This year’s crop of American Idol contestants is the best in many years. Of the 11 remaining, my favorites are Casey Abrams, Scotty McCreery, Thia Megia, Pia Toscano, and Lauren Alaina. No one was more shocked than I with last night’s bottom three announcement.

The first three performers to learn of their fate were Pia, Lauren, and Jacob. Pia is smooth and in control of her magnificently polished voice – a little disconnected with the audience on Monday night’s show, but nonetheless, she really has star qualities like Celine Dion. Lauren is a nature born singer, singing effortlessly and moving across the stage like Diva. Jacob is good but tends to be too dramatic in his performances – over sings.
I failed to see Scotty sing, but DH reported an excellence job of Stevie Wonder’s Motown hit “For Once In My Life” covered country-style. That boy has fabulous, rich tones. He’ll make it as a country singer for sure, even if things don’t pan out for him as the next American Idol.
The rocker, James, strutted his stuff across the floor. He knows how to work the crowd. What I’d love to see is James singing without yelling. He has a good voice I think, but… it’s difficult to see how good it is because of this edgy twist he places on all of his songs.
The judges loved the return of Haley’s growling jazz vocals. There are too many other young girls out there trying to mimic the same sound. Boring, right? And, what’s up with Paul and Naima still in the running? Paul is a bad version of Rod Stewart and Naima…well lacks what the other female vocalist have in this competition – superb talent, in my opinion. Why is it these two did not in the bottom three?
I was utterly blown away with Casey and Thia being given the lowest scales, but Stephano I was half expecting him to come up short.
Despite, Casey’s wolf-man appearance, his friendly boyish grin captures your heart. He is a jack of all trades in the performance industry. He can not only totally own any song he performs, he is a talented instrumentalist. You’re awesome Casey!
Thia is poised with confidence and grace. It boggles my mind to think she’s the youngest contestant on the show. I love that she has a certain elegance and when she sings, WOW! Monday, she stepped out of her comfort zone taking a risk exposing some of her energy. I thought she did a marvelous job. An American Idol, yep I think so!
Stephano has a nice voice. The one thing that bothers me with him is his inability to express himself through his music. He needs to live and breathe the words, not just sing them. This is something he can acquire, but it’s not nature to him. I was for sure Stephano was the man out.
However, I was proven wrong when my jaw hit the floor when Ryan revealed, Casey was in jeopardy of elimination. Giving it one last shot, Casey began performing. But within seconds of singing, Randy called Casey’s song to an end. The judges unanimously agreed that something was terribly wrong and decided to spare Casey giving him another shot to continue with the competition.
Relief doesn’t even begin to touch the expression on Casey’s face last night and it relieved me. Good save, judges!
It’s TGIF and these are the blog hops I’ll be participating in….

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I don’t watch american idol – sorry can’t comment. Congrats on your writing success. I’m trying to inch my way into the industry – ugh. Now following you from the Friday blog hop.
New follower, hope that you will follow back
Great blog btw!
@Kelly…a pleasure to have you visit today. Best of luck to you, your dad, and family with the possible move to California. =D
whether or not that whole drama last night was staged, i think i’ll be voting for Casey a whole lot more next week
Way to go judges! I love it when they save someone.
New follower from the hop, drop by if you get the chance to check out my blog at WV Stitcher . I have never gotten caught up in American Idol,but have watched a few interviews with Steven Tyler and JLo and wonder how the season will go for them.
New follower from the hop, drop by if you get the chance to check out my blog at WV Stitcher . I have never gotten caught up in American Idol,but have watched a few interviews with Steven Tyler and JLo and wonder how the season will go for them.
Way to go judges! I love it when they save someone.
I soooooooooooo agree with you about Naima!!! OMG I can’t stand her!!!
Watch the camera on her face sometimes…she looks soooo angry and makes really strange faces.
Thanks for not minding me
@Caren…you know you could be right. In retrospect, one can see your perspective with the American Idol drama as one possibility. We’ll NEVER know for sure, though. I like Casey a lot and he shouldn’t have been in the bottom. Naima or Paul would’ve been my first picks to eliminate from the show, but that’s my opinion. I’m always glad to get your two cents, so don’t ever change. =D
@Spin Doc…who knows? But, I hear what you’re saying, best really vote on those you love. There is no figuring out why Naima and Paul are still in the running. I think Casey deserves to go for weeks to come. Glad to have you visiting me!
whether or not that whole drama last night was staged, i think i’ll be voting for Casey a whole lot more next week
you are NOT going to like what I am going to say.
I am (and have been for ages an American Idol FREAK) I have been to numerous tours, voted thousands and thousands (I am NOT exaggerating) of times for contestants (BTW I refuse to vote this year)….and I will give you my “take”.
Notice how they said there would be ELEVEN of them on the tour this year? And how next week they are eliminating TWO?
They didn’t just decide this spur of the moment. They made it “appear” as if they saved Casey when in reality it is my opinion they would have saved WHOMEVER this week…that isn’t something they just decided arbitrarily (to have eleven people on tour).
I could be wrong, we will never know….but Casey is far from the creme’ de la creme’ this season and they should have saved the “save” for the big guns….it had nothing to do with Casey and everything to do with that it was already decided no matter WHO was supposed to go home.
@Kelly…a pleasure to have you visit today. Best of luck to you, your dad, and family with the possible move to California. =D
New follower, hope that you will follow back
Great blog btw!
@Miche…it’s a pleasure to see you dropping by. You really are a neighbor, huh?
@Kimberlee…glad to see another Idol fan. Casey is awesome and well Naima…isn’t. I just don’t get it. Am following your blog now. =D
I love Casey… and I don’t get Naima still being there either. New follower from BMBF.
Thanks for stopping by my page today! Super excited to meet someone else in Knoxville.
@TV’s Take…thank you for stopping by today. I hope you’re able to climb back on the saddle with your writing. I would have returned the gesture to follow your blog, but I got this survey thingy which was requesting my personal data. Who knows what this is? I’ll try again later to see if I can actually get to your blog. =D
I don’t watch american idol – sorry can’t comment. Congrats on your writing success. I’m trying to inch my way into the industry – ugh. Now following you from the Friday blog hop.