
10-01-2025 Vol 19

Fox #ABCWednesday #WW

Last week, something in our backyard flashed into view while I was getting a a drink of water at the kitchen faucet.  The heavily brush-filled bank is home to many critters.  Feathered-friends frequently rest on the small trees. In recent years a new neighbor moved into our yard but we haven’t seen him around in a long time.  Anyhow, as I was saying while quenching my thirst I caught something moving in the brush.  At first, I thought it was a feline but it wasn’t the usual black kitty I’ve come accustom to seeing. In fact, it was the biggest furball with a large bushy orange tail. Someone needed to go on a diet, I thought but it wasn’t until it moved a little further up the hill that I realized it wasn’t a cat at all but a fox! I snapped a fast picture with my iPhone but that was a flop. I fled to get my big girl camera but unfortunately, it was a missed opportunity and he was gone like a flash.  

I hate when that happens, don’t you? While I don’t have a foto to share, I decided to try my hand sketching a fox using these step-by-step instructions with Procreate on my iPad.

I thought I’d only share the B&W pencil design but then I decided to add a layer of color in Procreate to bring my little fox to life. 

Perhaps a little fragrance for a special Valentine’s Day night? 😉

My linky party is open to all regardless of what kind of post you have as long as you’re a personal blogger.  ALL commercial websites, advertisers, or other spammy, non-fun links are subjected to immediate termination by the linky hostess!

This post is sponsored in part by the ABC Wednesday community and the letter ‘F

The bi-weekly art prompt hosted by Michael MacVean. This is the off week for the hop. Next week’s theme is HEARTS.

Have a blessed day and I’ll see ya tomorrow for Thankful Thursdays & Mama Kat’s Writing Workshop prompt. 

Mid-week hops:

🎨Scribble Picnic   ✍️ABC Wednesday 

📸 These Wordless Wednesday Communities:

Comedy Plus Wordless Wednesday Xmas Dolly

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60 thoughts on “Fox #ABCWednesday #WW

    1. Melody,

      You know I was thinking yesterday how years ago Fox tail coats were popular. Are they still? I don’t see too many real fur coats being worn anymore. Animal fur really isn’t needed for warmth anymore. There’s far better solutions to protecting a person from the elements and while furs are pretty, the faux furs are just as pretty. Thanks for dropping by for a visit!

  1. great job on your fox sketch! it looks great and vibrant against the background. Love that u saw something in your yard and it inspired you to draw.

    1. Sandy,

      I’m following your lead to draw things in my life just like you. It was you who inspired me when I saw that little fox. 🙂 Maybe, I’ll find more opportunity to do this as time goes by.

    1. Mimi,

      It was fun to sketch the fox. Mine is generic but someday maybe I can draw from photographs or sight things that inspire me. That’s what I hope anyhow.

    1. I guess it’s hard for any critter to find food that live near cities. I can see why they are usually spotted around dumps and trash cans. I know in the foothills communities, especially Gatlinburg, bear will come right into town looking for food. These critters have caused a lot of property damage, too. It really bothers me when I see people in the mountains feeding the wildlife. That’s so stupid and it makes these animals dependant on people for food. That’s not a good idea ever! There’s never a park ranger around to give these people a ticket, either. As a Tennessee citizen can I cite the criminal with a fine?

    1. Marie,

      Of course, you’re in my community! I loved having you for my neighbor. We sorta are neighbors in Blogosphere, right? We visit each other all the time. You’re the bomb, my friend!

  2. Hello my lovely, and how are we today? Fine I hope. I would like to thank you for the lovely drawings & in fact I think I shall copy them if you don’t mind & maybe blow them up to an 8X10 because as you know I live a few blocks from the Fox River!!! Wouldn’t this picture be appropriate for my living room or even my kitchen maybe… hmmmm maybe our hallway/foyer !!! Oh yes, we see foxes all the time around here.. well not so many anymore for some reason, but we do see them. Plus where I live if you go straight down my street you pass a huge park/playground & then it’s three blocks of homes & then the river, but right before that river there’s a walking/riding path and then the river & a patch of bushes here & there & all the geese/ducks come to visit/eat & lay eggs to start their families come Spring, but that’s their meeting place for sure. In fact, we have to honk the horn to get by on that street. Cute! hmmm I’ll have to take some pics come Spring to show you! Anyway, must get my get-a-long moving! Luv-U-Girl & check your email… sorry for the mix up, but you’ll love the ending! Woo Hoo Oh heck, I’ll just tell you we have a Honorary Conductor for March! WOO HOO! Talk to ya later… BIG OL HUGS & WHAT DOES THE FOX SAY? ooo ooo ooo ooo ~hehehehehe~

    1. Marie,

      Sure, if you want to print my fox image go for it. I’m not sure how it’ll look, though. You’ll have to tell me how it turns out. You’re a sweetheart! Yes, do take pictures this spring of all the critter activity near you. That sounds pAwesome! Thanks for the heads up on the email. I did it this morning and will get around to responding shortly. Have a good day, my friend!

    1. Brian,

      Foxes are beautiful but they also can carry rabies, so it’s best to admire these critters from a distance as all wildlife. It amazes me to see people in the Smoky’s take life-risking chances to get a photograph of a bear or elk or feeding the animals. That’s so dumb and dangerous. roll eyes

  3. That came out great. They are beautiful creatures and do remind me of cats 🙂 Thanks for hosting #WW. Have a wonderful day! XO

    1. Ellen,

      I was looking at other fox species some from other parts of the world I think favor cats even more than the red fox. The red and Arctic foxes are my favorites. It’s the Fennec Fox reminds me somewhat a cat with its big ears when you look at it straight on but its profile definitely says dog. They are a lot smaller than the red fox. Thank you for the compliment on my drawing. It was fun to sketch.

  4. lovely sketches of the fox- periodically we would see a fox where we used to live near Mt Shasta CA….no chance here.
    Thanks for your nice comments on my blog…you are correct about it being fall not summer! I hand printed all my photos back then using a rental color lab ( which has gone totally to digital now darnit ) ….boy was that fun! Using a filed out negative carrier gave me that edge around the images and made them look like they were floating! Have a great day!

    1. Kathe,

      It seems wildlife is encroaching city living more and more. Not long ago, maybe a month or two, we were out driving along a very busy street when I noticed a deer in someone’s yard. I did a double take because at first, I thought it was a lawn ornament but it was a real deer nibbling on a bush. Goodness, if that thing got out into the road it would’ve caused a serious accident because people are traveling at least 40-50mph (the speed limit or faster) on that road, too.

  5. My big boy camera is often in the wrong place at the wrong time, but you have the talent to sketch what you have experienced. Nicely done. Have a blessed day.

    1. Driller,

      I keep my big girl camera in the dining room but even that distance is often too far away. Maybe I’ll get lucky and the little fella will return for me to snap a better picture.

  6. I don’t think a photo would have been any better. We don’t get foxes here, just possums, raccoons, stray cats, and the occasional deer.

      1. You know what’s worse than skunk spray? Cat spray. We adopted an un-neutered adult male a few years ago. We got him halfway home when he decided to spray the inside of the carrier. We very wisely chose to take him right to the vet, who was nice enough to work through lunch (it was New Year’s Eve) and neuter him, before we let him in the house…

        1. John,

          I’m glad you found a vet to quickly fix that little booger! Our cat did a lot of marking in one of the rooms. She was fixed but did this anyhow. We had to give her up because I was allergic to her and I was prego and we decided to use that room and to put down new carpet. What a headache! I don’t know if we’ll ever have indoor pets again even if I weren’t allergic to them because of this sort of problem. I do like animals, though.

    1. Patrick,

      I’m glad you joined up. Thanks for your kind words. I really appreciate everyone’s thoughtful comments. It’s always encouraging.

  7. Beautiful sketch as always, Cathy. I’ve never seen a fox in person. I don’t think there are foxes over here on our side of the pond.

    Happy WW!

    1. Veronica,

      I did a quick ask of Google about Fox in Malaysia and there appears to be such a critter in your neck of the woods. I found this clip on YT of a Malaysian fox. It doesn’t look it’s North American cousin. In fact, it reminds me a little of a raccoon with its masked face but it has strips, no bushy tail, and a lot smaller than the red fox. 🙂

  8. I love your sketches. This one is no exception. Be on the lookout for this little fella again. I’m sure he’ll make another appearance.

    Thank you for joining the Wordless Wednesday Blog Hop.

    Have a fabulous Wordless Wednesday, my friend. Love and hugs. ♥

    1. Sandee,

      That’s what I’m hoping for that he’ll return. Years ago, DS told mentioned seeing a fox reared up against one of our trash bins. I guess he was looking for food but I never saw one until now. It was a cool sighting!

  9. Your sketches are always a pleasure Cathy they are brilliant, I am absolutely useless at it LOL

    Have an artistictastic week and thanks for sketching by ➡

    1. Steve,

      Don’t sell yourself short. I bet there is a hidden artist in you, too. DH draws excellent stick people. I’m not teasing, I think they are adorably cute and I just love when he draws them for me. 🙂

  10. We see fox here in our neighborhood on occasion, but have never gotten a shot of them either. Disturbing is when we see coyotes. They are trouble, but by the time Mom realizes it isn’t a dog, they too are gone. Your drawing is great, though. Ours look so mangy, not as pretty as we would think they would be.

    1. I have seen coyotes and on the rarest of occasion wolves in the Smoky’s but never in our town. Thankfully, there aren’t too many loose dogs on the street. Cats generally have free rein but even they are few in numbers.

  11. Hi, Cathy!

    Happy Almost Wordless ABC Wednesday & Scribble Picnic Day to you, dear friend!

    Thanks for bringing us Fox news. 🙂

    Your sketch laid the groundwork, and the color brought that little fox to life. It’s a wonderful illustration, more magical and eye pleasing, I trust, than the actual picture would have been. Your story reminds me of a red fox that visited our property for a short period years ago. The poor thing was injured and limping. Obviously in that condition he was not able to catch his prey and so, every day at dinnertime, I took a dish filled with whatever Mrs. Shady and I were having out to the spot where our property meets the woods. I then waited in the window for him to come. It only took a minute for him to appear and gobble up the food. Clearly he appreciated his meals and the helping hand. Then one day I heard barking in the back yard, glanced out the window and witnessed two hunting dogs chasing the gimpy fox from the neighborhood. I never saw him again and that made me sad.

    Where did the still life of the fragrances come from? It’s beautiful!

    I hope your week is going well and that you and DH are preparing for a romantic Valentine’s Day. Take care and I’ll see you soon, dear friend Cathy!

    1. Tom,

      Ah, that’s so sad about your little fox friend but you were so kind to care for him. I hope he got away from the hounds safely! You asked about the fragrance still. I created it a few years ago using my perfume bottles and my anniversary pearls all things DH bestowed on me over the years. It made for a very romantic shot. I’m glad that you liked it. I really need a nice spot to do these sorts of pictures but we really don’t have the ideal place in this tiny house but I promise if we’re able to get into a new place then our next place will have the purrfect creative niche for blogging, art, photo shoots, & more! Thanks for dropping by today, my friend!

  12. Hi Cathy; Your sketch turned out well, especially the coloured one. We had a den of foxes prowling our area last summer. I think they camped out in the neighbouring schoolyard. I used to bring scraps of meat over there, because they looked so thin. They’re very cute and mostly harmless, unlike coyotes. Happy Wednesday!

    1. Debbie,

      The fox in our backyard didn’t look too thin. I think he’s been into someone’s trash or someone’s feeding him. Thanks for the encouragement with my artwork, my friend.

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