
16-03-2025 Vol 19

Five Questions Friday Meme

The work week comes to an end at 5pm for most of us.  Y’all be careful during the Friday afternoon rush hour and if you get a chance to join me, then answer the 5 questions in my comments which our host Five Crooked Halos provided for this fun meme.  The weekend is beginning and what better to spend a little of your time than to mingle with a friend, like me. It’ll be fun, fun, fun!
1. Do you know what your REAL hair color is?  The color of my hair is dark blond to light brown. What do you call that?  It’s very close to this gal’s hair pictured to the left.  Of course, I have {clear throat} splashes of silver coursing through my short waves, unlike her.  Okay, I’m not young and beeeautiful as….WAIT! Young, no (only at heart). Beautiful, YES!  Hey, you’re only as beautiful as you feel, right?  So feel beautiful, be beautiful!  Oops…where was I again, oh yeah, I’m so tired of trying to conceal my signs of maturing. Why? Because every time I attempt to color my hair the color is usually too red.  Yeah, a little red is nice. I like the playfulness of reds but usually, it’s just too much to suit my taste and it takes at least two months before it tones down enough where I can stand it.  Either, I’ll just accept my hair in its nature, true glory or I’ll bet the maturing process to the punch by coloring my hair platinum.

2. Do you plan ahead for summer, or fly by the seat of your pants? Fly by the seat of my pants best describes me.  I  mean, we don’t take a ‘real’ vacation every summer. That’s too expensive! Our idea of summer fun is to spend the day in the mountains exploring or take spend the night with our parents.  So, we’re for whatever goes for summer fun – the sky is the limits, right?
3. What is your favorite meal to cook? My favorite meal has to be breakfast. That is if I can fix up a huge meal of pancakes and sausage, or omelets with toast, or a classic meal of gravy, biscuits, eggs, sausage, hash browns, and grits.  When we were first married, we would go to Crackle Barrel on Saturday mornings for a classic breakfast.  Mmm, good!

4. Do you get offended by not receiving thank yous?  Does getting bothered count as being offended?  I think it’s rude when you give a gift to someone and you do NOT get a thank you card or at the very least a call to say, thank-you.  I grew up with a strong sense of proper etiquette through the lives of others. Acknowledging your appreciation was common courtesy and to not do it is rude.  This practice has all but faded away.  It’s RARE I get a thank you note from graduates, the bride & groom, or new parents anymore.  Aren’t kids taught this or do they simply not care? Well, we know common sense has lost its place in our society, so maybe this it.

5. How did you meet your best friend?   My husband “best friend” or my girlfriend “best friend”?  I’m assuming you’re talking about girlfriends, right?  I’ll go with that one.  I met Anita in Kindergarten.  That was ahem…44 years ago.  I can’t tell you how we became friends. Funny how small details go out the ole noggin as time passes.  All I can tell you is, I always thought she was the prettiest little girl with the longest blond hair with blue eyes ever! As time went by, I realized she had a heart of pure gold.  She was so kind and generous.  In January, I talked a little about her family in my post, A Scary Situation.  Anyhow, she seemed so perfect and I wanted very much to be just like her.  Somethings just don’t leave your heart, ever!  I have a several other best friends from my childhood who are equal in my heart, each with special characteristics which make them special to me.  While we aren’t super close like we once were, I still regard these ladies as my best friends. 




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5 thoughts on “Five Questions Friday Meme

  1. @Donnie…I knew a woman like you would have the classic and consideration to send out a thank-you note. Just tell me where to send your gift? lol

  2. Those questions really help me know more about you. If you want to send me something I’ll be sure to send a thank you…lol….

  3. I had to respond to Question Four. I usually try to send thank you notes though, after my wedding I didn’t send thank you notes to a lot of people. Another person we knew was getting married a month later. We had people give us gifts with notes telling us they were for us to give the other bride. I was sorta insulted, but I gave the other bride the gifts. I couldn’t figure out how to write a polite “Thanks for the not real gift!” note, so I made my sister write those notes. I know. It’s horrible of me, but I couldn’t write those notes.

    Horrible, I know, but I was pretty sure I’d say something like “How sweet of you to give me something to give it to someone else!” And that wouldn’t be polite.

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