
16-03-2025 Vol 19

Cute Images of Kids in DIY Costumes to Make You Smile +FridaySillies, SWF, CTST, & FriendlyFillins

Purrs and hooowdys, Kittens & Dawgs!  I realize that Halloween is now past us but I got to poking around on Google when I stumbled across a cute DIY costumes worn by kids and I knew I just had to share them with you in my Friday Sillies spot. Enjoy!

Too cute, right? Which is your favorite? Did you have any “Trick or Treaters”?

I’m re-sharing a piece of fall splendor captured on my street a few years ago with the participators of Skywatch Friday and other photo enthusiasts. Unfortunately, we did not get this kind of show this year.

Did you have pretty fall colors in your area? Are all the leaves down?

I’m joining Lexa in I Celebrate The Small Things. Today, I’m celebrating…

  •   … sorta making contact with Lexa (yes, our host). She accepted my FB friend request and she even mentioned me in a comment, so yeah she’s still among us. I know, I know what’s one to think after a long absence? I was worried about her but hoping for the best. She’s still in the recoup mode which I totally get. That was so me about four years ago after getting horribly sick from an acute diverticulitis that resulted in 2-weeks in the hospital and surgery in the end.
  • the end of summer’s heat and return of cooler temps.  I tried living in the moment despite for the first time this summer but honestly I secretly looked forward to the nip of autumn, which we really got last weekend!
  • the holidays. Thanksgiving is three weeks away and I eager to begin prep for our feast and then all things Christmas!
  • … the continued good progress with DH’s eye after retina attachment surgery.  It looks like he can wait until next spring to have the oil bubble removal surgery (the oil bubble is used to hold the retina in place). We’re not sure if the cataract surgery will be done at the same time or separately.  There’s always the possibility that removing the oil bubble can cause the retina to detach but we’re hopeful because at the end of next March is the one year anniversary of the retina surgery and his eye will have a long healing period. This might play out favorably for him, too. *say prayers, keep fingers crossed*
  • …getting to see DD#2 off for Maine late Wednesday night.  Hopefully by the time this post goes live, she will send a text or call saying they are in Portland. The last 2 -3 weeks have been a whirlwind. I’m going to miss my baby girl!

What are you celebrating?

Switching gears, I’m rounding things out with these Friendly Fill-Ins hosted by the lovely, Annie and Ellen!

  1. My favorite part of November is Thanksgiving. I love the holidays!
  2. Every November, I work frantically preparing our Thanksgiving meal in advance and items like the the turkey, ham, and dressing I make enough to put in the freezer for Christmas. This makes things easier in December.
  3. For me, peace is turning everything over to God. Ultimately everything is in His hands anyhow and that’s the best place for my concerns to be.
  4. So far, my upcoming holiday plans  obviously is a lot of cooking, baking, and candy making. Aside those things I’m not sure what our plans will entail. DH’s weak vision limits his enjoyment but I’m sure we’ll find ways to enjoy the holidays.

I’ll leave with this new-to-me mewsic discovery at 30 Songs About November.

I decided earlier in the week that I need to scale back in Blogosphere with the holidays coming. If you don’t want to miss a single post then join my email subscription to get instant notification of the latest mews! One thing you can bank on is the rest of the year, you’ll find me consistantly on the dance floor and you’re invited to boogie with me on Mondays Mewsic Moves Me (our next theme next week is – your choice)





























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46 thoughts on “Cute Images of Kids in DIY Costumes to Make You Smile +FridaySillies, SWF, CTST, & FriendlyFillins

  1. Did your baby girl make it to Portland okay? I hope so! I am praying for your husband’s vision and am looking forward to a wonderful report. 🙂

    I love Thanksgiving, too. It is the best holiday!

    I agree with your #3. Heavenly Father has it all under control. In the end, the victory has already been won over all of our worries and concerns.

    I hope that you and your hubby have a wonderful Thanksgiving and Christmas season, in spite – or even TO spite – his vision limitations. Kind of a “Take that, vision! I’m happy anyway!”

    I think my favorite of those kiddy costumes is the laundry basket one, though I hope that wasn’t a real product spray bottle that baby is reaching for. Visions of it spraying in her little mouth or eyes makes me a nervous wreck.

    I’m sorry that I’m so late with my response. I’ve had a major case of the sleepies this weekend. Have a blessed week. 🙂

    1. Suzanne,

      Yes, DD#2 and DSIL made it to Portland. They are staying in a little motel just south of the city and they think they found a place just north of Portland about half an hour. They’re hoping for good news today when they can move into their new home. Right now, they are enjoying knocking around together which I’m glad they are doing because once “normalcy” hits then it’s work, work, work again! DH is doing okay with his limited vision but as you know it’s frustrating. We count our blessings every day that God kept his eye sight from being lost. Yeah, I know I hope that wasn’t a real laundry spray product, either. I was thinking the same thing and surely to goodness it’s only a prop. You never know with some people today, though. Never worry about being late to visit. Just come over when you can, you’re always welcome any time, my friend! 🙂

      1. I am glad that they made it safely to Portland and are taking some time to explore together. That’s one of my favorite parts of moving to a new place. 🙂 I hope they got their good news on the house today!

        I am glad that your husband is doing okay and his vision has been spared. You’re both in my prayers.

        Thank you. 🙂 Have a blessed day.

        1. Suzanne,

          Exploring is always fun and it amazes me even after being in Knoxville almost 40-years we find many new things to do in our area. Granted it’s mostly off the beaten path stuff, like a country drive on a Sunday afternoon but it’s new to us. DD#2 sent DH several pix and vids over the past few days. I can tell they are enjoying their discovery process a lot. Thanks for the prayers. Hopefully, they’ll get word soon and are able to move into their apartment.

        2. You’re definitely in a great place for exploring, with all those beautiful mountains around. 🙂 Off the beaten path is the best kind of exploring to do!

          I am glad that the kids are enjoying their discovery process and I hope that they will find something that will be an extra special marker of this time in their lives. “Serenity” was that special something for me. 🙂

          You’re welcome for the prayers.

          Have a blessed day!

        3. Suzanne,

          Serenity is something we all need but we have to learn how to relinquish our cares over to God’s control. That’s the hardest first step. Blessings to you, too!

        4. Thanks, Cathy. I agree. 🙂

          “Serenity” is the nickname for this beautiful place that we found while out exploring when we first moved here to Texas. It was the lodge building in a community called Newgulf. I’ve written about it a couple of times on PS Annie!. “Serenity” met a rotten death awhile back. They knocked it down. 🙁

          Have a blessed day.

    1. Tonja,

      Lexa actually replied to my email over the weekend, so I was glad to finally hear from her. Although, she’s on the mend I do believe it’ll take her some time to get back to normal again.

    1. Birgit,

      I thought the toddler dressed as an “old lady” is cute but there’s a lot of truth in it. We start off in life helpless in the care of our parents and later in life we become helpless often times in the care of our children. The circle of life, eh?

  2. Kids can be so funny. We are having some pretty good color so far but since this is Oklahoma a big wind can come along and blow all the leaves to the ground any time.

    1. Alan,

      Wind is always a problem anywhere but I guess it’s worse in your neck of the woods since it’s so flat. We got out over the weekend and discovered our fall colors decided to show late. I actually got a few pix with my phone that looked pretty good, too. It was a happy discovery!

  3. Bigger Girl was laundry once for Halloween, i still think that’s a great costume idea. Those are all good ideas!

    Praying for your husband’s eye to heal — Sweetie is blind in one eye from a retinal detachment over 40 years ago, so i understand how crucial it is to have the right operation and have everything work out just right.

    It does make life more peaceful to know G-d is in control, doesn’t it?

    1. Also, to answer your question on my post about Tripod SissyCat, her original name was just SissyCat. She belonged to a friend of my children and she was mean, she had a rude nickname, and she was an indoor-outdoor cat.

      Then came the dog attack, and the vet was shocked she survived, but that was almost 4 years ago. Three years ago, she came to live with us and she was still mean, but since being at our house she has become mellow and loves people (but not other cats).

      Because she loves the outdoors so much, we still let her go out in the early evenings. She does not leave the porch or grass right in front of the porch, she has realized her roaming of the big world is over and she wants to just stay put, especially where she is loved.

      1. Mimi,

        Thanks for sharing the tale (not tail) behind Tripod’s name. I was afraid she was victim of an attack. It’s amazing that she survived. I remember my kitty, Fred, getting mauled by the neighborhood dogs while I was school. I worried over him and cared for him the best I could. Although his injuries looked bad he did not loss any limbs and made a complete recovery!

    2. Mimi,

      These costumes are creative and far better than store bought. LOL, so Bigger Girl was a laundry basket one year. When the kids are small, it felt like I lived in the laundry basket with all that washing. Boy, I’m glad those days are behind me. Ah, that’s too bad your “Sweetie” lost his vision to a detached retina. Medical technology has vastly improved and we are grateful that they were able to save his eye. Of course, he’s not out of the woods completely. The lost of his eye still weighs heavily in his mind. We feel confident with all the careful steps his surgeon is taking and the good Lord’s hand upon him then everything will be fine.

  4. I like all those costumes, but of course, my favorite is the crazy cat lady. I tried to get my niece to dress her 2 year old as that, but the little one chose her own costume, an elephant. Thank you for participating in the fill-ins, great answers. I am sorry your daughter is so far away now, I am sure it will be extra hard at the holidays. Good idea to get your cooking done early. Have a nice weekend! XO

    1. Ellen,

      It feels strange having DD#2 so far away. I keep thinking that they are on vacation and will come home soon. That’s when it hits…they aren’t coming home. *sob-sob* I’ll be okay, though. She and DSiL are enjoying their time while they wait for the apartment becomes available. Hopefully, today they will learn more. I learned years ago from my belated MIL to cook stuff ahead and it really does make life easier. I’m going to make a large batch of biscuits today for our Thanksgiving meal. 🙂

  5. Cute costumes. Love the imagination of people rather than just the usual store bought stuff. I understand the break from blogging. I am finding it harder to keep up with it since I started working outside the house. I need to find my balance. In California we don’t notice the change of seasons as much, although this weekend is the end of Daylight Savings time so our mornings are dark and the evenings come earlier. Happy Friday!

    1. Janet,

      Yeah, I’m not looking forward to the end of DST. I love the longer evenings but it’s quite interesting to begin noticing the return of the longer days after the winter solace. 🙂

  6. I love all the costumes. They are adorable and so easy to do.

    Love the kitties and you’re right, they are perrfect for Feline Friday.

    Have a fabulous day and weekend, Cathy. ♥

  7. I love those kids! Our Chicago News did a story on kid’s costumes. They included the elderly folks with walkers, and cat lady in their story. I love both of those!
    I agree. Without god, there is no peace. I also believe that He expects us to do our part. That means to be peaceful. But, I think He expects us to do our part in our every day lives, too, in all things. If we do that, I think we do find peace within ourselves. He helps those who help themselves. I believe that. I suspect you do, too. HUGS.

    1. Annie,

      I do agree. Why should God do everything? He can but if we aren’t willing to pull our own weigh then it’s certainly not up to Him. He gave us free will which means we need to exercise that in all parts of our life.

  8. Hi, Cathy!

    I’d have to say my two favorite kiddie kostumes in this bunch are the walking bubble bath and the fancy Starbucks whipped cream latte.

    Thank you for enabling macro enlargement on your fall splendor picture. I have it saved as my desktop background and it looks stunning! This is the kind of scene I never get to gaze upon unless I am willing to travel out of state.

    Like you I am looking forward to autumn asserting itself for good and excited about the upcoming holiday season. I’m happy to learn that the news is good about DH’s eye. I know you miss your daughter now that she has moved to Maine. I hope she enjoys life there and doesn’t encounter “The Troubles.” 🙂

    I enjoyed that pretty “November” song and compelling video by Heathers.

    Have a safe and happy weekend, dear friend Cathy!

    1. Tom,

      I’m glad you like the fall photo. This is the best I’ve seen the colors on our street in years! It’s been too dry for foliage to do much in the past several years. The rain seems to come after the show of color. Yeah, we’re feeling good about DH’s eye progress and confident the wait for next spring is the best strategy. Oh, good heavens, I hope DD#2 & SIL don’t run into “The Troubles” and I hope they do not have trouble finding housing. I think DD#2 said she was meeting with a guy with two apartments to show that are inline with the budget. Actually it costs more than they paid here but everything is more expensive up there. The cost of living in Maine maybe “The Troubles” that have to worry about most!

      1. Yessum, I heard how expensive it is in New England. Recently Mrs. S’s sister and her husband searched for housing all over Maine and New Hampshire and were shocked by the high cost of living.

        1. Tom,

          DD#2 reported over the weekend that they found a place in Brunswick that is closer in line with the place they had here in town. It’s undergoing some renovation. They will know more today when they can move into their new home. For now, they are staying in a motel, south of Portland. I know they are eager to get settled and for DD#2 to find a job.

  9. I loved these photos they made me smile heheh!, looks like they made the cats smile too and dance haha!

    Have a cutetastic weekend Cathy 🙂

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