
22-03-2025 Vol 19

Hammerhead shark ‘In Living Color’ A2Z Challenge

Two weeks ago, I shared Flounder ‘in living color’. In my recent Friday Fun Stuff edition, I displayed Grimsby ‘in living color’ and today,  I’m moving right to the next character in line (see the pencil drawing for comparison) with my A2Z Little Mermaid art sketch series, Hammerhead shark!  

Anywho, with the summer crunch on and Internet traffic slowing down, I’m dismissing the use of the linky tool until after Labor Day weekend.  You’re welcome…actually I encourage you to leave a breadcrumb (direct URL) back to your site for others to find you quickly and easily.  

ABC Wednesday is nearing the alphabet again with the letter ‘V’ today and after April’s A2Z blogfest my brain is too pooped, but that doesn’t stop me from enjoying mewsic.  I mean, who can’t get into some tunes any time?  

From the UK, I’m sharing a new discovery, Voyager.  ‘Halfway Hotel’ from their first album is the only single to chart in the UK at 33.

It baffles my mind why a group with talented mewsicians and singers fail to go anywhere.  In 1980 they produced a turntable hit that never charted, ‘Sing Out Love Is Easy, which I really like’. Listen and tell me what you think.  

Do you have a favorite ‘V’ band? 

What are your summer vacation plans?  

I hope you have a blessed day. Please join me tomorrow for Thursday Art Date with Rain!

X💋X💋, Cathy

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27 thoughts on “Hammerhead shark ‘In Living Color’ A2Z Challenge

  1. Love the scary shark in colour-you got the image so right! Say happy Birthday to your hubby since he is a fellow Gemini:). I never heard of this band and it’s OK…reminds me of the 80’s. My first thought was Van Halen and Van Morrison. We are planning to go to Quebec, near Montreal, to visit Hubby’s Aunt once again. They live right on the Richelieu River

    1. Birgit,

      You have me stumped on the birthday wishes for DH. scratch head I double checked my post to make sure what gave you the impression that it’s his birthday. It isn’t. He doesn’t have a birthday until next month but I’ll pass the good wishes to him anyhow. 🙂 Sounds like y’all have lovely plans for this summer. At the moment, we don’t have anything specific lined up. We’ll probably stick to day trips to the mountains on DH’s off Friday. We talked a bit about taking a ‘real’ vacation but I don’t think that will happen this year. Maybe, we can plan something for 2020. Thanks for dropping by! 😉

  2. Sharks are scary to me, even though your sketch is quite cute and well done. I was born and raised in Florida and spent a lot of time swimming in the ocean. I remember being pulled out of the ocean a few times due to shark sightings. I have no desire to swim in the ocean now. My favorite V band is Van Halen. Thanks for sharing the cool mewsic, Cathy!

    1. Eugenia,

      Yikes, that’s scary to think of being pulled out of the water because of shark sightings. Did you hear about the young girl attacked this week off the coast of North Carolina? Her dad punched the shark in the face to make it turn loose. While her life was spared, the poor thing had to have her leg amputated as well as part of a hand. It’s too risky to go in the water in my opinion. I don’t even like swimming in lakes. You don’t know what’s in there especially with boneheads releasing rare critters into the wild that they can no longer take care of. It’s really scary.

  3. That shark is so COOL, CK…and looks so dangerous🙀 We remember Voyager, they’re Cool too 😀 Our favourite V-band is The Verve and Van Halen. Pawkisses for a wonderful, safe-from-the-shark Thursday🐾😽💞

    1. Binky,

      The hammerhead shark does look dangerous and something I don’t want to tangle with, either. Did you hear about the shark attack off North Carolina? A young girl was in waist-high water when a shark bit her. If it weren’t for her dad’s quick thinking to punch him then she might not be alive. Unfortunately, her leg had to be amputated and part of her hand. I have NO desire to go into the ocean. There are things you can’t see that can do you great harm. I’m not familiar with the English band Verve. There are many groups from the early 90s to shoot over my head which I blame on motherhood. I had toddler and baby at the beginnng of that decade, then added another almost halfway through.I’m listening to a Verve YT playlist right now. Thanks for the introduction. Have a furtastic day!

  4. That shark is one i wouldn’t want to meet in a deserted sunken pirate ship!

  5. That shark is kind of scary!

    I never heard of Voyager either, but it sounds like a lot of music that I used to listen to back in those days.

    Arlee Bird
    Tossing It Out

    1. Lee,

      Thanks for checking out my recreation of the hammerhead shark from my A2Z series. Also, am happy to hear you enjoyed the mewsic.

  6. Oooh your hammerhead looks very scary!!! Great job on the drawing Cathy! See you tomorrow, can’t wait to see your trees!!! 🙂

  7. That came out great! I haven’t had enough coffee yet to think of a V band 🙂 Ooh! I did – Van Halen, I like them. XO

  8. I love your sketch. Well done.

    I always enjoy your music selections. We like the same kinds of music.

    Thank you for joining the Wordless Wednesday Blog Hop.

    Have a fabulous Wordless Wednesday, Cathy. Love and hugs. ♥

  9. lessee, Van Halen (pre-sammy), Vangelis, Vanilla Fudge, Van Morrison, Martha and the Vandellas, Velvelettes

    1. Roger,

      WOW, did all of those bands come straight off the top of your head? Van Halen is the only one that instantly popped in my noggin’ before resulting in asking for Google’s help. Thanks for dropping by!

  10. I really like the texture and depth that the shading on the edges provides. It looks like out of focus plant life. Well done.

    1. Driller,

      Thanks. One of the effects Procreate offers is ‘Liquify’. I gentle swiped just around the shark to make the colors appear to pull away with the hopes it might make you think the water is moving but it does bring a definite focal point on the subject.

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