
14-03-2025 Vol 19

Dog gone ain’t that funny!

Feline Friday Sandee @Comedy Plus

Mrs. English is rolling in her grave.  I used the word she most hated for us kids to use, “ain’t”.  She always told us that it wasn’t a word.  I don’t know all the ins and outs of grammar or maybe I just forget it.  What I do know is this, that doggie looks funny holding a hot dog, don’t you think? Yeah, I know I’m sharing this meme with the Feline Friday community and it’s doesn’t quite fit the party but hey, it’s just one of those weeks.  Thankfully, it’s coming to an end and we’ve all been looking forward for Friday’s arrival, right?  It’s here, so let’s get the weekend party started with some laughs. 

Poor little thing, what were you thinking?
Okay, may not be funny but this little pooch sure looks cute.
Friendship Friday Ramona @Create with Joy

Now this is my kind of friend!  I’m ready for a bowl of ice cream.  I think I’ll make some no-churn ice cream for this weekend’s snacking pleasure.  I have a new recipe I’m anxious to try which means I’ll be sharing it with you if it turns out nice. 😉

Ellen at 15andMeowing and Lorraine at Four-Legged Furballs share each Thursday four blank statements for us to copy and paste to create an entry for their Friday Friendly Fill-ins. Rounding things out this is how I filled in the blanks.

1. I would like to be more organized and less of pack-ratGranted I’m improving year after year, I still have a ways to go before I’m satisfied.  At least I’m changing over time.  DH has even farther than me.
2. The color of  my Apple Watch band is pinkHey, it’s almost 6am, I haven’t had my morning coffee yet, and I have smidgen of a headache so this is the first thing to come to mind.
3. Deciding to take some time away from blogging this summer was a difficult choice for me to make.  I think I will do another repeat of last year, keep my 4M dance party going because who can’t use a bit of music to start their week off? I haven’t decided 100% for sure this is what I will do but I’m about ready to get onboard with the idea.  We’ll see.
4. I never have trouble talking to a stranger once the ice is broken but sometimes I find breaking the ice hardWhen I was younger I never had a problem with talking to random people but living a more recluse life I’ve turned into a more introverted person.

Skywatch Friday Alan @Yogi’s Den

I’ll be back tomorrow with my mid-month BoTB.  If you’re in Blogosphere this weekend do stop by to cast your vote for your favorite artist and don’t forget to join me on the Monday’s Music Moves Me dance floor.  Our theme next week is  ‘your choice’ song picks, so come join the party!  I’m close things today with Baha Men and “Who Let the Dogs Out”.  Have a funtastic Friday, dear friends!

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21 thoughts on “Dog gone ain’t that funny!

  1. Your funnies always make me smile. And thank you for joining in on the Friendly Fill-Ins! I’ve been doing a lot of decluttering, and it really is a nice feeling. And as for me, I’ve never been good at talking to strangers. I’ve never been good at talking to anyone but my immediate family, really. I can type out words to share here on the internet, with the confidence of a backspace key, but having to speak to people in real life is a whole other story. Have a wonderful week!

  2. Thank you for participating in the fill-ins, great answers. If you take the summer off I will miss you, but I understand. XO

    1. Ellen,

      I won’t be completely gone from Blogosphere if and when I take off but the down time is needed. I’ve done a lot of sitting in front of the computer and I need to get active doing other things. 🙂

  3. I love the funnies and that daschund on his stairs made me laugh at loud. The doggie will get a brain freeze for sure eating the ice cream like that. Looking forward to that recipe and I am sure it will turn out. I hope you still do the weekly song challenge as well although I totally understand taking a break. I am so with you on your first question but let’s see if I can get some of that done this summer which is my plan.

    1. Birgit,

      I probably will continue with my mid-week post for awhile because I plan to use my mid-week slot for the A2Z Road Trips. So, I will definitely squeeze in WSC. 🙂

  4. What a fun post and I love the video. Such an upbeat song.

    Love the funnies. Cute.

    Your fill-ins are great and I’m with you on #3. I’ve been post five days a week for a very long time. I try not to blog on the weekends to get a break, but sometimes that’s not enough.

    Thank you for joining the Feline Friday Blog Hop.

    Have a purrfect Feline Friday and weekend, Cathy. Love and hugs. ♥

    1. Sandee,

      I agree sometimes the weekends aren’t enough of a break. You may consider taking a break, too. Things do slow down in Blogosphere and it’s a great time to slow our pace down, as well.

  5. Hi, Cathy!

    Happy Feline & Friendship Friday, dear friend! I have come to sample your Sillies.

    That bowwow looks doggone happy to have a giant wiener in his jowls, and so does the dog later in the post going to town on a cup of vanilla ice cream. I’ll bet your homemade ice cream is delicious and greatly appreciated by sweet toothed DH. The picture of the pup stranded on “the stairway to nowhere” is priceless. Is that your dog? it reminds me of our Toto. In her younger years, she loved to leap onto the bed to sleep with us. When she got older, she developed arthritis and could no longer jump that high. We got her a doggie ramp.

    If you decide to take a summer vacay from blogging you’ll be missed. I know you like to keep running a few features even while on hiatus, and I look forward to your mewsical offerings and band battles if any. Speaking of which, yessum, tomorrow’s the day for the next BOTB. I’ll be here to cast my vote.

    The “Who Let The Dogs Out” song and official video is a great way to end your canine themed post. Have a nice weekend and I’ll see you tamale, dear friend Cathy!

    1. Hey, Dawg…I mean Tom!

      Nope, that fashion stating doggie isn’t mind. I found the meme while browsing online funnies. After dinner last night, we got into the vanilla ice cream a little prematurely. It had set up pretty decently but this evening it’ll be harder. However, we could tell that the recipe is good and it was made without an ice cream maker. I’m anxious to sample it again, maybe, I’ll put some chocolate syrup on mine. 🙂 Thanks for joining me for some Friday Sillies, my friend, and I’ll see ya tamale! lol

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