
24-03-2025 Vol 19

Debbie Gibson

Awww Mondays

Sandee from Comedy-Plus has been this month’s honorary co-hostess.  We’re finishing September this week withs whatever music moves you. This gives me another opportunity to continue absorbing previously published post here on CAAC from my a private WP blog that belongs to me. Eventually, I will permanently delete it to minimize confusion.

After doing a double check, I found that I had shared on a few occasions songs by today’s featured artist, Debbie Gibson. Be it as it is and I’m tying up loose ends, I’m marching forward with my plans but let’s see what else I might discover.


Song tracks: 1. Only In My Dreams 2. Lost In Your Eyes 3. Shake Your Love 4. Out of the Blue 5. No More Rhyme

When Debbie was popular, her music went unchecked as I was a full-time SAHM and rarely had the radio tuned in.  Pulling this post together, I learned she released an album in 2021.  She’s a talented artist and I am glad she’s not letting her gift dwindle away.  Listen to the 15 song playlist, The Body Remembers.

Song tracks: 1. One Step Closer 2. Runway 3. Love Don’t Care 4. The Body Remembers 5. Lost In Your Eyes, The Duet (with Joey McIntyre) 6. Strings 7. Legendary 8. Freedom (ft. ASHBA) 9. Girls Night Out (Tracy Young) 10. Dance 4U 11. What Are You Gonna Do? 12. LuvU2Much 13. Red Carpet Ready 14. Tell Me Love 15. Me Not Loving You



This is a music link up.  Hence, your post must contain music (at least one song) or your URL is marked “No Music”. The party co-hostess are now featured in my right side bar underneath the 4M banner. The guidelines are simple.  Every other week, a suggested (not mandatory) theme is given to build your song picks. YouTube and other music sites have options to create and embed playlists or individual songs into your post. On the off weeks, we dance to whatever music moves you – your choice. Finally, to access the dance party, just add your music post below, and visit others on the floor. Let the party begin! 


I know some of you are wondering if our grandson finally arrived.  He did! LA2 born September 15th at 8:16pm weighing 8 pounds 3 ounces and 21 inches long.  Our newest addition proved to not be as big as his papa at birth (9lbs. 7oz. & 21-in.) after all for which I’m really glad.  Although, our daughter in law was induced, she labored about 21 hours before our little guy arrived.  We’re thrilled to have him in our family. What a joyful blessing! 

On the left is LA2 after birth and on the right is DS only a few days old. Separated by nearly three decades, twins at birth!

I was trying to come with a clever name for our grandson to use on my blog when it occurred to me that the initial of his first name matches our granddaughter LA, so I thought why not LA2? I think this is perfect!

On behalf of the 4M crew, special thanks to Sandee for volunteering to be this month’s honorary co-hostess.  We appreciate you doing this! You’re welcome to participate anytime, dear friend.  Your themes were wonderful and I enjoyed building some great playlists. 

Before I forget I’m moving back to Mondays starting next week.  I’m undecided if this is a short or long term change yet.  That’s a wrap for today. Have a boogietasticweek!  X💋X💋, Cathy

This week’s Sparks to encourage or inspire….


“Another fall, another turned page…” Wallace Stegner


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28 thoughts on “Debbie Gibson

  1. Congrats again on your new grandson. My mil said my newborn son (her only grandchild, as it turned out) and my father looked almost identical at birth. I missed Debbie Gibson the first time around (although I knew the name) and now that I had a chance to listen to her, she does some of the slower songs quite well. Alana ramblinwitham

    1. Thank you, Alana! I think it’s great to see family resemblances in our wee ones. All three generations DH, DS, and LA2 could be triplets if time didn’t stand between them. 🙂 I’m glad you enjoyed the Debbie Gibson’s music I brought to the party!

  2. LA2 and DS look like twins:)). That first picture made me smile which I need. I enjoyed Debbie does songs..hahaaa. she has been very busy which is great. I fell over a suitcase yesterday and hurting today. One knee is double the size and both ate turning blue. Both pinkies are double the size and bruised up so are my hands right shoulder and ribs and my left foot. Ughhh

    1. Birgit,

      Our son and his son do look like twins. I created another collage of our son and DH which I may share eventually and those two look like twins. DH says when he’s in the room with our son and grandson, he says they look like triplets. lol He’s right!

      Oh dear, what a trip you took and not the fun kind! Have you been to the doctor? Seriously with everything swelling and turning colors I’m concerned. You poor thing! I hope it’s been today and if not, please go get checked out.

  3. Thank you for your help in erasing my name. I really got to get it together. Anyway, the girls are really rockin’ it today, don’t you think? Great pics of the new grandson! He’s just too cute for words & I know you’re so proud! God bless him and your whole family sweetie! Now… back to biz… Debbie Gibson really out does herself in this tune for sure. Only in my dreams I remember that tune, but the other tune must be later.. I never heard that one for some reason, but it’s really cute! Thanks for sharing girlfriend! HUGS HUGS & MORE HUGS!!!

    1. Marie,

      Everyone is rockin’ it this week. That’s the sign of a good party! No worries with the double entry. Sometimes things just act screwy. Thanks for the sweet words, my friend. Have a boogietastic week! xo

  4. I love Debbie Gibson. She rocks.

    Awww on both cutie pies. That furry sweetie pie and your new grandson. Love your blog name for him.

    Thank you for joining the Awww Mondays Blog Hop.

    Have a fabulous Awww Monday and week, my friend. Love and hugs. ♥

  5. I kind of missed Debbie Gibson the first time around, but when I hear her now I realize what a gorgeous voice she had then and that she still has now. Congratulations to the new parents and you for the lovely grandson!

    1. John,

      She’s even more talented than I first realized and I’m glad she’s still singing. Thanks for the congrats. The new parents are beaming and so are the grandparents. 🙂

  6. I never heard of Debbie Gibson, I should come out from under that rock every once in a while. Congratulation on the beautiful Grand!

    1. Brian,

      Yeah you and me both. It wasn’t until 2012 that I met her for the first time on Celebrity Apprentice. The fun thing about Blogosphere is you’re bound to learn something new every now and then. Thanks for the congrats, my furriend!

    1. Lydia,

      You’re up one on me. I remember when I first heard the name I was totally clueless. I think her appearance on Celebrity Apprentice was the first time I was introduced to her and I was like, “Who is this girl?” She totally didn’t show up on my radar for decades. How is that even possible? Thanks for the congrats! We’re proud and excited grandparents for the second time. 🙂

  7. Awww, for both the cute face peeking out at us from the tree and the beautiful faces of your son and grandson. Congratulations to your family on the new addition!

    It’s nice to see Ms. Gibson is still using that wonderful talent of hers.

  8. I remember when Debbie Gibson first became famous at the ripe old age of 16. I’m sure she’s a bit older, now. Congrats on the new grandson. What a blessing!

    1. Debbie Gibson shares the same birth year as my sister 1970. The years really get away from you, don’t they? Children/grandchildren are indeed blessings! Thank you, my friend. 😉

  9. I remember Debbie Gibson from decades ago. Wonder what she’s up to these days? Congrats once again on the birth of your grandson! LA2 is a real cutie. 😀

    1. Debbie,

      As I mentioned Debbie Gibson went right over my head in her early days. Even now, she doesn’t come to mind. I’m glad that I decided to move merge, sorta, posts from my inactive, private blog posts to CAAC. This gives me another chance to rediscover lost to me talent. LA2 is a cutie pie. He reminds me so much of my son at this age. 🙂

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