Purrs and hooowdys, Kittens & Dawgs! Another week bites the dust. Let’s start the weekend off right with some animal humor laughs on this edition of Friday Sillies!

That’s a wrap, for now, I’m gonna leave you with a sample of what you might expect to find on the dance floor with Animal Song Titles or Band Names song picks.
Have a good weekend and let’s boogie together on Monday’s Mewsic Moves Me!
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Thank you for the fun start to the weekend, Cathy. Have a fantastic weekend!
So glad to help kick off your weekend with some smiles.
All of the images are great, but my favorite, of course, is the Oliphant.
I hope that you have a wonderfully blessed weekend, Cathy. 
Oh yeah, I remember your family heritage a wee bit. Oliphant is a family sir name, correct? That’s such an interesting last name. Thanks for stopping by, my friend!
Yes, Oliphant is a surname way back on my maternal grandma’s side of the family. I think it is an interesting last name, too. Since I learned about it, I’ve started collecting elephants. I figure, once we’re on our way to being grandparents, the nursery here will be elephant themed.
Have a blessed day!
Cute! Funny thing: in my drama camps in Beijing, if a kid was acting out or pantomiming a panda bear, they always dropped to their knees and rolled on the floor. It’s like they’re known to be roly-poly animals.
LOL, that’s so interesting to know about Beijing kids. I certainly had no clue. Thanks for sharing and for visiting.
Great fun, thanks for the laughs!
Those dogs are funny
Have a great weekend! XO
Yeah, I got a chuckle out of that one!
tee hee! So many giggles! Thanks!
Haha! I loved all these Cathy, thanks for the giggles
Have a laughtastic weekend
Anytime, my friend, anytime! Laughter is the best natural medicine we have available to us.
I had a good laugh.
I’m glad I was able to provide your day with some giggles. Thanks for stopping by!
The one with the panda and the one with the cat and the blinds got me laughing, hard. Forty years of cat ownership have taught me never to get Venetian blinds…
I loved all your funnies. I linked this post to Feline Fridays. You have some big felines in here.
Love the video.
Have a purrfect Feline Friday and weekend. Love you. ♥
Thanks, Sandee! I appreciate you linking me up. Have a good weekend!
The first one is so bad but funny, my ex, the pun king, would love it. The panda one is funny….they are all so good and put a smile on my face
I couldn’t resist the animal puns!
OK I’m ready. It’s going to be a great day.
Reading or viewing light-hearted material is a good way to boost that feel good feeling to carry you through the day usually with a smile in place.
Hi, Cathy!
I am pleasantly surprised to see a Friday Sillies post from you, dear friend! I enjoyed those animal cartoons. That little lamb’s future’s so bright he gotta wear shades.
Or maybe he’s just trying to safely observe the solar eclipse. 
You managed to find quite a few animal songs or bands that I didn’t know, even some by The Beatles! I didn’t buy their Let It Be album and didn’t pay much attention to songs recorded just prior to their break-up, and therefore “Dig A Pony,” “Free As A Bird” and “Hey Bulldog” are all new to my ears. “Blackbird” might have been included on this list. It was interesting to watch that video of the coyote riding a city bus. It’s amazing that you get double points for almost all of these entries because they are both an animal name artist and an animal song title. They include Modest Mouse and their animal songs “Coyotes” and “The Tortoise And The Tourist,” Owl City doing “Deer In The Headlights” and “The Bird And The Worm,” Cat Stevens doing “I Love My Dog” and “Was Dog A Donut,” “Monkey” by Counting Crows, The Toadies doing “Possum Kingdom,” Black Crowes doing “Whoa Mule” and Foxes doing “Like Foxes Do.” (I love Foxes, real name Louisa Rose Allen, and posted her song/video “Body Talk” on SDMM a couple years ago.) I suppose if you are willing to stretch the point a bit you could say that every one of these selections gets double points (animal band & animal title) if you think of the Byrds as birds and the Beatles as beetles.
Thank you for the Friday entertainment, dear friend Cathy, and have a wonderful weekend!
I did a sneak in on all my readers with this post. The truth of the matter is I thought perhaps I should begin phasing back into blogging more regularly even while on hiatus as the mood hits me. I know when I return to my routine in Blogosphere I’m often overwhelmed, so I decided to do a slow transition back to my normal routine. Anyhow, I was going for the double point factor with these mewsic selections with animal names and song titles. I’m quite certain some will already be ahead of the game coming up with the same idea. I know most if not all of these song choices are new-to-me. I purposely left off the Beatles “Blackbird” title because I knew it and probably everyone else, too. I wanted to surprise and enlighten everyone’s ears today hopefully with all introductions. It looks like I might have done that with you with the exception of Foxes. I’m not sure how I missed your feature from 2016 but I’m glad that you mentioned it because I really like “Body Talk” which is a fabulous get-to-your-feet dance song. Thanks for stopping by and have a good weekend, my friend!