
12-03-2025 Vol 19

Friday Sillies: Easter humor

Good-morning, my lovely peeps! The weekend is here. Hop over to the coffee pot to refill you cup, so you can settle in for a few giggles this morning with some Easter humor.

Image borrowed from Focused Distortion

A sad story mama chicks from around the country report every year!

Image borrowed from Focused Distortion

Mrs. Easter Bunny would be in a much hoppier mood, if Mr. Easter Bunny gave her morning coffee first.

Image borrowed from Christian Forums

That’s where this comes from!

Image borrowed from Just Between Cousins

Testing out a new egg dye pattern?

Image borrowed from Soul Woven Songs
Image borrowed from Soul Woven Songs

The way some eggs dye!

Image borrowed from Funny
Image borrowed from Funny

Okay, the last one is just a bit twisted, but I found it rather funny all the same. 🙂 Happy Easter!

iStock image purchase
iStock image purchase

Finishing things up today, here’s my response to Hilary’s Follow Friday Four Fill-In Fun statements.

  1. hate it when doctor visits require a lot of money, but that’s just the way it goes.
  2.   Sometimes I am grumpy or moody,  if I haven’t had enough sleep.
  3. it is very unusual, but I sometimes miss composing a daily post through the week because of an foreseen situation.
  4. Is it illegal to keep all the Peeps for myself this Easter?

Keep smiling and a have laughtastic weekend!



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12 thoughts on “Friday Sillies: Easter humor

  1. I am always amazed at doctor bills here in the US, thankfully we have a good insurance, too. Grumpy or moody happens here too, I admit sadly, sometimes also when I need food 🙂 I hear you on no. 3, but you know, I just decided (again) to cut back on blogging, except for my daily iPhone shots, because life is a little more demanding lately and you have to prioritize. So, I’d say, don’t beat yourself up over missing a post or two.
    I have never heard of Peeps… but I don’t like marshmallow or s’mores, so there goes that 😀

  2. Sometimes doctor visits can be very costly. I get grumpy when I don’t get enough sleep too. Have a great weekend and Easter!

  3. Hi Cathy, I enjoyed this post, brought lots of smiles. Thank you 🙂 Thank you also for stopping by and following me. I have followed you via the linky tools. Haven’t done this before so I hope I did it right but I will check back later. Have a great weekend and Happy Easter!

  4. LOL – my kids laughed like crazy over the rabbit ears one.

    #4. YES!!! share that goodness. there will be no keeping of the Peeps all to yourself! Remember, I got the law Right Here with me. 😉

    I am so grateful that doctor’s visits generally speaking cost me $0.00
    With 3 babies and 3 C sections; I’ve never paid a cent. Except the phone charges in my room.
    Even a 5 week stay in the Neo Natal care unit cost me nothing. We are truly fortunate here.

    Have a happy and Blessed Easter!

  5. We don’t have Peeps in Canada. Since the children have grown we don’t even have a lot of candy in the house.

  6. You can have my share of Peeps. I never cared for those marshmallow treats. I never sleep very well; thank goodness I don’t get grumpy! The entire medical field requires too much money, and I do not see it getting better! My insurance just went up again.

    1. What you don’t like Peeps? I have always been a fan of marshmallowy candies. Do you like S’mores? Medical costs are super duper high. I found this out really in a hurry last year when I was hospitalized twice followed by surgery. I was floored to see how much was billed, but thankfully our insurance picked paid 100% after my deductible. That was such a blessing!

      1. I just don’t like Peeps. Too sweet. I know, I am odd that way. Bill teases me about it.
        I am glad your insurance covered costs. Very scary!

        1. I am surprised to learn that others such as you don’t like Peeps. This simply doesn’t compute. At least Bill teases you about it, and rightly he should. lol Thanks for stopping by this weekend!

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