
13-03-2025 Vol 19

Friday Fun Stuff Sept. 17th edition

Visit Comedy-Plus for Feline Friday

Howdy-hi, folks!  I actually knew a cat like the one pictured above.  She was really a nasty furball and only kind to one of her human pets.  The other she was a bit indifferent toward depending on her mood.  Just a wee reminder, I restructured Fridays content by splitting Friday Fun Stuff into two posts.  You’ll still find 4F (Feline, Fill-ins, Friendship Friday) content in Friday Fun Stuff installments but I moved the Friday Funnies (previously Friday Sillies) into its own spot and will publish right after this every other week.  On DH’s Fridays off, I will share Five for Friday song picks.  This change is an adjustment I’m struggling with and I don’t 100% if it’s going to work yet but I sure do appreciate your patience putting up with my squirreliness.

From Mt. Mitchell clouds part long enough to catch a glimpse of the Blue Ridge Mountain range and valley, a condition that’s quite common. The temperature was 25º cooler standing in the parking lot than in Knoxville on this day. Photo enthusiasts consider joining Yogi’s Den (Alan) for Skywatch Friday.

Ellen at 15andMeowing and Lorraine at Four-Legged Furballs share each Thursday four blank statements to copy and paste to create an entry for their Friday Friendly Fill-ins.   I’m rounding things out by including my filling in the blanks with my responses.


1. Is it wrong to dance naked in the rain? Okay, that might not be wrong but seriously am I going to do it? Nope.  I’m just being completely silly this morning, as you probably figured out. After all,  it’s Friday. 🙂

2. I wish I had kept my daily happenings and thoughts in a journal to have a record to look back through time to read what was going onThis is one of those regrets and yet I struggle with starting this.  It’s never too late, I suppose but I still just can’t get into it.
3. Life with DH is my idea of living happily ever after.
4. It’s been a long time since I made home-made donuts and this is something I hope to change soon!


Sharing with Friendship Friday Ramona @Create with Joy

It’s been a long time in the making, just like everything else in my life, but I finally got around to tweaking and fixing up my home-made beef enchiladas with red sauce recipe to share with you for Friendship Friday.  If you like Mexican food then perhaps you’ll consider trying it out and if you do, please let me know!

I apologize for publishing this later than usual but I totally forgot to do my Friendly Fill-in section until this morning.  Look for my Friday Funnies coming up next!   Have a funtastic Friday, dear friends!

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8 thoughts on “Friday Fun Stuff Sept. 17th edition

  1. Thank you for participating in the fill-ins, great answers ,especially #3 . And it is good to be silly. 🙂
    Thank you for the recipe, they look fantastic. Have a nice weekend. XO

  2. Love the kitty and you don’t want to ever push that button.

    Love all your fill-ins. Donuts was something I made when I was a young adult. My son loved them. He picked the toppings.

    Thank you for joining the Feline Friday Blog Hop.

    Have a purrfect Feline Friday and weekend. Love and hugs. ♥

  3. Hi, Cathy!

    I found your second (or first) post, dear friend. I had thought the two were the same post. I’ll get the hang of it after awhile.

    That meme about kitties going into kill humans mode is so true. I have seen cats grow tired of stroking and lunge at the person doing the petting. I think static electricity builds up on their coats and perhaps they get a little shock at some point that makes them lash out. Are you saying the cat in the picture was one that a member of your family once owned?

    That’s a spectacular shot taken from Mt. Mitchell. It reminds me of how the sky looked that day we climbed to C-Dome. The clouds were hanging low over the mountains and we couldn’t see as far into the distance as we had hoped, but we still enjoyed visiting the attraction. I don’t remember the temp being very much lower at that high elevation. 25 degrees is a shocking difference.

    I enjoyed reading your Friendly Fill-ins. Your #1 fill-in made my sleepy eyes pop open wide! It woke me up more quickly than a whole pot of black coffee. (LOL) On reply #2, I think your blog (and mine) serve as our journals. Sometimes when I go back to the earliest years of my blogging and read my old posts, I shudder at how primitive they looked and how poorly written some of them were compared to today. I truly believe i have educated myself over the years and become a better writer, a more effective communicator, a better friend and a better person. One of my other blog friends gets her blog printed out in book form at the end of every year, thus having tangible volumes to page through and to pass down to family members as keepsakes. I know your lucky hubby DH is rooting for you to make #4 happen a.s.a.p. (LOL)

    I will share your recipe for beef enchiladas with red sauce with Mrs. Shady. Last eve she whipped up some kind of Moroccan style soup that’s out of this world.

    Once again, good luck with your eye exam today, dear friend Cathy. See you tamale!

    1. Tom,

      This post and my FF ran a bit late this morning because I forgot to do the fill-ins. Yesterday I had hairy morning trying to resolve a printer problem which had me ready to pull my hair out. Luckily, I got it fixed and hopefully I won’t have any more reoccurrences of the same communication issues between my computer and printer. Technology you either love or hate and I can tell you at times like that I’m in hating mode. Well…I’m glad my answer to number 1 woke you up in a hurry. I’m just being absolutely silly and that’s the point I want to convy because who wants to be serious on a Friday? I agree our blogs do serve as a journal of sorts. I’m trying to incorporate more memories for this reason. I had thought about turning my blog content into printed book but with all the videos then I didn’t think that would go over too well. It would be nice to pick and choose entries to publish as a hard copy or even as ebook. This is something for me to think about. Mmm, Mrs. Shady’s Moroccan style soup sounds interesting. I don’t think I’ve ever had any Moroccan food. I shall do a quick look on DuckDuckGo to see what I learn. Maybe, Mrs. S needs to start a blog to share her recipes and art, what do you think? If she’s working outside the home still then that’s rather challenging but it might be worth it to create something now that she can pursue more actively when she does leave the work force. 🙂 Thanks for stopping by, my friend. Have a good weekend!

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