person in this failing economy whose trying to earn a living. You know who you are! It’s scary with all the outsourcing going on and a tight job market. We know how you feel coz DH has been out of work for a while now. But, we’re Americans – red, white, and blue to the core, baby! “When the going gets tough, the tough get going!”

Lend a hand, pat a back, give a high 5, shout out way-to-go, and say a prayer. Today’s music is in honor of the American worker! 













CAR WASH Rose Royce



Workin’ For A Livin’ Huey Lewis and the News



9 To 5 Dolly Parton





HARD WORKIN’ MAN Brooks & Dunn




These songs were inspired picks found on Top 100 Labor Day and American Worker Songs. I hope you enjoyed my mewsic choices today. You’re invited to vote in last week’s BoTB, The sing-off between The Dandy Warhols and Skye, covering Blondie’s hit song Call Me. And, if you want more mewsic, still then check out my Saturday Songsuasion feature Ships Have Sailed.

Let’s show some love in recognition to hard-working men and women in our country with this tweet-out.

Thanks for stopping by for the dance and for including me in your day. You’re invited to tag along with me as I dance over to see the ?Monday’s Music Moves Me? crew to join their linky party. Have a tunetastic week and I hope you’ll join in tomorrow for What ever happened to…? series!


You deserve a little break. Enjoy it!

What are you listening to this Labor Day weekend?







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26 thoughts on “Honoring the American Worker

  1. Still love 9-5 But I definitely don’t miss being in that mad rat race. Respect to all who can do it. I wish there was a song for stay at home moms. I know many don’t consider that as “work”, but still, I think we deserve a theme song too — I can’t think of one at all??

    1. Les, I agree there needs to be an anthem for mothers. This is the hardest ever and the pay? Well, we know how underpaid mothers are but it’s a job most of us love and wouldn’t have it any other way. Maybe, you can write one. You’re good at poetry and I bet you can come up great lyrics for a song. 🙂

  2. Now this is a list of songs that I have not heard in awhile. Thanks for honoring the American worker.

    1. Michell, I’m glad you enjoyed the list of songs I picked out to honor hardworking Americans. They need the boost in these difficult economic times. Have a tunetastic day!

  3. Some great tunes here, Cathy! I hope you had a lovely Labour Day. 🙂 Yes, it certainly is a struggle in today’s workforce. I’ve been self-employed for about 20 years now (a self-defence move after getting “downsized” from my corporate job) and sort of “semi-retired” at this point. I would love to earn some money with writing as well, but I’m always getting sidetracked by blogging. 😛

    1. Debbie, you were smart to start your dog sitting service. We often talk about trying to sell DH’s photos to a photo stock agency, but never followed through. However, we hope after he finds work again to get serious with this pursuit. It’s a very painful process of always being on the end of corporate lay-offs. Our hope is that he can find a good job that allows him to work for a minimum of 10-years putting him at his earliest retirement age to receive benefits without penalty and we can evaluate things. Keep working or just retire.

      1. Great idea about selling your photos! I’ve been researching that option as well but haven’t gotten very far, yet. I did sign up with It’s a start, anyway. I don’t envy anyone who has to job search at midlife. Best wishes to your DH!

        1. Debbie, Unfortunately, we have to do the job search at mid-life. It would be awesome to win the lottery, but we can’t afford to play that now. 🙁 Oh well, after he’s gainfully employed again then we can try our hand at it occasionally. 😉 Good for you on signing up at 500px. This is new-to-me, so I’ll be sure to check into it. Thanks, my friend!

  4. I thought of the song”Take this job and shove it” which may not go for today:) some great songs here. Happy Labour day and back to work tomorrow……bleccchhhh:)

  5. I see you went the Labor day route well, we couldn’t have went to work if we didn’t go to school right? Great tunes here baby girl. Lovin them. Happy Labor Day! Hope you have a fun day and don’t eat too much! Time to make the potato salad!!!

  6. Great choices here! I’m kind of restricted because I’m on disability and don’t want to lose it, so I’m calling it retirement and hoping to maybe sell some of my writing…

    1. John, selling some of your writings on retirement would be a great way to supplement one’s income. That would be awesome! I love to write, but just can’t get myself to think of anything longer than a blog post. Maybe one day, I’ll do more, though. 🙂

      1. Oh, the book would be a collection of blog posts. I write a lot of stories from my past that get a lot of positive comments. Aside from the little stretches of the truth in the stories, I’m no good at writing fiction.

        1. John, I wish I had enough interesting real stories to share with others. If I want people to buy my stories then it’s gonna have to be fiction. lol

  7. Great list of songs! I’m familiar with all but two of them. Love Blue Collar Man. Styx is my favorite band. I agree it’s a scary economy. I hope your DH finds work soon. In the meantime, I hope you’re enjoying Labor Day!

  8. Some really good work songs here. I stopped “singing” my own work song several years ago now, but I’d happily return to the work force if a good offer came my way.

    Arlee Bird
    Tossing It Out

    1. Lee, I’d love to find a good WAH opportunity, but I have yet to one. That’s one reason why I’d like to go back to school to where I could better prepare myself to take on computer-related work at home jobs like website coding and design. I think this is something I’d enjoy. Of course, if I found a traditional job that paid enough then maybe I’d consider working outside the home. Thanks for stopping in and here’s hoping you have a lovely Labor Day with your family!

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