
14-03-2025 Vol 19

Dog Days of Summer

Awww Mondays hosted by Sandee from Comedy Plus.

Welcome to the Sunday edition of Monday’s Music Moves Me.  If you’re feeling like the kitty in the picture above, then you’re at the right party!  Speaking of parties, the 4M guest host, Patrick from Adventures in Weseland, wants us to pick songs about the summer heat to build a dog days of summer playlist.  It’s time to get sizzling!

Pooling from various sources I built a playlist with those long dog days of summer that seems to stretch on forever. All you wanna really do is have a tall glass of icy goodness about now. Hit play while sweating (guys) or glowing (dolls) to the beat!

Summer is heating up playlist:

  1. The Heat Is On ~Glenn Frey
  2. Honey Bee ~Blake Shelton
  3. Some Like It Hot ~The Power Station
  4. Honeysuckle Lazy ~Rascal Flatts
  5. Feeling Hot Hot Hot ~The Merrymen
  6. Watermelon Crawl ~Tracy Byrd
  7. Hot Blooded ~Foreigner
  8. Sunny Afternoon ~The Kinks
  9. This I Gotta See ~Jason Aldean
  10. Soak Up The Sun ~Sheryl Crow

Some of my song picks talks about heat but not necessarily caused by a summer day and others reference the heat and having something cold to drink.  I just love Blake’s music video!  It’s spot on for summer time. Thinking of such times, I remember when I was a kid, how we’d love to have frozen icy pops, shaved ice, ice cream on a stick, or a slice of cold watermelon. Mmm, delicious!  Or how, we’d run so hard and play so long, getting sunburned, skinned knees, stubbed toes, filty, sweaty dirty from head to foot, and a zillion mosquito bites before dragging ourselves home.  How I miss those bygone-days!   

The theme this week is for the dog days of summer. Pick songs about the summer heat!

This is a music linky party.  Your co-hostess are StacyAlana, and Me.   Every other week we have a suggested music theme (see weekly prompts here) to build your song set around and all participants share YouTube or Vimeo videos for our music enthusiasts.  Failure to meet this basic guideline puts your URL in danger of being removed or labeled – NO MUSIC.

4M design by Cathy Kennedy

This is CAAC signing off,  have a boogietastic week! 🤗💋, Cathy





















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29 thoughts on “Dog Days of Summer

  1. That’s one smart kitty trying to stay cool! Love your summer playlist. I can’t wait for fall even though we’re getting the afternoon thunderboomers almost every day!

    1. Eugenia,

      We’re in the same boat as y’all with afternoon thunderstorms. I don’t like all the rain because it elevates mold levels in our area and that’s something we’re both allergic to pretty bad. It would help tremendously if we didn’t have so much vegetation around our house. I sure hope with our next property it’s everything we hope that this one isn’t and more in a better way that is. 🙂 Thanks for stopping in to enjoy the music!

  2. Lovely mewsic indeed!

    Fortunately it’s been pouring here and I’m celebrating #MM with some rainy day songs this week, and a poem by Oriah Mountain Dreamer, some sky views from home and while birding.

    Have a fabulous week sweety and stay cool and cosy.

    1. Natasha,

      The other day, we were talking to a woman who’s name is the same as yours and I instantly thought of you. Of course she has an east Tennessee accent which is quite a bit different than yours but she was a lovely lady and really handled our call beautifully. Anyway, I’m glad you found time to join me on the dance floor.

      1. Awwww that is so sweet and what really touched my heart, Cathy darling is that you remembered me.

        Love you loads. ♥️🤍♥️🤍
        Take care hun and have a delicious week ahead.
        Love joining the dance floor with the gang!

        1. Thank you soooo much sweety.

          Off to see the the younger dotty dearest at her boarding school, plus a quick short break. So all these wishes I’m lapping up with an open heart. ♥️🤍😄🤍♥️💜

          You have yourself a gorgeous one too, hun.

  3. I love Summer season, CK, Little Binky did too😺 I think when there wouldn’t be this heat, where would your great songs came from, the heat is on girl😸 I also want to Thank You for bringing so much comfort on the passing of my sweet Little Binky and knowing that she had so much friends, makes it so much easier on my broken heart. Thank You🌸 Cool Pawkisses from Heaven especially for you🐾😽✨

    1. Granny,

      I know how much Little Binky loved the outdoors in the garden seeing all her little birdie friends and other creature. She was a sweetheart and is sorely missed by all who had the pleasure of her furriendship. I hope your heart grows less achy each day. I’m glad you stopped by for a visit, my dear. XO

    1. Robin,

      As long as I’m indoors then I’m okay. It’s just when I go outside I melt away. Whew, I’ll be happy for cooler weather to get here but we have a whole lot of summer left!

    1. Mimi,

      Did you say hot rolls? What’s that, hot roll as in something not edible? Ahhh, drats I was gonna say pass pass a plate full along with the butter. Mmm, now I want some yeast rolls!

  4. We used to play hide & seek tag after it was dark and not come in until after 11pm. We lived in the country so it felt very safe. Running etc..if I fid that now, I’d be crippled up gor a amazong what we could take. I loved the songs but gad to go to YouTube after the 2nd one because it would not play Here. I enjoyed most of these. The Hot hot hot one, a friend of mine hates because they play it constantly at a conference he has when they are selling trips( he works for CAA travel agency.

    1. Birgit,

      We played well into the night like you but I don’t think it was ever that late, though. I grew up in a rural setting in a small community that felt more like a large family. All the mothers kept an eye on kids that didn’t belong to them making us feel like we had a second or third mom waiting in the wing. Of course, it was a safe place to grow up. Crime was really low and generally speaking the people were good, even those who were considered “low life” were more decent than the “low life” of today. They had issues but they seemed to respected boundaries and parents trying to raise their kids right, you know? I never remember to check the video region but at least you know what’s on my playlist. 🙂 I sure do appreciate you coming by to dance with me!

  5. I’m glad I had 12 songs in my playlist, because I intersect with two of yours. Great list… hey, is this becoming Sunday’s Music Moves Me?

    1. John, I have plans to back to Mondays in October. Initally, I thought this would be helpful for get folks interested but it hasn’t. Thanks for stopping by!

  6. I knew six of the songs (and one of your songs will be on my post, which was pre written). A very nice set, and allow me to join the cat in the refrigerator. I remember the summers of my youth, mainly spent in New York City but with a break in a summer camp in the country, and I sure remember having the bottoms of my feet toasted. And waiting for the arrival of the ice cream truck. Yes, the Heat is On!

    1. Alana,

      Growing up in the hills of West Virginia we didn’t have the pleasures of chasing down the ice cream truck but instead walked to a nearby country store. I remember how the asphalt scorched my feet. I wasn’t sure which was the least offender the hot pavement or hot gravel alongside the road. I don’t walk outdoors barefoot much anymore. It would be sheer torture to do now. When our kids were small, we’d make frequent trips back home to southern WV to visit DH’s folks. The change in elevation provided a welcome relief. One thing we enjoyed doing on our visits was to build an outdoor fire to roast wieners and marshmallow over then to sit beside way into the night. That was a lot of fun. The kids loved chasing and catching fireflies. 🙂

  7. Awww on the kitty. Smart kitty that know how to stay cool.

    Love that playlist. Loved that movie too. So fun.

    Thank you for joining the Awww Mondays Blog Hop.

    Have a fabulous day and week, Cathy. Love and hugs. ♥

  8. Hi Cathy!

    Happy Paw-some 4M Monday on Sunday, dear friend! I hope you and DH had a nice week ad are having a great weekend.

    Awww… I just wanna smooch that cool cool kitty, beating the summer heat on a shelf in the fridge.

    I enjoyed your block of songs referring to the Toto-approved Dog Days of Summer. Glenn Frey’s hit “The Heat Is On,” a March 1985 hit single from the OST of the 1984 action comedy movie Beverly Hills Cop, is one of the catchiest sounds of the 80s. ‘Some Like It Hot,” a hit by Robert Palmer’s supergroup Power Station, was “hot” and is linked in my memory to the point in time when I walked barefoot on fire at a motivational seminar here in Central Florida. “Hot Blooded” was a very big song that takes me back to the early years of my second bachelorhood which lasted nearly a decade. We’re talking about lots of wild clubbing during that period, and I often shudder and wonder how I survived those years. “Sunny Afternoon” was a popular play on the Dell jukebox, even though it was atypical – not very conducive to dancing. The songs by Blake, Rascal Flatts, Merrymen, Tracy, Jason and Sheryl are all new to my ears and I enjoyed them. Yessum, Blake’s song and video about summertime love in the country does bring back memories of childhood. I spent the first five years of my life living in the country, and I am blessed with vivid memories of it. Thank you for reminding me of ‘the way we were” as children. We ran hard, played hard, wore ourselves out burning energy all day and well into the night – dirty, sweaty, skinned knees, scabs, stubbed toes, proudly wearing Band-aids on our arms and legs, eating fresh-picked fruits and veggies and eagerly awaiting the daily arrival of the “Snowball Man’s” truck for a sweet, cooling treat. We were very fortunate to be a generation that was not enslaved as so many are today by addiction to personal electronic devices and social media.

    I got a giggle out of Maxine using her mailbox as a toaster oven. Thanks for the morning mewsic and smiles, dear friend Cathy. Enjoy your Sunday and the week ahead!

    1. Hello, dear friend!

      We had a nice weekend. Thanks for asking. Anytime, I go outside I’m ready to climb into the refrigerator like this kitty. Last week when we got groceries delivered it felt terrible but when I noticed the temperature reading only in the low 80s I realized the humidity was the biggest problem. It felt like it was in the mid to upper 90s. You’re so right about being enslaved to mobile devices. We’re pretty bad about it but younger people are worse off than us. I’m so glad we didn’t have such distractions when we were kids. Those bygone days will forever live in my memories!

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