Good-morning, kittens & dawgs! Last week, Kisma shared Getting to know me…2018. I like the idea and I decided to play along. I lifted the questions from her webpage with the original author’s link back at the end, so please visit both bloggers. Grab a cup of coffee and listen to the below US Top 40 playlist while you read my first edition of “Get to Know Me 2018“.
0. Share your profile picture if you have one. I use this picture on my blog profile.
However, if you want to see my mug shot, I mean my beautiful face then look under my About Cathy section.
1. Who are you named after? My grandma told me I was named after her best friend, Kathleen but when I asked my mom she didn’t have an answer to why she named me Cathy. Incidentally, my grandma spelled my name with a “K” her entire life. She was the only one to do it in the family until this past Christmas when half of my aunts/uncles addressed me as “Kathy”. What’s with that? I signed our Christmas card with Cathy and still my name is misspelled. smack forehead
2. Do you like your handwriting? Yep, I like it. I use a hybrid cursive style between old school and Italic handwriting. DH refers to it as decorative and tells me to use clear, print style lettering on envelopes for legibility. lol
3. What is your favorite lunch meat? Turkey & Cheese. That doesn’t sound lean but per slice it only 25 or 30 calories. It has fewer calories than Bologne or other lunch meats and I actually prefer it.
4. Longest relationship? I’m assuming we’re speaking of one’s significant other, right? This June, DH and I will celebrate 39 years of marriage and September marks our 42nd anniversary as a couple. But…I’ve known DH most of my life. I reckon since we survived nearly 42 years of togetherness then we may as well stick it out. What do you think?
5. Do you still have your tonsils? Yep.
6. Would you bungee jump? Are you kidding? Well…it depends how much you will pay me? No pay, then never mind the cost isn’t worth all the tea in China. I’ll keep my feet over solid ground thank you!
7. Do you untie your shoes when you take them off? I have a pair of tennis shoes I do not untie. I have them laced and tied loose enough for me to slip them on and off. These are the ones I wear for quick trips outside to get the mail or what ever. My regular sneakers I do tie/untie.
8. Favorite ice cream? That’s a tough choice because I never meet an ice cream that I didn’t like but I’d say my favorite is Chocolate Peanut Butter. I usually pick chocolate varieties over vanilla every time.
9. What is the first thing you notice about people? I’m not totally sure but I think it’s the face in general. I notice if a person is happy, sad, angry, trusting, suspicious, old, young, quizzical, bewildered, or any other expressions. After some of the news articles, I’m going to pay even more attention to anyone approaching me. It’s scary to think of how crazy, evil some people are throwing acid or other substances in people’s faces.
10. Football or baseball? Football.
11. What color pants are you wearing? Red sweatpants. It’s winter. I like snuggly warm stuff for lounging around the house or doing chores.
12. Last thing you ate? By the time you read this answer it is for last Wednesday morning and that would be breakfast – an egg, a biscuit, and gravy. Yum!
13. If you were a crayon, what color would you be? My favorite color, PINK!
14. Favorite smell? I guess I’d have to say “the best part of waking up…” fresh brewed coffee. Mmm, good!
15. Who was the last person you spoke to on the phone? The receptionist at DH’s eye surgeon to request a refill on his script.
16. Hair color? Sandy brown spackled with glitter. Doesn’t that sound better than….shhh… gray?.
17. Eye color? Hazel-green. Of course, this changes. Sometimes I have hazel-brown or hazel-gray eyes depending on the light hitting my eyes.
18. Favorite foods to eat? Pizza, Mexican, and hamburgers!
19. Scary movies or happy endings? Definitely happy endings!
20. Last movie you watched?
21. Favorite Holiday? Christmas.
22. Beer or Wine? Neither. I don’t drink alcoholic beverages. Blah!
23. Night owl or early bird? Early bird.
24. Favorite day of the week? Friday.
25. Can you crack an egg one-handed? I can but I haven’t purrfected it. Sometimes I get a little messy.
26. Coffee or Tea? I’m a coffee drinker but I do enjoy hot tea when it’s cold. Needless to say, I’ve been drinking a lot of it lately.
27. Favorite go to beverage? Water mostly but I do like having Diet Rite with dinner especially on the weekends.
28. Mac or PC? I love Apple products! We converted from PC to Mac in 2007 but we still have a Windows based laptop & desktop computer. They aren’t used very much, though. In fact, I really need to update the security programs on both.
29. Do you prefer to read or watch TV? I’m not much for reading other than blogs so I prefer to watch TV.
30. Which three of your favorite bloggers you would like to know more about? (link to their about page if they have one) I welcome the chance to get to know all of my readers, so if you like this concept then please lift the questions below to create your own post and don’t forget to do a pingback to my blog so I’ll know to stop by to check it out!
For the original post – Copy this link
It’s your turn! Lift & create your own “Get to Know Me 2018” post and be sure to either add a backlink to my place or leave me a comment. Have a fun!
- Share your profile picture if you have one.
- Who are you named after?
- Do you like your handwriting?
- What is your favorite lunch meat?
- Longest relationship?
- Do you still have your tonsils?
- Would you bungee jump?
- Do you untie your shoes when you take them off?
- Favorite ice cream?
- What is the first thing you notice about people?
- Football or baseball?
- What color pants are you wearing?
- Last thing you ate?
- If you were a crayon, what color would you be?
- Favorite smell?
- Who was the last person you spoke to on the phone?
- Hair color?
- Eye color?
- Favorite foods to eat?
- Scary movies or happy endings?
- Last movie you watched?
- Favorite Holiday?
- Beer or Wine?
- Night owl or early bird?
- Favorite day of the week?
- Can you crack an egg one handed?
- Coffee or Tea?
- Favorite go to beverage?
- Mac or PC?
- Do you prefer to read or watch TV?
- Which three of your favorite bloggers you would like to know more about? (link to their about page if they have one)
I’m linking up taking a HOT coffee break with Stacy Uncorked and Eugenia @BrewNSpew this morning and you’re invited to come with and let me remind you to visit again tomorrow for not-so Wordless Wednesday.
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Always nice to get to know you better, Cathy! You had me smiling through all your answers – I think I’m going to have to borrow this for this week’s Random Tuesday for fun!
Thanks for the inspiration!
I love that you and your hubby have been together the 39/42 years. You really don’t see that as much these days, do you? My parents will be celebrating their 57th anniversary this year – like you, they were kids when they got married. 
Borrow away, my friend! Just so you’ll know I put together 10 more g2km questions for tomorrow and you’re welcome to use them in a future post. You’re right very long relationships aren’t the norm. It’s not an absolute but it seems kids getting married yesteryear ago tend to traverse the years better than today. I certainly wouldn’t recommend a kid today getting married so young. One thing, I believe most just aren’t ready for it. Not that I was but I thought I was, you know? Being in 24/7 committed relationship tests what you’re really made of for sure and it’s by God’s grace that we’ve gotten through so many years. I’m thankful that DH & I kept drawing close to one another instead of apart. He truly is my BFF and I wouldn’t have it any other way. Your folks have been married as long as my parents. They celebrate their anniversary in August. My mom was only 15 and almost 18 months later I arrived on the scene. I thought 17 was young to get married but throw a baby on top of that! WOW, I know I wasn’t ready for kids that young and I figured that I’d never have ’em but God softened my heart. I’m glad that He did, too! Thanks for stopping by.
First congrats on the 39/42 years. We simply don’t hear that kind of thing anymore. Second, Diet Rite – I used to drink that as girl but cannot find it here so I sneak in a Diet Pepsi now and then. Love all your answers – thanks for playing along my friend!
There are some established marriages out there but it gets more difficult to find them as time passes. DH’s parents were married 60+ years before my MIL passed and my parents will celebrate their 57th wedding anniversary this year. It seems more common to find people under 50 who divorce and remarry more than once. Diet Rite is still hard to find. We get it usually at Walmart but there are a few grocery stores that carry it. None of these places keep rows and rows of it, though. Pepsi and Coke have the market cornered, so shelf space is given to the leaders in the industry. We prefer Diet Rite over Diet Coke or Diet Pepsi. Diet Rite tastes better. I was so disappointed with Coke and Pepsi. Their diet line isn’t all that good to us. BTW, I came up with 10 new get to know me questions. I will make them available to copy & paste for anyone wishing to play along at the bottom of Tuesday’s post.
Oh- that’s wonderful to hear! I’ll be sure to swing by and grab them!
My in- laws have been married almost 60 years and my amazing hubby and I are coming up on 23/26 of bliss-fullness!
Cheers to a wonderful day my friend!
Excellent! I’ll look forward to you joining in the fun. You and your hubby have a long-term relationship, too. That’s excellent! Marriage is truly a partnership. It takes both to make it work, one can’t want it more than the other. I think this is an essential key to successful marriage.
Nice to learn more about you. Congrats on your long marriage.
Great answers, and i agree that after that many years, your husband is a keeper!
I followed your lead and participated!
Great Morgan! So glad that you did.
Let’s bring back some of the old school blogging back to Blogosphere!
All those cute kitties I linked this post to Awww Mondays. Adorable.
I think you should just stay with your husband. After all those years you’ve got it down.
I have my tonsils too.
Have a fabulous day, Cathy. ♥
Yeah, you’re right. Why buck the system? DH & I must be doing something sorta, kinda right, huh?
Thanks for playing along. 39/42 years is a long time. Congrats! Loved your answers
Thanks for providing the questions. It’s a great prompt! If you come up with more questions in this series then I’d love to continue along with the fun. It was great having you to stop in today.