
14-03-2025 Vol 19

Friday Sillies #6


This says it all, don’t you agree? It’s time for volume 6 of Friday Sillies. Let the fun begin!

Confusion say….no, that’s not right Confucius say…Well, heck I don’t know who said these proverbs, but there certainly are good ones….


You cannot get to the top by sitting on your bottom.

Man who lives in glass house shouldn’t run naked.

Learn from the mistakes of others. You can’t live long enough to make them all yourself.

A penny saved is not much.

Reader’s Digest has been around since 1922. This is one of my favorite bathroom publications.  From time to time they run funny cartoons. Here is a few I found in October’s edition:
I dedicate this one to all those who have had a really difficult time this week dealing with Customer Service Reps…

In memory of our kitty…Sorry, Christopher, I didn’t know you felt this way…

What seems obvious to one person, isn’t always to another…

Bazaar News…. 

Doctors noting increase in ‘sleep texting’

Crime doesn’t pay…

Craigslist pot posting brings police instead
He’s no Santa: Burglary suspect stuck 10 hours in chimney

Now, relax – the weekend begins in… 3-2-1!





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