
21-03-2025 Vol 19


Today, I  celebrate the small things in my life. I celebrate getting my  Sotopelle Therapy (HRT pellet inserts) earlier in the week, so I should be back to normal, whatever that is, in a few more day. It usually takes about a week from insert date to notice the hormones working in my body.  The cool thing with this type of HRT is it lasts for 4-months and it works far better (for me) than the traditional oral script (Premarin) that doctors often offer menopausal women. It won’t be long before I can say, good-bye to fuzzy-headedness, crankiness, and a long list of other bothersome symptoms and say hello to happiness again. It’s not that I’m not happy now, but you get the point.

What are you celebrating?

Let’s celebrate making new friends together and we can begin by joining Friendship Friday and Follow Who? Social-Weekend blog hops. Thanks for visiting.

Normally I say stop by tomorrow for a little boogie session with Saturday Songsuasion, but I’m suspending weekend posts for the summer. However, I hope to see you shaking your bootie on Monday Mewzik!


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10 thoughts on “CTST

  1. I realized almost from the beginning that I’m not social enough for everyday blogging. Or even sticking to a specific schedule. So, I blog when the mood hits me, or at least several days a month. The side effect is that my blog posts are generally long. But, it gives people who blog every day, and are dedicated to returning comments to Everyone, a chance to skip my blog for several days. I find that the people who visit me consistently are the same no matter how infrequently I post on my blog because I consistently show up to certain blogs, even when I have nothing new to post. Those are the bloggers I cultivate, and they reciprocate.

    And, I use a couple consistent bloghops, like IWSG, BotB, Blog Blitz, just to name a few, to keep my name out there. Quality vs quantity: quality wins for me.

    As for the photos; well, my daughter looks her dad’s younger sister. Sometimes its hard to tell them apart. And her first daughter looks so much like her at the same age we have to remember what they were wearing to tell them apart. I have two sons that look exactly alike also in their same age photos, and they are 8 years separate in age. Some family traits just stand out. Someimes I wish my kids looked more like me than their father’s family, but they have my strong sense of family ties, so they are more me internally than externally. Does that make sense?

  2. I hope you feel better.

    I don’t see a resemblance, but I rarely do in photos. It’s probably there, so don’t go by me.

  3. You know, I can definitely see a strong family resemblance in both photos! The same thing happened with my mom and I; while cleaning the basement I found a picture that I didn’t remember taking. I asked mom who took the picture of me and she promptly told me that was her when she was my age. Mind. Blown!

    It’s been seriously rough going lately so it’s getting a little difficult to keep up my positive attitude but a few little things I’m thankful for: My pain isn’t at a 10+, I’m at least getting a few hours of sleep at night, my family, especially my mom, and that my boyfriend is coming back from his vacation today 🙂

  4. Good morning, dear Cathy! I certainly see a resemblance between the two. Your darling daughter is a beautiful woman. Amazingly, I also think the woman on the right at the center of the photograph is a dead ringer for my aunt Betty at that age. Isn’t that strange?

    I hope you feel better day by day following your hormone replacement. I would like to take this opportunity to remind you that this coming Monday I will be celebrating a “small thing” of my own. Mr. Jordan Collier 🙂 and I cordially invite you to join us as we celebrate the 7 year anniversary of Shady Dell Music & Memories, “The Little Blog That Could.” Please note that beginning tomorrow I will be traveling and therefore my blogging time will be limited until I return at mid week. However, I will surely log on whenever possible as I am curious and eager to view the result of your latest band battle.

    Have a wonderful weekend, dear friend Cathy and I hope to see you at SDMM on Monday!

    1. Tom, I will try my best to get over to your place to read your upcoming post. Unfortunately, I have plans and will be preoccupied all-day Monday and I won’t be on the internet at all. We are on Season 4 of The 4400. I’m gonna hate to see it end, as I’m enjoying the show so much! I might be bias a wee bit, but I have to agree DD#1 is beautiful and so is DD#2. lol Really, you didn’t expect anything else from me?! Until our paths cross next, have a safe trip & be well, my friend! Have a shady day! I couldn’t resist stealing your line. 😀

  5. Wow, that’s some family resemblance. I’m always amazed when I look at a couple of my adult cousins to see the spitting image of Nan gazing back at me. Hope your wellbeing improves with the HRT.

    1. Kimberley, I have a pictures of DH & DS when they were around a year of age and they are dead ringers for each other. I remember when DS was little, he’d see the picture of his daddy and I’d say, “Austin, who’s that?” He’d say, “Me.” lol Soooo cute! I will see if I can find these in my photo archives to share on Friday. I should begin feeling more like my old new self again soon. Thanks!

    1. McGuffy, oh I will feel better. Sadly forced changes in a woman’s body aren’t fun, which I’ve dealt with for more than a decade now, but I’m at the age most women are just now in the beginning stages of the change and I feel bad for them. It’s hard to makes sense of all the things with the body that goes on the blink when the hormones are out of whack. The good news, modern medicine is wonderful and we don’t have suffer like our great-grandmothers or grandmothers did. I hope you have a wonderful weekend, too. Please keep us in prayer. This is DH’s last day at work. We hoped another extension would come through, but it wasn’t meant to be. Praying for God’s favor to open the door of opportunity again soon.

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