Welcome Kittens & Dawgs! This is my first time in months to pull together a not-so-Wordless Wednesday post. I really wasn’t sure if I wanted to do it. Part of me continues to debate to keep going the way I’ve done all summer with only Monday posts. Perhaps I need to step away from blogging for short period. I think I’m feeling a bit burned out and that’s never a good thing but here I am making the effort to share with you through pictures.
I think it was last year I told you how we finally found the covered bridge in Pigeon Forge but was unable to photograph the bridge because of fall foliage terrorists…I mean tourists. That’s one of the beauties with living in the area, I know I will eventually find a better time to snap my camera and I did over the summer while we were out exploring the countryside. I used my iPhone 8 to get a few quick shots.

There for a while, I rolled Wednesday Hodgepodge in with my mid-week post but I think I’ll continue to sit that one out until I get some of the cobwebs swept away in my brain. Blogging is a fun outlet but when I get to too weighted down with it then the joy is lost and I don’t want to be another blogger to drop out altogether.
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Can you do me a favor? Please let others know that I’m back hosting the mid-week photo fun by sending out this tweet! Thanks.
[tweetthis]I linked up with Curious as a Cathy for some not-so #WW fun & I invite you to join the party! #photography[/tweetthis]
In case you missed it, I’m back to doing two Battle of the Bands each month again and I’d like to invite you to vote in my September 1st showdown. A little later today I invite you to check my Lyrical Challenge, Day 2 post. Have a fototastic day!
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Love old covered bridges ♥
Beautiful pictures, and I am going to chuckle over “fall terrorists” all afternoon. One nice thing about the relative unpopularity of my part of upstate New York is that we don’t get too many of those “terrorists”. Now, one thing we don’t have is covered bridges and I enjoyed seeing those pictures – so, so green! I hope you don’t drop out of the blogosphere all together but yes, please cut back if that is what it takes to enjoy the blogging once again. I would hate to lose you all together!
That is a quaint and pretty bridge, i’m glad you were able to get back to it.
Taking a break is better than burnout, for certain.
Love the terrorists..um, tourists:) Beautiful pics of this bridge. There is something so pretty about these bridges and a time from yesteryear
Very pretty bridge. I am glad you are hosting WW
love this bridge- so much history
those are pawsome photos!
There’s nothing quite like a covered bridge. I remember being just in love with them as a kid. Nice memories.
I’m glad you went back for this photo, Cathy. It’s worth it.
There’s something cool about covered bridges. I love your pics! Hey, don’t go MIA in blog land. Take it easy and have a great rest of the week!
I love covered bridges. I love stopping and reading about them. I love exploring all aspects of covered bridges. We have a few here, but not many.
Have a fabulous Wordless Wednesday, Cathy. ♥
What a beautiful place to photograph. Lovely. Thanks for hosting and I hope that you are having a wonderful week.
We love finding fun spots like that to photograph.
It’s always a joy for us to make such discoveries, too.
Thanks for visiting!
Lovely photos looks nice quaint and peaceful, I love that song I haven’t heard it for ages
Have a brilliant week Cathy hope all is doing well over there
Hi, Cathy!
I admire these excellent pictures of the Harrisburg Covered Bridge. The area looks pristine and there isn’t a tourist in sight.
Ever since childhood I have loved covered bridges. Central PA had a lot of them and my dad and I routinely crossed them on our weekend hikes in various parts of rural Susquehanna Valley.
I enjoyed listening to The Judds. To me it is the kind of song that can heal a divided America and a troubled, war torn world with its message: “Love Can Build A Bridge” (“Don’t you think it’s time? Don’t you think it’s time?”) It reminds me of “Bridge Over Troubled Water.”
It would be a terrible loss to the blog community if you dropped out, Cathy. Perhaps your idea to scale back to preserve your sanity, avoid burn out, and free up more of your time for other pursuits is a good one. Whatever you decide I will be here to support you because I value our friendship and you always reciprocate by visiting my blog, something I greatly appreciate.
Have a wonderful day, dear friend Cathy!
I’ve always liked covered bridges, too. I really didn’t come to appreciate them until early adulthood when we began looking at New England as a vacation destination. I’d love to check out some of those in found in that community.
It is time for a divided America to come together but as long as people are too easily offended then it’s going to be hard to build that bridge. What many don’t realize is we don’t have to see eye-to-eye on every score but we should respect each other, never infringing or forcing one’s beliefs on the other. I think high profile figures like athletes or actors/actresses need to do what they’re paid to do. We don’t pay them to boost their political beliefs, social injustices, religious views, … We just want to forget about the cares of everyday life while watching our favorite football team or watching a good movie or listening to mewsic or what have you. But Nuff said on that because I reckon this will always be a heated discussion. Those of us who can see past it all, work through the differences will build a better tomorrow.
I scaled back all summer so I’m partly ready to pick back up. You don’t have to worry about me disappearing altogether from Blogosphere even if I take a complete hiatus because it’ll be a short one no doubt. However, I don’t see that happening anytime soon. I enjoy visiting good friends such as you and that’s what keeps me going!
Have a good day!