
15-03-2025 Vol 19

Flashback Winter 2013

Good morning, kittens and dawgs. We’re under a winter storm advisory with the prospect of 1-2 inches of snow. Seeing is believing in these neck of the woods, but two winters ago we did get this….

Will it look like a winter wonderland today? I don’t know, but if it does then I’ll be sure to snap a few pictures to share. 😀

This week’s featured photographer is….

Julie’s Lifestyle

Go by to see what amazing pix she’s sharing today! Kindly include your Wordless or (not-so-wordless) Wednesday link below to join the party. It would be awesome, if you can show a little blog love by inviting your friends to join in on the fun, too! ?

Thanks for popping in and joining the Wordless or Not-so-Wordless Wednesday fun.

Have you voted in my mid-January edition of Battle of the Bands yet? If not, I urge you to get in on the action, here and then come back on Friday to see, if your favorite artist is the winner.


Have a fototastic day!


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25 thoughts on “Flashback Winter 2013

  1. Lovely photo! We’re supposed to get 8 inches in Philly this weekend, though the last “big storm” they predicted came and went without a single flurry! I hope we get a little snow, but nothing too crazy!

  2. That looks so pretty I love seeing snow like that but hate going out in it LOL

    PS: I added the wrong link on my first attempt so my link at 13 is out of date and can be deleted, it’s early morning here…that’s my excuse and I’m sticking to it LOL

  3. That looks so pretty and the bluish tinge give it a real “arty” look. 🙂 Here’s hoping you don’t get too much snow. Stay warm! The only good thing I can say about it is, as far as the dogs are concerned, it’s cleaner than mud.

  4. Sunday morning I looked out and snow was falling. It was so beautiful, so I hurried to dress. By the time I got to the door the snow had totally stopped. Yes, 30 minutes of snow. I’m sad, but it’s okay, as I hate shoveling the driveway!!!

    Wonderful photo!

    1. Dixie, I totally get what you’re saying. You’re thrilled to see the white stuff fall, but usually by the time you’re dressed it’s gone. That’s happens a lot here, too. My son called to report he off work, heading home and stuck in a mess on the interstate. The road is in horrible shape. He said he’ll be lucky to get home in 2-hours the way things are traveling. I hope it doesn’t take that long for him. Poor kiddo! I remember in 1985 I was stuck on the interstate for 6 hours driving on black ice. That was a nightmare!

  5. Oh well…. pish posh… heeheehee… all I have to do is look out the window to see that. It snowed last night and all morning around here. Anyway… fingers crossed I don’t have to stay in hospital just waiting for doctor’s verdict! 🙁 Wanna go HOMEEEEEEEEEEE!!!!!!

    1. Marie, yeah I know you northern cats get plenty of white stuff. I don’t think I’d be a happy girl living any further north than southern Virginia and that’s really pushing it. DH worked in central Michigan in 2000 & he really didn’t care for the harsh weather. Thankfully he only had to be there for four months. That’s good news you don’t have to stay in the hospital. Is this because of the flu or your other health issues? I’m praying for you dear!

  6. It’s so pretty when it drapes over the bare branches like that. Pain in the butt draped all over my driveway though. LOL
    We don’t have snow today – but we sure got the minus temperatures! Hubby and I have used it as an excuse to cuddle by the fire and catch up on some movies. 🙂
    Just in case you do get that snow and cold — I brought you some nice sunny warm thoughts in my post.

    1. Les, we did get snow. It stopped a few minutes ago, but it could start again. I think the system is still overhead, but it won’t be with us much longer,though. It looks wintry white out, but I’m not sure if there’s enough to entice me outdoors. I’m a bit apprehensive to venture out for fear I may slip and break something going down our hilly driveway. It may be best, if I listen to that quiet voice inside this one time. I’m glad you’re getting some sun. I know you Canadians get it far worse than us southern birds.

  7. What a pretty winter scene! Thanks so much for the feature this week! What a nice surprise and I appreciate it. Enjoy the week.
    Julie xo

    1. Patrick, really? That always fascinates me to find stuff like this out. I remember one time we went to the Smoky’s. There was snow on the ground. A Florida family was playing in the snow. The kids were loading snow into the truck bed & I had to laugh because I knew when they got to the bottom of the mountain the snow would melt away. It’s so cute to see others enjoying for the first time the pleasures I grew up experiencing.

    1. Kisma, winter white makes the world feel right and it’s an absolute delight. That rhymed! ? Our current is….it’s snowing & we have about 3″ already. Knoxville is having a nervous breakdown, too. The local news is reporting steadily about the conditions. It would be kinda of funny, if it weren’t so sad. They report stuff someone with an ounce of common sense and average intelligence already knows as if folks don’t know. *slap forehead* Oh well, there’s no cure for stupidity.

  8. Hi, dear Cathy!

    I always appreciate seeing snapshots of winter weather in the states to my north. My friends back home in York say they might be getting two to three feet of snow in the days ahead. At the moment all we are experiencing here in Central Florida is “the coldest night of the year,” with the overnight temps possibly dipping down to the mid 30s.

    I hope you get your winter wonderland, if that’s what you are hoping for, dear friend Cathy. Keep us posted!

    1. Tom, a little snow is a fun treat. What our northern neighbors get is too crazy to suit me & I’m happy that sorta accumulation is like once in a blue moon occurrence. I’ll let you know how things develop in our area.

  9. Well, not sure if you want the kind of winter again that you had a couple of years ago, but the kind of snow you have in your photo sure looks nice. I could still do without, although, we are supposed to get our first ‘real snow’ this Saturday. I’ll probably be out there taking photos again 🙂

    1. Claudia, I have mixed feelings. It’s kinda nice to see one good snowfall every winter. So this is as good as anytime for it. We may get snow on Saturday, too. Of course, your area probably will get more snow accumulation than what we do.

  10. That’s very pretty. Willy Dunne Wooters said that last week his windshield had ice on it a couple of mornings when he needed to go to work. His ice scraper is broken. He didn’t know because it’s been so long since he used it.


    1. Janie, scraping the windshield isn’t fun. At least DH doesn’t have to worry with doing that dreaded task since he’s out of a job. Of course we’d like to have a new job soon so we can complain about such nasty unpleasant wintry chores like scraping the windshield. Sigh. Oh well, maybe there’s something new on the horizon.

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