Last week’s BOTB competition wasn’t weighted evenly among the three contenders. In this round, there was one clear winner pretty much right from the start and it won’t come as a great shock to learn Pat Benatar captured most of the votes.
Did you know Pat’s 1982 #3 Mainstream Rock Tracks Chart is a cover?
Wiki says, Pat’s rendition is slightly different from two previous versions and goes on to say with her release, it garnered her a Grammy Award for Best Female Rock Performance with this song.
I enjoyed all three contenders more so than I originally did pulling this battle together. There’s something special about each one and it certainly wouldn’t be an easy thing for me to settle on just one. Motley Crue wasn’t left totally out of the battle and Twisted Ringos’ understated rendition garnered enough attention to make things interesting. Pat Benatar being the rock star that she is passionately poured her heart into her cover and that’s why I believe she walked away with the victory. I appreciate each of you for taking part and making this showdown fun!
This is how the votes fell…
Pat Benatar – Robin
Motley Crue – Christine
Twisted Ringos – Stephen
You’ll find more battle results’ posts from fellow participants listed in my side menu. Mark your calendar to join me for my mid-month battle next week. Although, we’re currently on vacation, my scheduled posts will continue and I invite you hit the dance floor next time for Monday’s Music Moves Me! Have a bandtastic day!
, Cathy
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Hey Girlfriend, LOVE YOUR TUNES & PAT BENATAR HAS BEEN A FAVORITE FOR YEARS! GREAT JOB SWEETIE!!! HUGS… What are you doing home? Get the heck outta here!!! HEY ROBIN… TAKE THIS LOVELY LADY ON A NICE RIDE to wherever you too can cuddle!!!! You both need a break! Cathy, I didn’t think you’d be here. I was just looking for the linky… I didn’t get one
Oh well, I’ll check by the other girls… Now, you know I loves ya so get the heck outta Dodge so to speak and runaway and have fun and relaxation my sweet! HUGS & MORE HUGS…. MARIE
Awesome! Great outcome.
Awesome! Congrats to the winner.
I do love Pat Benatar! She deserved this win.
I’ve posted my results now.
A good battle, although the outcome is not surprising.
That’s the way it goes sometimes…
Hi Cathy!
Terrific battle – great outcome;-) Enjoy your staycation
I’m really glad to see the Twisted Ringos get 4 votes. When I put in the first one, I figured it was probably the only one they would get. But 3 more twisted voters came along. That’s terrific!
By the way… since my previous comment, I have had an ongoing craving for onion rings. I’m determined to get me some. The thing is that I haven’t had onion rings in so many years that I don’t even know where I could find them here in this town where I have lived for a little over 4.5 years. But I’m gonna search for some and scratch this itch!
~ D-FensDogG
A predictable outcome, but I’m glad the Twisted Ringos got a few votes, at least. They were interesting.
Happy vacation, Cathy!
Hi I have had a break but I am back now. I hope you are doing okay