
19-03-2025 Vol 19

Giddiness Revealed & More Random Coffee Chat

Good-morning, kittens & dawgs! I wish last week’s strain was choosing between tea or coffee but it wasn’t that simple. I got more than my share of bad mews but the only thing I’m willing to talk about is finding out my youngest daughter and son-in-law are moving to Maine at the start of next month which rocked my world. How much more can a mother take in one week? Please no more testing, I don’t wanna find out!! Anyhow, you’ll see that I created a button (using their info from GoFundMe) at the top right side of my blog for anyone interested in helping with their move. {Hint-Hint} 😉

Hey, it’s okay… to be sad and even a little lonely with your baby girl moving sooo far from home!

Now to tell ya what had me giddy last week (boy, did I ever need it to!) and that’s my Christmas present. Yeah, it’s early by a few months and that’s purrfectly alright by me because who can wait for that magical morning to see what Santa leaves beneath the tree anyhow? I’m a big kid at heart, really I am. Thankfully, that jolly ole elf solicits outside source for help sometimes.  Anyway a couple of weeks ago, DH surprised me with the mews that Santa’s getting an iMac and asked that I build mine online at Apple for early delivery. Naturally that spurred a happy dance on my part.

Hey, it’s get an early Christmas present. Life is too short and I’m all for seizing the moment!

Seriously. I was just that happy! We do not spend this kind of money at Christmas usually. We tend to keep things simple. It’s just a timing thing really. The main reason for doing it now is my MacBook Air that’s almost five years old and is facing battery and memory issues making accessibility to my computer files shaky. I definitely do  not want another hard drive failure! I do automatic Time Machine backups and often manually copy essential files to my external hard drive (that’s getting old, too) thanks to that major system crash but I certainly do not want to find myself in panic mode to get up and running again. I prefer to stay ahead of the problem if I can.

My new computer arrived last Wednesday. I had a little hiccup getting the migration to working but finally got it resolved by Friday morning. It worked beautifully taking about an hour to transfer all files to my new ‘puter.

Speaking of Christmas and being giddy, every time we go to Home Depot I see their Christmas decoration area and it makes me all happy inside. That child-like quality sees the trees and lights and my whole world brightens. That amazing Christmas sense washes completely over me filling me with excitement, mostly I began thinking about all the things I want to do  for the holidays – candy making, baking, handcrafted cards, … In recent years I just chillax enjoying the flow of things instead of like years’ past getting stressed robbing me of that sense of wonder. DH & I have our presents to each other, so…BOOM that’s done. I’m beginning to think about what I want to get the kids and our parents.  This is the trickest part of our Christmas shopping.

Hey, it’s okay… to feel like a kid again when spying Christmas decorations. Who says you Christmas is just for kids anyhow? Not me! CHRISTmas lives in my heart 24/7 but the magic of the seasons fills me with giddiness.

Last week, we wanted to tackle the roof problem but didn’t get a chance to begin things until yesterday. The issues of last week sorta clouded our brains preventing us from doing that job. We still have more to do and hopefully, we can finish it this week before the cooler weather moves in. It’s going to be really cold Saturday night with forecasts of freezing temps. Oh, I’m not ready for winter!

I have to admit I get concerned about bloggy friends when they are absent from Blogosphere too long. Has anyone heard from Les at Ink Interrupted? I sent an email but haven’t gotten a response which is totally unlike her. So…I’m worried. Please, if anyone has info to share with me then do so!

Hey, it’s be worried about someone you only know in cyberville. Blogging is a wonderful community and the people (friends now) I’ve met over my 7-years here are awesome but it’s frustrating when regular contact gets broken and you don’t know what’s going on.

UPDATE:  I’m happy to report I did hear from Les and that all is well. She’s been super-duper busy with completely her novel. She goal was to set out to prove that she could do it and she did! I’m thrilled for her. She’s definitely a talented writer and deserves a shot at pursuing her dream as an author. Les did say she hopes to return to Blogosphere next month as she’s messed us all. Anywho, I wish nothing but the best for our gal! 😉

These new-to-me mewsicians are from Portland, Maine and I dedicate this morning’s Tuesday Tunesation to DD#2 & DSIL! Introducing… The Mallett Brothers Band.

Next week’s Cathy Chats‘ session, while all things random certainly goes but let’s talk specifically about “your most memorable Halloween or what you plan to do on Halloween night“.  I’m linking up taking a coffee break with Stacy, Les, and Amber this morning and you’re invited to come and I hope you’ll visit again tomorrow for not-so Wordless Wednesday!





























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15 thoughts on “Giddiness Revealed & More Random Coffee Chat

  1. Ahh momma, our hearts are surely strong for all the trials we do have to go through.
    Just some more processing of how life moves.

    I love the mingling of good and not so good news! Yay! So happy for you about your Christmas gift! iMac whooo!

    I hope you get your roof done before the cold weather rolls in. It sure stiffens up the muscles.
    It’s rainy and cold here and goodness it’s still soccer days!

    I also get concerned when bloggers go missing. I am glad that you heard from her! And she was up to good things too!!

  2. I feel for ya! I’m not sure how I’d handle things if my three kids (ages 23, 19, and 18) decided to move far away. Best of luck to her with the move!

    1. Terra,

      When DD#2 was in her senior year of high school, she came a hair moving to Maine. She was involved with a young soldier who promised to marry her and whisk her away to the Pine Tree State. It was an overwhelming time for us and the apprehension I felt sickened me. Thankfully, God intervened revealing the young man’s true intent and the engagement ended. Blessed to hold onto her a little while longer. We knew her eyes were fixed on Maine but hoped it would pass but it never did. At least she’s moving there with her husband and best friend. She’s not only older and wise now, I know she’s in good hands. In time, DS plans to move to Maine to be near his sister which leaves me to believe our oldest daughter will follow or at least seek her dreams of moving somewhere else. It’s painful but to every season there is a purpose. Thanks for visiting!

  3. How exciting to get a new computer!!! Glad you heard from your friend and hope all goes well with the move..

    1. Kathleen,

      I’m thankful, Les and I have developed a relationship beyond blogging where we occasionally reach out to one another through email and I’m happy that she’s ok. It’s puzzling when someone in social media just vanishes without an explanation. You just don’t know what to think! Anywho, thanks for visiting. I wanted to hop over to you see you but you did not provide your URL in comments and your profile does not have this info. 🙁 So…if you’re reading this you may wish to leave it next time and definitely make it available on your gravatar site. Blessings to you!

      1. Thanks so much for letting me know! I’m at and I did just update my Gravatar.. 🙂

  4. I am so happy to see you with some good news, fun, and pure joy. You deserve it!
    At least the kids are doing good things, just as you did. Life calls; thank God when they have a good person to experience it with. And, they know where Home is, too!
    I knew Les was doing this. She has a lot on her plate, but she is strong!

    1. Annie,

      We’re excited for DD#2 & DSIL but we’re certainly going to miss them like crazy. It’s strange how the heart physically feels the loss of our child to distance. I had always hoped our kids would stay nearby and I always thought they would never want to leave living in beautiful east Tennessee but I was wrong. I’ll get through this pain with DH and God at my side. I hope they enjoy this adventure. At least they are doing this while they are young. Yes, Les certainly has a lot on her plate and I admire her determination. It’s so hard to do what she’s doing raising three kids, taking care of the home, and hubby. I wish all the best to her newest pursuit! 🙂

  5. All of my kids live in other cities. Daniel is the closest in Nashville. Erica is not too terribly far in Atlanta, but Judy in Detroit is a drive! I know what you mean about missing them, but my youngest is soo happy since she moved. As for the Go Fund Me page, we need to start are own because Daniel and Judy are BOTH engaged, and we have two weddings to partially pay for!

    Yay for the new computer! How exciting.

    1. Joyce,

      This will certainly be an adjustment for us. I hope everything turns out well. I hope they go experience life in Maine but decide after a few years that they want to come home. It just too hard to think of them being that distance indefinitely.

  6. Hooray for the new computer! That is worth a Happy Snoopy Dance, nose up, feet moving!

    Thank you also for the update on Les, i miss her and wrote but did not hear back, she must be super busy.

    1. Mimi,

      I miss Les, too. But, I admire her for her determination to get that novel done. She wants to self-publish her work and I think she could do well at it. 🙂

  7. I know the feeling of having the kids move far away. Mine are on the opposite coast so it ain’t easy to see them. We’re going to make a quick trip at Christmas so we can see the new grandchild who will be coming in November.

    Tossing It Out

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