Good morning, kittens & dawgs this morning’s ReverbNation pick is Electric Hippo!
The artists’ bio reads:
Phiilo (formerly Electric Hippo) ties together the power of EDM with the rhythm and fluidity of funk, jazz, rock, and soul. Live instruments—primarily Nick’s distinct and technical style of electric guitar—are incorporated alongside experiments in digital sound production and Jonny’s broad vocal range. These components, while designed individually with high attention to detail, combine to create what is best described as stylistic electronic compositions.
After meeting in Boulder, Colorado, Nick and Jonny capitalized on a unique musical chemistry and immediately started jamming, writing what would become the first few Electric Hippo singles (including “Closer,” which layers silky ambience, RnB vocals, and a punchy arena synth). The song-writing process reflects each member’s forte: Nick, as instrumentalist, producer, and sound engineer, creates the musical composition and backbone, while Jonny writes and records vocal melodies. Unafraid to experiment, and dedicated to bringing listeners new sounds, Electric Hippo is poised to fill a crucial void in the ever-changing landscape of modern electronic music.
Bringing to you, hopefully, a new-to-you discovery, I give you Phiilo!
What are your thoughts on Electric Hippo? Is this a group you would like to listen to regularly? Which song selection did you like best?
That’s a wrap for this week. I hope you enjoyed your visit and I appreciate you including me in your weekend. Feel free to invite your friends to stop in for a listen. If you’re a new and upcoming artist desiring a little extra play time, please pitch me and I’ll plug your tunes in for my readers to enjoy. Have a songsational Saturday!
What’s next, more music on Mewsic Moves Me!
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I like the band! I was mostly listening as background music while catching up on paring down my e-mail inbox, so none of the songs jumped out at me significantly on the first listen (in either an excellent or horrid way). But I’ll have to listen again when I’m not preoccupied!
Noah, so glad you listened to Nouvella Vague. They’re alright. It’s hard to find new bands that absolutely blow me out of the water. Have a songsational week and thank you for visiting. I’ll be by your place soon.
Not what I generally listen to, and I’m not sure I could listen to a lot of it at a time, but I like it! Never heard the abbreviation EDM… electronic dance music? Whatever, they make interesting noise (and I don’t mean that in a negative way).
John, I’m not an EDM person for the most part, but Electric Hippo’s style appeals to me. It’s different from what I typically listen to which is a nice change. Thanks for stopping by a little ear candy.
thanks for bringing the music of Electric Hippo to us. I enjoyed it even though I am of an older generation. I like all sorts of music. Thanks! Have a great week ahead and thank you for stopping by my blog last week.
Jill,I enjoy a variety of musics and styles. My favorite stuff comes from the 60s, 70s, and 80s. I’m always on the look for new bands that capture my ear. I don’t like want to every grow stagnate in my musical taste. Thank you for visiting. Have a songsational, fototastic week!
Not probably something I would listen to on a regular basis, but it’s not something I dislike listening to either. Nice sound that is reminiscent to some of the stuff I used to listen to back in the 80’s. It’s a retro sound that does draw me into listening to it and it makes nice background music as well–probably good for driving.
Favorite song? Hard to tell at an initial listening as they all sound equally good. If I were to pick one off hand I’d go with “Get It Going”–that one made the most contact with me first time around. Although “Closer” was a good one too. Heck they’re all pretty fine tunes.
Enjoyed the introduction to this group.
Arlee Bird
Tossing It Out
Lee, The song that pulled me in first is Electric Hippo’s “23rd Street”. I really liked the vibes of this song. They do have several interesting and dance-able music tracks. Thanks for popping in for a listen!
Hi, Cathy!
When you left your latest comment on SDMM, I noted that you have an appreciation of R&B and soul, and Electric Hippo is a good example. These guys are terrific! I love those deep baselines combined with the smooth, soulful vocals. Modern EDM producers know how to “bend and shape” sound in ways we never even dreamed of back in the 60s. Like Debbie the Doglady, I choose the first song as my Pick To Click. I wonder if Electric Hippo’s Greatest Hits will be released by Rhino Records!
Thank you for introducing this talented duo, dear friend Cathy, and enjoy the rest of your weekend!
Very pleasant sound! I like this band. Thanks for the introduction, Cathy. The first song was my favourite of the three. Have a good weekend.
Debbie, you’re welcome! I love finding new and different talent. I appreciate the Twitter share, my friend. You rock! Have an awesome songsational weekend.