
16-03-2025 Vol 19

Fall Back humor

Purrs and hisses, Kittens & Dawgs!  It’s a brand new month with the weekend upon us again and along with it comes the time change…again. UGH! *smack self in forehead*  Let’s see if I can find the humor in that…so does that mean when we fall back an hour is that like time travel? 🤔 While I’m thinking about this why not enjoy today’s Fall Back Friday Sillies!

That’s a wrap for now but I hope to see you on the dance floor with unconventional duets song pickson Mondays Mewsic Moves Me!

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19 thoughts on “Fall Back humor

  1. I love the Stonehenge one. HAHA!

    I also love living in a part of the world where DST doesn’t exist. I mean really, when you live close to the equator, days are roughly 12 hours long all year round. Right now we’re at about 12.5 hours of daylight. It was more like 13 hours during the summer when the sun was to our north. I love it. The geography nerd in me is a happy camper!

    1. Red, I like the extended sunlight hours of summer. I had not thought about countries close to the equator having such long days until you mentioned it. That I would like a lot but I’d miss the changing seasons. I can’t have both so I’m happy with the way things are except I wish the US do away with DST. It’s purpose no longer serves a need anymore other than make me mad. 😄

    1. Pam,
      The extra hour wouldn’t be enough to help DH and I’m sure my internal clock will wake me up before the alarm goes off and then I’ll get mad when I can’t fall back to sleep.

  2. Ack, thanks for the reminder! Working from home now, I tend to forget about these type of things quite easily. Those were great funnies, too! 😀

    1. Melody,

      Being at home all the time does throw the schedule off but I generally have the hang of things finally. It only took me 30 years. LOL The thing I miss most is not knowing what’s going around me until DH says, “Did you hear about..,,?” In which case the answer is usually no and he fills me in. 🙂

  3. I think they need to leave the clocks alone. Arizona has it right. They never change theirs. Funny stuff.

    Have a fabulous day and weekend, Cathy. Love you. ♥

  4. Hi, Cathy!

    I am happy to see your Fall Back Friday Sillies, dear friend! I agree that changing the clocks twice a year is jarring. Mrs. Shady hates that nightfall comes earlier after the fall time change, but I appreciate the break of dawn arriving sooner because I am already up by that time most days. Getting up at 5 am will feel like “sleeping in” because I will actually be arising an hour later. I also agree that it would be nice if we could turn the clock back decades instead of only one hour! 🙂 I enjoyed that hit single by Chicago, a song that played heavily on the radio during my senior year of college.

    Thanks for the Friday smiles, dear friend Cathy, and have a safe and happy weekend!

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