Purrs and hisses, Kittens & Dawgs! It’s official, today is the first day of winter but I feel a bit like Maxine because man, oh man was it ever bone-chilling cold earlier in the month! It’s time to unwind. The weekend is here and for many of us, it’s a holiday one at that. Let’s settle in for some good ole belly laughs with these Friday Sillies!

This is supposed to be DH’s Friday off but he elected to work today to have the day off after Christmas. That works fine by me just as long as I’m spending time with him. I’m rounding things out with my responses to this week’s Friendly Fill-Ins!

1. Every Christmas, I left wondering how did the season go by so fast.
That’s a wrap for now but I hope to see you on the dance floor for All Things Christmas on Mondays Mewsic Moves Me!

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Oh my goodness, that Christmas light comic is so very relatable. And thank you for joining in on the Friendly Fill-Ins! Your answer to #3 is so beautiful. I hope your Christmas was merry, bright, and filled with blessings, and that your days continue to be just that.
Our Christmas was wonderful!
Thanks for stopping by for a visit.
TW was just saying today that every year she lets Christmas get away from her but this year she wasn’t but it did anyway. Happy Christmas to you and yours.
It sure does go by fast, doesn’t it?
We’re planning to stay home, too!
What a great blessing to have a granddaughter.
I pray that you all with have a wonderful Christmas, filled with love and family.
I understand your response to #4 completely. May it be so!
Have a blessed weekend and a very Merry Christmas.
They say the day after Christmas is the second biggest shopping day of the year and the biggest return day of the year. We will try to just stay home. Have a Merry, Jesus filled Christmas.
Great funnies! They all made me laugh.
Even when the kids are all grown up, we continue to think about what we want for them and how we hope they will live their lives. Thanks for the funnies, i really liked that song!
Your video has me wanting pizza, and I have already committed to bringing home Arby’s.
Thanks for the Friday jollies. I know you research a lot for these.
Loved the funnies and that video was very funny. I’ve not heard that before. Such fun.
Love all your Friendly Fill-in answers.
Have a fabulous day and weekend, Cathy. Love you. ♥
Great funnies. I love the Christmas light one
Thank you for participating in the fill-ins, great answers, especially #4. I read a quote somewhere that you are only as happy as your happiest kid. I hope the new year brings them all peace and happiness. Have a blessed Christmas and a happy, healthy new year. XO
Maxine said it! We had snow in November, but now it’s mild and raining hard, on the first day of winter. Not very Christmassy! Love the cute jokes and Doug the Pug is adorable.
Thanks for brightening my Friday, Cathy! How nice that DH is taking the day after Christmas off. Here in Canada, it’s an official holiday, called “Boxing Day”, where the stores have big sales, similar to Black Friday. Wishing you and yours a Merry Christmas!
Ha! I love them all!
Wow, love the funnies today. This year just flew by. I can’t believe it is almost Christmas.
Those were terrific and filled with giggles!
Hi, Cathy!
We have gale or tropical storm force winds blowing down here this morning and it wouldn’t surprise me if the power goes out at any moment, but I wanted to stop in for your Friday Sillies. I got a smile or laugh from each and every one of those cartoons. The one with the dog drinking the Christmas tree water is especially good. I never knew of a dog that didn’t enjoy drinking out of the toilet including my Toto, and I never knew a kitty who didn’t like to play with ribbon and wrapping paper and jump inside an empty box. The Doug the Pug video was heartwarming and again reminded me of my Toto.
Yessum, 2018 went by fast, and so did the holiday season. It’s no wonder the season starts earlier every year. Seems no matter how early in the year you start preparing, you always seem to run out of time. Mrs. Shady had a long shopping list and spent many hours in stores on Wednesday. When she got home and started wrapping presents she realized she had forgotten to buy gifts for a couple of people in her large family, and so she needed to run out again yesterday for several hours.
Have a safe and happy weekend and a wonderful Christmas, dear friend Cathy!