
15-03-2025 Vol 19

Goodbye, David Bowie

It was a week ago today, I woke to read the following text message from NBC News “Rock visionary David Bowie dies at 69.” I didn’t realize until now that the artist battled with cancer for the past 18 months.

Death never discriminates. It robs every person at some point of dear loved ones whether one is ready for it or not. My prayers and condolences to the Bowie family.

Experimental rock, glam rock, or whatever Bowie’s genre was, wasn’t my preferred style of music. A few years back I stumbled across a duet that he did The Little Drummer Boy/Peace on Earth with Bing Crosby.

I remember Bowie’s first US#1 hit when I was 14-years old. I can’t recall if I knew it was him singing it or not until now.

#59 David Bowie: 69 facts In September 1996, David Bowie broke new ground, yet again, with the internet-only release of his single Telling Lies. It would have taken more than 11 minutes to download over a dial-up internet connection. A year later, he launched his own internet service provider, Bowienet.

There is one more song Mr. Bowie did with another giant in the music industry. Actually, it’s a 1960s cover, but perfect for my Monday’s Music Moves Me participation. Get to your feet. It’s time for… Dancin’ in the Street!

Did you know David Bowie was a painter? His artistic ability extended beyond the stage. By expressing himself on canvas inspired him musically. You can read more here.

The world may never know another like you, Mr. Bowie. I bid you ado and may you rest in peace. Thank you for the music!

What’s your favorite David Bowie song?

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27 thoughts on “Goodbye, David Bowie

  1. Cathy, I’m loving the Bowie tributes but I sure wish they weren’t necessary. 🙁 Loved his originality; he really was one of a kind.

    (Farragut, huh? I was just there this morning.)

  2. Nice tribute, it was a shock when the news broke about him, it’s brought all his music to the forefront again I liked your choices Cathy 🙂

    Have a bowietastic day 🙂

  3. I’m not used to most of his music. I’ll have to listen more. Thanks for the tribute Cathy.
    Hope your week is well.
    Aloha. *HUGS*

  4. I was verry saddened whe they said on the Noon News that he had passed away.Rock and Roll Heaven has gaind another super star

  5. David Bowie was a HUGE part of my high school years. There were only a few of us who listened to music like his… the rest of the kids were into the grunge or techno house stuff. But we discovered the song Changes somehow and the rest was history. I LOVE LOVE his song Absolute Beginners. And of course everyone knows Space Oddity. He was so unique… never another like him.

  6. I think my favorite Bowie song is “Blue Jean”. I still remember the first song I heard by him. I hated it. HATED. Still do. But it got better after that.

  7. Mc Jagger and Bowie… talk about two of a kind hahahaha You’ve rocked the house my friend. I’d like to take this time to thank you for being a friend to the 4M’s all these years. You’re duh best and you’ve ROCKED THE HOUSE once again! HUGS

    1. Kimberly, Having not been a big follower of David Bowie’s I totally forgot about Modern Love. Thanks for the reminder, though. That’s definitely another good song by the legion! Have a tunetastic week, my friend!

  8. My favorite Bowie song probably isn’t one of his most critically acclaimed: Little China Girl. The video is so sexy that I can hear the song and melt. I love the Dancin’ In the Streets video. Thanks for posting it. I’d like to dance as if no one is watching.


    1. Janie, you know I claimed to not be a David Bowie fan and then I’m reminded of tunes I didn’t connect with him until now. This is one of my flaws from the past, not be well versed in which artist did what song. Thanks for turning on the light in this ole attic with Little China Girl, another fabulous Bowie song!

  9. Hi, dear Cathy!

    This is a wonderful tribute to one of the greatest entertainers of the last 50 years, David Bowie. Thank goodness we have so many of Bowie’s works preserved on YouTube and available for review. That performance of The Little Drummer Boy with Bing Crosby is one for the ages – entertainment legends of different generations united in song and spirit – one of the greatest moments in show business history. Bowie’s music video “Dancin’ in the Street” with Mick Jagger was a big hit on my MTV station as was “Let’s Dance,” which I would have to say is my favorite Bowie recording.

    Thank you for sharing your memories of the late, great David Bowie, dear friend Cathy!

    1. Tom, thankfully we live in an age of technology where media old and new is kept for generations to enjoy. It’s quite funny, I mentioned to Janie that I never thought of myself as a Bowie fan until others shared their favorite songs with me and it’s like yeah, I liked that one,too. The thing is I just didn’t remember who did it. Oh well, life is full of surprises! So, glad you came by today!

  10. Bowie was a unique creative energy, and I loved him for that. I remember his first hit, which I think captures his essence: Space Oddity. I was 10. The moon landing and Major Tom’s dilemma seemed timely to me, even then. Bowie knew how to move people, and he sought to be moved, too. Labrynth is a classic movie. He was an intellect. His impact on rock music is deep and lasting. He will be missed.
    I was in high school when Fame was released. As a Stones fan, I enjoyed his duet of Dancin’ in the Streets, with Jagger in the ’80s. Many memories involve Bowie’s music. Godspeed, David Bowie.

    1. McGuffy Ann, Bowie was definitely unique. I think he’s perhaps the most reinvented artist that comes to mind. Thanks for sharing your Bowie favorites with me and bringing back a few lost memories. Have a good week, my friend!

  11. I always liked “Ashes to Ashes”, “Let’s Dance”, and “China Girl”. I’d probably remember a lot of great ones if I started going back over his catalog. There’s a heck of a lot of great music there.

    Arlee Bird
    Tossing It Out
    Wrote By Rote

    1. Lee, today I’m rediscovering many Bowie’s hits that I escaped my memory. However, Ashes to Ashes is definitely a new-to-me song. I appreciate the intro and enjoying listening to all of the selections everyone has shared with me.

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