The above picture isn’t anything special but I can’t help smiling every time I see our Mimosa trees in bloom. When we bought this house a hundred years ago, so it seems, our property contained several of these trees and I remember how my late MIL loved them. I guess for the same reasons I did because of their feathery-pink foliage. She liked them so much so that she asked to uproot a few to transplant to her yard. Nothing else grows in our yard but these trees flourish. They not only grow well but are invasive. It’s a chore to keep them weeded out of the lawn..
Anywho, I continue to grab snaps here and there with my iPhone mostly. That’s exactly what I did with my next one. Last month after we got home from the store, Grady came for a visit. You might recall I introduced you to our new neighbor a few years ago. However, this is the first time I know of him coming to call at our porch. I barely got this picture, too.

I’m trying to live more in the moment capturing daily life that makes me happy and the one thing that makes me VERY happy is chocolate. I made a German Sweet Chocolate Pie for the first time in decades. I can’t even remember when the last time it was I made this recipe but a co-worker shared it with me. I remembered liking, so I decided to see if it’s as good as I remembered. You know how the brain is and well… it’s better to set things accurately and to erase all doubt, right?
Conclusion…it’s very good but the German chocolate might be a bit too bitter to suit my taste. I think I might have to reinvent the recipe further using a different type of chocolate. I guess I’m forced to make a new one sometime soon. Oh, what agony! Well…someone has to do it, might as well be me and besides, you’ll not hear any complaints from my official food taster aka DH.

Now, it’s time for another update from April’s A2Z challenge, The Little Mermaid art sketch series. I reinvited my pencil drawing Flotsom & JETSOM using my Procreate app on my iPad. I think in the do-over I drew these villains’ eyes a bit more evil than originally. The color helps a lot to capture the mood, too. What do you think?

ABC Wednesday is nearing the alphabet again with the letter ‘X’ today and after April’s A2Z blogfest my brain is too pooped, but that doesn’t stop me from enjoying mewsic. I mean, who can’t get into some tunes any time?
Instead of bands/artists, I’m going to use mewsic selections by artists who feature the xylophone in their songs. My hearing isn’t as good as used to be, so I’m relying on the suggestions of others through various Google resources. Hit play to enjoy my 5 song picks using the xylophone.
With the summer crunch on and Internet traffic slowing down, I’m dismissing the use of the linky tool until after Labor Day weekend. You’re welcome…actually I encourage you to leave a breadcrumb (direct URL) back to your site for others to find you quickly and easily.
Have a blessed day and please join me tomorrow for Thursday Art Date with Rain!
More mid-week hops:
Scribble Picnic (temporarily on hold)
ABC Wednesday
I participate in these Wordless Wednesday Communities:
- Comedy Plus
- Wordless Wednesday
- Xmas Dolly (site and/or computer woes)
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Such sweetness in the post. Made me smile over and over again. The mimosa trees, the cute visitor and the German cake. Slurp!
Lovely to have you swing by dear Cathy. Had missed your unique posts and sketches.
Have a swell week ahead!
Thanks for the return visit. I’m struggling to keep up these days with blog life. I’m more than halfway through my A2Z sketches bringing my designs to life my ‘in living color’ series. Starting July 1st, I’m slacking off in Blogosphere except for running my co-host spot on Monday’s Mewsic Moves Me dance floor each week. I think I shall do my best to complete the remaining sketches to showcase after Labor Day.
I can relate to your struggle. I’ve also been trying to keep up with my blog posts. Thanks to #WW, I’m still in the groove.
I wish to bring my blogging mojo back, but with my work as a content writer, I barely get enough time to juggle between the two, Then there is home management, family time, looking after my furry girls and human girls. lol! I wish I had more hours in a day!
I wish you all the luck, and that you complete the sketches, and may Monday Mewsic Moves …be a success!!
Will hop by whenever I get a chance. Have barely been reading other blogs too. Got back only yesterday.
You just do what you can when you can, so no worries here and don’t sweat it, my friend. I’m happy to see you whenever you have the time and you’re always welcome to pop over anytime! It’s a balancing act to keep one’s priorities in line. YOur girls, especially the human ones are the most important to focus on.
Thanks for dropping by, my dear.
You are a sweetheart Cathy and I’m so glad to know you
Yes the human girls are very important, but the furry ones can’t but not vouch for my attention.
This summer holidays – a month long for both the girls, I stopped taking Laila, my shitzu for a walk. To focus on others things. And believe it or not but she looked so morose all the time.
Today I broke the pattern and took her and the puppers- Mishka for a walk and you won’t believe what a world of difference it made to them. They look calmer and happier.
It’s uncanny but a Home diva/Mommers/Wife/Woman with a Dream (ahem!) is always needed, by everyone! She’s the backbone of a home.

And it’s quite a task to keep juggling various hats, but then what the heck we are super women!!!
Jokes apart, I marvel at all the wild life that visits your home location. I wish I lived by the forests too.
Though my work entails writing on wild life and conservation, a topic very close to my heart.
You have yourself a splendid week ahead!
And keep those stunning sketches and lip smacking cake recipes coming.
Hugs happiness hugs
We don’t have pets but often when we spot animals out for a walk with their owners we can see their happy expressions on their faces and the general way they move. They are simply delighted to release some of the pinned up energies from being indoors.
Being a fulltime mom and domestic engineer if a very busy life. Prior to motherhood in my ignorance, I thought being a SAHM would be boring. Boy, was I ever wrong! It’s only NOT boring but keeps you on your toes every second of the day. I’m happy that our kids are grown and on their own. I do miss their presence in the home but this is how things are meant to progress. It’s good being able to do the things I put on the backburner for so long. Beginning soon, I’ll be on a semi-hiatus in Blogosphere but will maintain my Monday’s Mewsic Moves Me posts throughout the summer months. The rest of the time, I hope to get lots of sketching and other things completed while absent in cyberspace. Thanks again for visiting and stop by to boogie with me on Mondays!
I love your drawing with these 2 villains that still look sweet. Maybe I am into villains:) Great colour and you made them come to life. I love that tree and can see why you smile every day you see it.
What? No, way my villains can’t look sweet still!! I guess it’s back to the drawing board…literally. lol Thanks for visiting, dearie!
Fun post, Cathy! Your sketches are too cute and the chocolate pie looks dreamy. Yep, loved the mewsic too and The Temptations rocked it for me.
Thanks for popping over for a visit. The pie is easy and yummy. If you like chocolate then you’ll enjoy this pie.
Love the look of Mimosa trees! They would make a beautiful addition to anyone’s yard, even with the extra maintenance. What fun to have a gopher come visit. We get the odd raccoon, possum or rabbit. Recently, a cute little fox showed up. Good thing the dogs were inside!
The chocolate pie looks yummy, and I bet the next one will be even better. Keep trying ’til you get it right!
I think that coloured sketch of Flotsom and Jetsom is your best work, so far. Applause, applause! And, thanks for the tunes. Perfect for the beginning of summer.
DH and I have seen possums in our yard. One day, I spotted a red fox in our backyard and DH has seen a raccoon in our driveway in recent months. There have been deer really close by but not in our yard that I know. I’m always surprised at the wildlife that moves into the city. About a month ago, someone recorded a black bear on the west side of town which is crazy. What is it with these animals? I’m happy to know that you like Flotsom & Jetsom in living color.
X surely put your mind to work
Have a heartwarming en splendid ABC-Wednes-day / -week
M e l o d y (team ABC-W)
The end of the alphabet is the most difficult. There were several, more than I thought, band names that begin with X but I didn’t know any of them. Thanks for the return visit, my dear.
I meant to comment sooner, but I became drunk on your mimosa. I have some Gentle Giant on VINYL!
Ahh, Roger! Oh, Roger don’t drink the mimosa! I’m pretty sure you’re not supposed to. lol Okay, not being one for ‘adult beverages’ I had to look this up. I think I’ll have a mimosa but hold the champagne.
I love OJ!!
It’s amazing how fast some trees and other plants will just take over if you let them.
As usual, i really, really like your drawings!
The mimosas are horribly fast growers. I’m amazed and annoyed by these trees. Thanks for stopping by!
Wonderful post and photos ~ something for everyone ~ delightful and yummy too ~
Happy Day to you,
A ShutterBug Explores,
aka (A Creative Harbor)
Thanks for the return visit, so glad you enjoyed.
SO weird. I just recommended that a friend of mine get a mimosa tree! They wanted butterflies and I remember when I lived down south we had one of these in our front yard and it attracted blue butterflies. So beautiful. <3 – The choco pie looks delish and Bananarama has my vote for the music! Great posts. I love posts that put me in a better mood.
Mimosa trees are hardy plants and will take over the yard if you allow it. Be sure to make your friend aware of that and if she doesn’t mind then they probably do attract butterflies. I hadn’t really noticed. So, glad my post was a mood booster for you.
Good mimosa tree–beautiful. Sometimes, that’s enough for a full conversation.
I do think mimosas are beautiful but are a pain to keep out of the yard especially in places you don’t want them.
Such wonderful photos and fun art too!
Thanks for popping over. I know y’all have your hands full this week with the dad’s surgery.
Loce Mimosa trees or is that a jacaranda? The chocolate pie is getting made here soon, and I am quite sure I’m the only person in the world who thought The Little Mermaid was an abomination. Not a fan. But, with a daughter, we have it of course! LOL. Push over dad here.
Neat post.
I’m not a plant person. All I know this tree as is a mimosa. What you didn’t like Disney’s animated Little Mermaid film? I think it’s a cute movie and it was watched a lot in this house with two daughters. At least you’re not depriving yours the joy. That’s a sign of a good dad. lol
Great coloring on Flotsom and Jetsom. That pie looks scrumptious, especially since I’m eating Keto and not having sweets like that at the moment. Drool.
I really need to put eating sweets on the backburner, but honestly sugary foods for me is a real addiction. Is there a support group I can join?
Best of luck on the Keto diet!
Sorry about the spelling errors in my comment – I was still dancing!
No worries about the misspelling. Dancing is more important.
Oooh – thank you for the music! I love the photographs and art too but the music at the end was the icing on the cake. Can’t decide if I enjoyed Bananrama or the Temptations the best out of the five songs but I think the Tempattions win by a hair’s breadth – you just can’t beat the Motown sound! I always feel so happy when I hear Motown. Thanks for the musical treat.
The Motown sound is the berries! They don’t make mewsic like that anymore.
My mom hated those ground hogs, she was convinced they were destroying her property. She had my brother shoot them with a 22 she purchased for just that purpose. My brother always missed on purpose, but it kept mom happy.
I love your opening pin-up art.
Good for brother for missing the groundhog.
Unfortunately these kinds of critters destroy gardens and yards but I don’t mind. If the little guy wants to eat the weeds around here then I say go for it. That’s all that wants to grow in our yard anyhow. lol
I can’t get past the German Chocolate Pie.
Yeah, chocolate has that effect on me, too. Give it a try. It’s an easy recipe!
FLotsom and Jetsom look great. And the pie looks amazing!
Thanks and thanks!
The trees are most beautiful. Pink is my favorite color.
I got stuck on the chocolate pie. I’d like the bitter part better than to sweet.
You know I love all your sketches and this one is no exception. You’re so talented.
Thank you for joining the Wordless Wednesday Blog Hop.
Have a fabulous Wordless Wednesday, Cathy. Love and hugs. ♥
Thanks for your confidence booster, my friend and thanks for popping over, Sandee!
Hi, Cathy!
Happy Almost Wordless Wednesday, dear friend! Thanks for posting a picture of your beautiful Mimosa trees. They bring back memories for me. I remember the day when I was a boy that I helped my dad plant a Mimosa in our yard. Along with his hobby as a photog, my dad was a nature lover. He read many books about flowers, plants, shrubs and trees and then visit nurseries in search of species that interested him. Dad brought home many interesting specimens to plant around our property including a Ginkgo Biloba aka a maidenhair tree. He and I also planted a grove of various types of evergreens on the hill behind our home, and the foundation of the house was encircled with sweet smelling flowering bushes. It took lots of work to care for all those specimens, but dad loved being outdoors tending his gardens and keeping the yard looking nice.
I clicked back and realized that you introduced Grady Gopher before you and I knew each other. I’m happy to know you spotted him again and took his picture. That German Sweet Chocolate Pie looks good enough to eat!
I know you have a sweet tooth to match your disposition
and you would have loved the ice cream shop Mrs. Shady and I visited on our vacation. It featured close to a hundred tubs of ice cream, every flavor you could imagine, and we got a double scoop cup or cone practically every night. It was delicious.
You did a fantastic job of fleshing out F & J from the A2Z in living color. I agree they now have a more evil look in their eyes than they did back in April. That’s a terrific illustration, Cathy! Your mewsic selections made my eyes open wide. I didn’t realize there were so many pop/rock recordings that used the xylophone, especially that last song by the Temptations. Bananarama’s “Cruel Summer” is probably the best known hit to use the mewsical instrument. It is an amazing coincidence that I discovered Earth & Fire a few days ago after I returned from my hiatus, and I watched the very same video you posted today, the live performance of their 1979 hit “Weekend.” I did some reading and learned that Earth & Fire is a Dutch band that started out doing prog rock and evolved into a pop act. Sadly, the pretty frontwoman you see in that video, Jerney Kaagman, has been suffering from Parkinson’s disease since 2012.
This post was loaded with goodies, Cathy. Thank you, dear friend, and have a wonderful Wednesday!
I remember you telling me your dad loved nature photography. Keeping up a beautiful landscape is a big job. I wish we had good soil in our yard. I’ve given up trying to do anything in ours since everything dies but I’m hopeful the next place we settle in that someone made the effort to haul in some rich topsoil and if not maybe we can hire it done. I’m glad you liked the colorized version of Flotsom & Jetsom. It was a happy discovery to find these songs featuring a xylophone and I’m happy to know that you enjoyed the small playset. Oh, good heavens I didn’t know about Earth & Fire’s frontwoman, Jerney. That is sad. Thanks for stopping by for a visit, my friend. Have a good day!