
14-03-2025 Vol 19

Henery Hawk

For the month of April, I am sharing with pencil illustrations of some memorable Looney Tunes cartoon characters, as I join a community of insane inspiring people who take part in the annual A to Z Challenge to connect with others in Blogosphere .  I’m certain while I’m figuring out which beloved animated figure I put on paper I will learn the identify of some I had long forgotten and perhaps meet some new ones that didn’t cross my path. 

Originally,  I sketched Honey Bunny, Bugs’ first girlfriend. 

I think Honey loves Bugs still after all these years

Honey was only used for a few comic book editions as early as 1953.  I modeled my drawing after the 70s and 80s character.  Not having a personal connection with Honey, I decided to draw a character I grew up watching on Saturday mornings, Henery Hawk

The little brown chickenhawk lived a sheltered life.  The only thing the boy knows is that chickenhawks eat chickens but doesn’t know what a chicken looks like. His adversary Foghorn Leghorn sees the boy as a minor nuisances diverting Henery’s attention to the Barnyard Dawg.  What’s surprising is the strength of the little guy who can dead lift or pull something far heavier than himself as seen in this clip of “Henhouse Henery”.  

The thing that makes me chuckle about Henery is his tough guy bravado which seems more suited to the streets of New York than the barnyard. 🙂

Thanks for allowing me to be a part of your day.  I ask that leave a direct link for today’s post in comments to ensure others can find an easy way back to you.  Also,  over the last few months I’ve noticed many bloggers with use Gravatar do not have their active blog address linked to their profile.  You may want to double check yours to make sure it’s listed.  I’m heading over to the A2Z headquarters to see who’s joined the party now.  I hope to see you again tomorrow for the next letter in the alphabet in my Looney Tunes Art Sketch series! X💋X💋 Cathy


Alphabetical Looney Tunes Art Sketch series quick links:

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18 thoughts on “Henery Hawk

  1. Your Honey Bunny is adorable. I don’t quite know Henery Hawk but you’re right, he seems like he would fit in better in a city.

    Have a lovely day.

  2. Honey Bunny … Oh that’s a great picture and I’m sure she still loves Bugs after all these years. Henery, silly little man. When I hear him all I can think of is Ned Beatty as Senator Charles F. Meachum in the movie shooter, when he says “I’m a US Senator”. Funny.
    Have a great day Cathy and I’m so loving your artistic talent.

  3. Henery Hawk! I’d forgotten about him. Hilarious. I love your A to Z Theme!

  4. I remember Henry the Hawk, but not Bugs’ girlfriend. Good job on both. 🙂 XO

  5. I loved that little chicken hawk – thank you so much for choosing him. The relationship between him and Foghorn was brilliant and I so wanted him to win occasionally.

  6. One of my favorite Warner Brothers characters. It doesn’t matter that Foghorn Leghorn is a thousand times his size, Henery’s determined to take him home as a trophy.

  7. You have to love this little guy who probably grew up in Hell’s Kitchen and knows how to stand on his own two feet. I love your active Henery Hawk drawing. It is well done with his mouth open. Love Bug’s girlfriend and he has had a couple over the years. You captured her rabbit sultriness. Have a great weekend!

  8. Ah, yes, that cute little fellow! I never payed much attention to his name being so clever! You did a nice job. I didn’t know Bugs had an early girlfriend.

  9. Well done on both sketches. I remember Henery Hawk. I loved the cartoon too. Made me smile.

    Remember with you went to the movies ages ago and they would play one of these cartoons before the movie? Always a delight.

    Have a fabulous day and weekend, Cathy. Love and hugs. ♥

  10. Hi, Cathy!

    Happy H-day, dear friend! Like the year 2021, the A to Z Challenge is whizzing by.

    Yessum, I remember Henery Hawk, the little guy with a big ego and big barnyard ambitions. We could all learn from his confidence and determination. Here again in this vintage cartoon clip we see the common elements of Looney Tunes with characters trying to trap, trick, outsmart and overcome each other, and it always seems to go sideways for the one who lays the plan. In this cartoon there is no anvil, no heavy steel safe, no piano. Instead Henery bops Foghorn over the head repeatedly with a metal hammer in an effort to subdue and capture him. As always, the character on the receiving end of the beating shakes it off quickly. You’re right. In the fantasy world of cartoons, tiny critters are blessed with super strength. Henery must have eaten some of Popeye’s spinach. 🙂 Yessum, I agree that Henery would have handled himself quite well on the mean streets of the Bronx. 🙂 I love your sketch of Honey Bunny. She looks cute and kissable. I also got a kick out of your Henery drawing depicting the little guy making a bold declaration to all within earshot, serving notice that he is a chicken hawk and that he eats chickens. You could have worked as a L.T. illustrator back in the day, Cathy!

    Thanks for the morning smiles, dear friend Cathy. Have a super day and I’ll see you tamale for your “I” post!

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