Good-morning, kittens & dawgs! May is disappearing on me. After last month’s A2Z challenge I thought I’d roll back into my normal blogging groove, but that’s not been the case. BoTB tied up my 1st and 3rd Fridays posts and I jump didn’t show up at all last week. I’m still trying to find my happy spot with blogging. After all I did say, I was rethinking how I wanted to do things in Blogosphere. What? You didn’t see that memo! Well…now you know.
Although summer is officially not here yet, I always equate the start of the season with Memorial Day and with it fast approaching I can’t help to think of yesteryear spent around the fire-pit at my in-laws.
DH’s boyhood home sits on top of a mountain in southern WV. We loved escaping city life for the weekend with the children to visit the parents. In the warm months it was an excellent time to sit outdoors around the warm glow of a campfire roasting marshmallows to eat straight off the stick or sandwiched between two graham crackers and a square of Hershey’s chocolate (see How to make S’mores).
Star gazing, firefly catching, and freeze tag were wonderful pastimes, but the best of all fun was listening to Papaw (DH’s dad) tell stories of from his past or to hear DH’s spooky encounters of a panther screaming in the dark outside his bedroom window or the time he felt a large animal (more than likely a panther) presence lurking in the shadows walking from his car to the house.
All of these are wonderful, sweet reflections, but I can’t help to smile thinking how much I loved the burnt wood smell on my skin and the sense it left that “life is good”. I miss those day and want it back!
What’s your favorite thing to do around a campfire? Do you get to enjoy this simple life’s pleasure?
Please, let me urge you, if you don’t want to join the linky and you want others to visit you then please leave your URL in comments somewhere. Some profiles don’t always make it easy to find a way back to a person’s blog. Thanks!
Today, I celebrate the small things in my life, like…
- getting our new garage door installed
- that we are finally cleaning out the garage
- replacing my old charcoal grill with a new one
- getting to grill this weekend for the first time in more than a year
- and, finally the sense that life is coming together in general
What are you celebrating?
Let’s celebrate making new friends together and we can begin by joining Friendship Friday and Follow Who? Social-Weekend blog hops. Thanks for visiting. Don’t forget to stop by tomorrow for a little boogie session with Saturday Songsuasion/Sillies!
For more day specific blog hops, click here.
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Oops, I just got here for ‘Celebrate.’ I hope you enjoy your family this holiday!
Sitting by a fire outside is always magical and I love the photo you posted with the glow of that fire clearly seen and the figures dimly lit around it. Thanks for visiting my Friday Five post – my Celebrate one will go up today
Special Teaching at Pempi’s Palace
I love this post. Thanks for sharing.
Sitting around the campfire at the end of the day… is just about the most perfect way to end the day! whether I am camping, or at someone’s cottage, or even a backyard BBQ. Sometimes stories are told, often a guitar or 2 will appear, and it’s just a good time of being together no matter what we do. And you have to have S’mores. It’s just a given. (beer often shows up too. ha)
Have a happy and safe Memorial Day Weekend!
It always feels good to get organized and to cross things off our lists. It seems we’re all in the same boat – just trying to keep clear heads. As far as blogging, there’s a lot of blog hops going on right now, but normally I’m going to try and blog one day every weekend.
Precious Monsters
Haven’t been around a campfire or bonfire or anything like it for a long time.
Have a good weekend, and enjoy the food.
We need to get a new grill. Hope you enjoy yours this weekend.
Memorial Day is the perfect time to celebrate the start of summer, and getting a new grill up and running sounds awesome! Scary about the panther out there in WV, but so cool about stories from “Pawpaw” and S’mores!! It’s wonderful you feel optimistic about life coming together. I feel that way too! Maybe it’s the excitement of summertime. Have a great weekend!
This may be a double post, because your site seems to be acting up and resetting connections. But I love campfires… they often remind me of social events with my friends from school or Jewish organizations. (My Linky’d post is two weeks old, but hopefully it’s still salient
Hmmm,my site is acting squirrely?!Maybe, my host server is updating. I find I have trouble myself when they are doing stuff like that, but that’s bound to happen from time to time. Campfires are wonderful social environments. I spent a lot of time around them as a kid ~ Girl Scouts or with friends. Nice, fun memories!