
15-03-2025 Vol 19

Exercise to magic slippers and sidelined by travel pics

Near the end of last month I committed myself to a strict diet, counting my calories and being extra careful to not eat more than my body can burn off.  With that mindset, I stepped up my game to exercise daily. Here I am in action..

I’ve really changed a lot since you saw me last, huh? 😀  I couldn’t resist. I filmed this little guy while on one of my adventures and recorded my voice using iMovies.  I’m not much of a movie maker but it was still fun.  Just call me Silly!

Another thing I began in August is getting those childhood memories in writing.  I know I’ve shared some random stories but I’d like to incorporate more of a collective body of events and so that’s what I’m going to do today in part.  

I’m not sure of an exact date when my parents moved from their 2-room house that did not have indoor facilities or running water to our fully plumbed home with an indoor bathroom.  I know it was prior to first grade which would’ve been 1968. The weather was nice.  I’m thinking it had to be somewhere between spring and late summer.  

The first day in my new home, my little brother and I were playing in the yard when all the neighboring kids came running to meet the newcomers.  Coming to a quick halt on the other side of the concrete block fence boarding our yard were three boys and girl. The two taller kids were older and two smaller ones my age.  I met them. Les with his best friend Tyrone and Les’ little sister, Anita with her good friend, Robbie. Like a monkey, Anita scaled that block fence. WOWed by such maneuvering and agility, I said, “How did you do that?” She shifted her shoulders rolling her eyes toward her feet, “With these magic slippers!”   My eyes fell on her feet totally enchanted by such mystical power and wondered how she acquired magical shoes.  From that instant, I secretly hoped she might one day let me try them on because I didn’t have any magical slippers.  Being the good friend that she always was, still is, she let me put them on one day.  Did it give me special abilities? Unfortunately, that secret is locked away somewhere in my brain but I’ll never forget those magic slippers.


Below is a picture I borrowed off Anita’s FB wall of us together some time ago and I shared it 100 Truths last year. I wonder if those are the magic slippers I remember.   

Anita has long locks. I’m sitting on her bike. She always shared her toys with me.

Anita will always be my first best friend but my lifelong best friend is DH and we love to do everything together. Here’s a happy little surprise I found on my camera roll while knocking around in the mountains last month, an accidental selfie of best friends together. Excuse the blurriness. I had no clue I was taking several pictures of us and this one is the best. 🙂

I had just taken a photo of the Chatuge Lake in northern GA not far from Clayton.  We were en route to Highlands, North Carolina when we came across this picturesque spot.   Can you see the slight change in the foliage?  Yep, fall is on its way!


That wraps things up but hopefully if inspiration strikes then you might find me back here tomorrow with an art contribution for Thursday Art Date with Rain

X💋X💋, Cathy

Please read: Aces are wild birthing the idea of my new mid-week hop WILD WEDNESDAYS (#WildWednesdays) and all personal bloggers are invited to promote yourself.  This linky party spans 14-days, so next week be sure to link up again. 😉  Share your photos, artwork, music, musings, randomness, or more because we want to connect with you. Warning… spammers will be deleted without prejudice.

This linky list is now closed.

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24 thoughts on “Exercise to magic slippers and sidelined by travel pics

  1. Dearest Cathy,

    First of all Big Big love and big hugs.

    You look adorable as a little tyke. May your bestie and you be blessed always.
    Such friends are a treasure as are DHs who can be our best friends. I have one such too. He sure is the bestest.
    Love that silhouette of the two of you ♥️

    Your rodent is cuteness as is your voice.
    And yes absolutely thrilled to have you link up with us on #WW.🤗

    Have a terrific weekend ahead sweet one!
    Love, light and laughter xoxo

    1. Natasha,

      Ahh, thank you for the love and hugs! That warmed my heart this morning. 🙂

      Yes, it’s nice to have a lifelong best friend, despite the miles and years separating us. There’s something very special about childhood friends and the importance to feel that connection. I believe when we reunite again, we won’t miss a beat on reconnecting. That’s how strong I feel not only about Anita but a few other very close girlfriends. For the past 40+ years, DH has been my VERY best friend which thrills my heart. I know there are other women who aren’t as fortunate as I am to have such bond and that makes me sad for them. It’s easy to grow apart in a relationship if you’re not careful to tend to it properly. We insert ourselves in each other’s interests instead of ignoring or being uninterested. Doing things together really makes a marriage stronger.

      That little gerbil loved that wheel. I got tickled with it. He’d run, run, run. Get off. Then run, run, run again. It was like a cycle that little guy couldn’t break. Thank you for visiting, darlin’. I hope you have a good weekend, too! 😘

    1. Jeanna,

      Yes it is and I wish I had done better with this but I guess it’s better to start late than to never start at all. Thanks for the return visit, my friend!

  2. Hey Girlfriend, how ya be??? Well, busy day for me and right now we’re watchin’ the Cubs game, but I talk I’d take a quick break to tell ya I luvs ya and this is a couple of great photos you’re sharing with us and most of all cute cute (snicker) picture of the rodent runnin’!!! Have a great day! HUGS

  3. What a cute, funny video, Cathy! 🙂 It was nice to hear your voice. And, I love the memoir of the magic slippers. Lifelong friends are rare and precious. That silhouette photo of you and your DH tells it all! 💖 Lastly, that lake photo looks beautiful and serene. Lots of great stuff, here! 👌 Excellent idea for a weekly link-up, as well.

  4. Love the video and love the magic slipper part. Having a great friend like that is priceless.

    Thank you for joining the Wordless Wednesday Blog Hop.

    Have a fabulous Wordless Wednesday. Big hug. ♥

    1. Deb,

      Visiting old best friends is special. I haven’t seen my first best friend in years but we do try to touch base through FB on occasion or shoot each other a happy birthday text. Technology brings us together even when miles separate us. 🙂

    1. DH had a gerbil when he was younger. I never did but my best friend, Anita, had a guinea pig. Imagine my shock when the once small rodent grew rather large. I lost all appeal after it slipped out of its cute stage.

  5. Hi, Cathy!

    Happy Wild and Almost Wordless Wednesday to you, dear friend!

    I’m on day 2 of 17 days on the road helping family and doing home renovations. There is a likelihood in days to come of reduced blogging activity, but today I have a small block of time early in the morning before the work begins and I wanted to check out your post.

    That hamster impersonating you doing your exercises reminds me of the pet hammy Mrs. Shady #1 owned while we were still dating as teenagers. The hamster came with us after we were married. We both loved the cute critter and were distraught as it got old and sick and the time came for the vet to put it to sleep. I am excited to hear your voice for the first time, Cathy. It is as youthful as you look in the pictures you post of yourself both then and now. Kathleen Mae Schneider will applaud you for discovering the satisfaction that comes from collecting childhood memories and stories and putting them in print for others to enjoy. I’m glad you are doing this. That’s a fabulous picture of you and Anita. You haven’t changed all that much, Cathy. You have remained a youthful in appearance and attitude, still love to have fun and boogie to good tunes. When you tried on Anita’s magic slippers, I believe they gave you the artistic ability that you display throughout the year, especially in A to Z April. Those slippers made you a mewsic connoisseur who knows the good stuff when she hears it, someone who consistently presents artists and songs that delight my ears, the kind I would put on my own blog. Those slippers gave you a good sense of humor and a love of hosting mini-parties here on your social media sites and entertaining friends all over the country and around the world,

    That shadow picture of you and DH taken by accident is magical, better and holding greater sentimental value by virtue of the fact that it was not planned and not staged.

    Thank you for sharing these wonderful moments in your life,Cathy. I hope to see you tomorrow and gaze upon more of your artwork. Until then have a splendid day, dear friend!

    1. Tom,

      Thank you for the early visit. It’s been a hectic morning. I started off getting tomorrow and Friday’s posts ready to launch did return visits and responded to comments. Cleaned the refrigerator out and then went to Facebook to see what I’ve missed in the last few days. That’s when things took a turn downward. I learned my uncle’s wife passed away. My heart just sunk in my chest. I was closer to this uncle and his wife so it hit me hard. Her passing came about a month after my other aunt’s death. They both worked at the same place for years and both were diagnosed with cancer within a week of each other. It’s heartbreaking. I feel the weight of the grief of those I love. The only comfort I have is knowing that Carol is in heaven rockin’ a new body and catching up with family/friends who’ve gone on before. Please keep my uncle Roger in your prayers, along with their son (his wife), daughter (her husband), and grandkids. It’s going to be difficult in the days to come.

      Now, let me say I appreciate every kind word you shared about how those magical slippers brought out my superpowers as an artist and mewsic enthusiast. I never thought it in this way but you might be right. lol

      Well, let me dash dear friend. Thanks for the special efforts to visit me during your short break with helping your family. You’re the best!

      1. Cathy, I just took a brief break from the day’s work and am saddened to learn that you and your family have suffered another loss, your Aunt Carol. Prayers go out to Uncle Roger, to you and to all your loved ones.

  6. Thank you for sharing such a lovely writeup along with some beautiful pictures. I loved the pic of the tranquil lake very much.
    Curious to know what you’ll come up with, for that art contribution!

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