
13-03-2025 Vol 19

Friday Sillies #23 & Friday Four Fill-In Fun

Gaining access to heaven isn’t quite like that, but you gotta love the humor in it anyhow, right? Guess what? Hilary at Feeling Beachie has  named me co-host this week. Yay for me, right?

Here are this week’s four fill-in statements:

  1. When I am stressed I always make major goof-ups.
  2.  Beginning in May of every year is my busiest time  of the entire year, as this starts our birthday season. This year things are complicated with a big event – our son’s high school graduation & college prep. Colgone take me away!
  3. The secret of life is to be the best person you can possibly be. Living life with few reqrets makes growing old less painful and more fullfilling.
  4. If only I could go back to the day my first child’s birth then I would do things differently knowing what I know now and everyone would be a little happier, I think. Hindsight makes things crystal clear. I wish I had the foresight to get things right from the start.


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  • Please link your Follow Friday Four Fill-In Fun post to the linky below. PLEASE grab the linky (found on Hilary’s site) and post it on your blog or in your post
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    4 thoughts on “Friday Sillies #23 & Friday Four Fill-In Fun

    1. Thanks for co-hosting!

      I think we all wish we could use hindsight, but I think the mistakes we make along our way, makes us better people, and ultimately happy…

      Hope you have a great b-day season!

    2. I love your answer to number three, being the best person we can be is one of the few things in life we can control. 🙂

    3. I love your answer about going back… what a great idea… too bad we don’t have a time machine.
      I suppose we are supposed to be completely obsessive when our first child is born…. 🙂
      have a great weekend!

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