
16-03-2025 Vol 19

Creases on the face or in the clothes we wear with Throwback Thursday Thankful Thursday & Kat’s Workshop

Whether you’re young or the young at heart let’s enjoy this day which is precisely what I’m doing.  Rain’s art theme today is creases.

The first thing to come to mind was to draw an elderly woman which I sketched.   One’s experiences through the life reveals itself on the face.  Celebrities and those with money tend to remove these character lines. I admit, I like the idea but truthfully I don’t want to erase the evidence of time.  I count myself blessed.

While looking at Art Frahm’s vintage pinup girl wearing a black sheer nighty, I noticed the way he made the material hang. Creases are in clothing, too.

Today, I’m sharing two different Procreate designs. 

Passage of time revealed by small lines and creases on the face
Nighty Nite Lingerie

I’m not sure how long Mary has hosted Throwback Thursday but I thought it would be fun to get in on the action.  I realize my post content keeps growing and growing but hopefully you’re enjoying it.   The idea of separate post entries is sort of nice keeping the categories in its own little container but then people outside the box aren’t exposed to everything I’m doing or what others are doing.  Isn’t blogging about sharing?

Click button to join music fun!

For my first throwback tune, I’m going back to 1967, the year I started first grade.  In September this song ranked #1 on Billboard Hot 100 riding the charts for 8 weeks.   Now for a lesson in music history on my song pick.  Wayne Carson wrote the song from the opening line suggested by his father, “Give me a ticket for an aeroplane.”  He included the song on a demo he gave to American Sound Studio owner, Chips Moman in Memphis, Tennessee.  The song was offered to a local band, the DeVilles, upon Moman’s recommendation when Dan Penn, a studio associate expressed an interest in recording more music.  The DeVilles later renamed to The Box Tops releasing their first biggest and best charting hit with Mala records, The Letter

Interestingly enough, I learned the British band, The Mindbenders covered the song the same month as The Box Tops putting them in direct competition. The Mindbenders fizzled out stalling at #42 in their home country and The Box Tops reached #5 in the UK.  Other artists to cover the song include Joe Cocker (1970 #7 Billboard Hot 100), The Arbors Michigan-based vocal group (1969 #20 Billboard Hot 100), Sammi Smith country singer (1979 #27 Billboard Hot Country Singles), and finally UK artist Amii Stewart (1980 #39 UK Singles’ Chart).  Even the covers are oldies.

This week’s Thankful Thursday I’m thankful for the Internet.  It’s such an invaluable resource tool.  I love looking for recipes when I can’t find one I’ve misplaced or lost or maybe it was stored in my head and I just forgot.  It came in handy the other day when I looking for a spicy chicken casserole recipe.  Incidentally I shared it in yesterday’s post along with another homemade chicken salad recipe if  you’re interested.   I’m thankful that I can pursue my creativity in the kitchen.  In fact, the pandemic spurred me to delve more into the culinary arts and that’s been a wonderful blessing.  I’m equally thankful that DH and I truly enjoy spending time with one another.  To love your spouse is one thing but to like is another.  It’s sad to hear how some couple prefer to spend time with the boys or the guys instead of their spouses.  God gave me a two for one deal — a good husband and best friend. 🙂  Lastly, I’m thankful that I got two great weeks of enjoying the beautiful Valentine Day roses DH got me.  I can’t remember if I shared a picture of them with you or not, so here they are!


I’m winding things up today with Kat’s Writing Workshop.  Today, I’m going to share with you, 5 traits I love about my best friend that I wish I had more of in me.

I know there are those who can’t say this but my husband is my best friend.  We dated for almost three years before getting married at a young age.  How young? I was 17½ and he was two months short of his 20th birthday.  Over the past four decades of knowing this fella, we continue to evolve into a new and improved people.  A little bit of me rubs off on him and a little bit of him rubs off on me.  So, which 5 traits do I love and wish I had more of from DH?  In no particular order this is what comes to mind.  Number one:  His observation skills – he not only knows what’s going on around him at all times but can predict what other people are fixing to do, on the roadway, in a store, walking on the street, …  Although, I’m aware of most thing going on, I tend to be a bit more lax mainly because I’m depending on him to be my ever watchful eye.  I don’t know if I’m being lazy or just prefer his protection or maybe it’s a little of both.  Number two:  He’s analytical.  When this boy has a special project, he methodically thinks and plots the best way to do whatever task faces him.  I usually just fly straight into it with a half-baked idea hoping it goes has planned.  Sometimes it does but most of the time not.  Number three:  Cutting others slack.  He prefers to give people the benefit of the doubt when things go wrong.  Perhaps it’s an oversight or the person is having trouble at home or with their health or any number of things.  I’m generally jumpier ready to take someone’s head off until he calms me down and then I feel ashamed for not being more generous.  Number four:  A collector of information.  Long before the Internet, DH gathered bits and pieces of indiscriminate facts.  He told me as a boy he’d get a random Encyclopedia at bedtime to read before going to sleep.   The best part is what he picks up, he’s retains for years.  I enjoy researching interesting topics and I’d love if a broader range appealed to me like DH but it doesn’t.  Another thing is what I do learn I wish stayed in my head.  I think I have a leak somewhere.    5) Play music by ear.  I learned to play the flute in school,  but I am not a natural.  DH, on the other hand, taught himself to play the drums by ear.  A quality of a good musician is the ability to feel the music.  He feels it and knows precisely what to hit when to replicate the precise sound.  All of this requires excellent timing and rhythm.  What’s kind of cool is despite no music lessons, the high school band teacher asked him to play occasionally.  Oh yeah, he was also in band with his friends.  He still has his drum set.  Right now it’s in storage.  I hope someday we can get it put it on display.  Who knows maybe he’s still has the right stuff.

Is your spouse or significant other your best friend?  What traits do you like the best him/her?

I’m heading over to Rain’s Garden to browse through the gallery of artistry.  You’re welcome to follow along.  Have a doodletastic day Come join the fun!

Eugenia’s passion is poetry and her weekly gig is perfect for creative writers. Each Thursday she offers a word to spark the imagination and if you’re inspired to write a ditty then be sure to let her know by leaving a comment on her site with a direct link to your post.  Now, go visit my girl! 😉



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45 thoughts on “Creases on the face or in the clothes we wear with Throwback Thursday Thankful Thursday & Kat’s Workshop

  1. Cathy, your “Nighty Nite Lingerie” looks like a scene from one of my favourite film noirs!!! I love everyting about it, from her hair, to her gown, to the fire burning behind her! Well done!! I loved Tears for Fears back in the day!! 🙂 Creases are a good thing! 🙂

  2. One good thing (I think) about getting older is how our vision changes. Until we look into that dreaded magnifying mirror, creases aren’t all that prominent. But, heck, each line is representative of possibly a lesson learned, raising teens, being married 50 years (to another Virgo) and just coping with all life has brought our way. I applaud women who acknowledge every facial line, somewhat as a badge of honor, rather than running for Botox and Restylane only to look like a Stepford Wife.

    Great post, Cathy! Stay safe!

  3. So is your lady a self portrait? Mine isn’t because I can’t draw portraits that look like the person I am drawing … that is my current challenge. I always enjoy your music … I listen while I am perusing your post, but I especially enjoyed your 5 traits of your best friend. And, in answer to your question, yes, my husband is my best friend and his initials are also DH. I think our best friends have some things in common. Being analytical is one of his strengths (and sometimes a problem). He can organize a problem into being solvable … he knows all of the possible pitfalls before they can happen and can zero in on the strengths of any plan I might come up with. He can pack ten times as much stuff into a box or a car trunk as I can and thankfully, he is willing to help me with all of these things as I am not in any way analytical. His math skills have helped me, our children and now our grandchildren learn and understand math often in ways that are way beyond my comprehension. He also is musical. He played the Sax in the high school band and though he doesn’t play it any more, his interest in music goes way back and he can tell you every band, every band members name and when and what their greatest hits were (or are as the case may be).We will celebrate our 57 anniversary this year and we still like and love each other … I could go on for quite a bit more, but enough for now. This was fun, Cathy … your are a hoot to visit 🙂

    Andrea @ From the Sol

    1. Andrea,

      No, no the lady is not a self-portrait. I look nothing like her and like you I can’t draw people very well. That’s so wonderful your husband is your best friend. He sounds special and has many of the same qualities as mine. Of course, when I say DH, I mean “Darling Husband”. His real initials are RK. WOW, y’all have been married longer than us. That’s wonderful! Thanks for stopping by, my dear!

  4. I enjoyed your tunes today, Cathy, and those roses are gorgeous! Love your sketches and can’t worry about wrinkles coz it’s best to embrace them. 😘

  5. Every crease tells a story, they are what makes great even greater!! Super depiction of Rain’s theme, good to see your name here again. Stay safe & keep creative Tracey x

    1. Tracey,

      Creases do tell a story. I imagine some deep lines are from times spent outdoors in the sun a lot or perhaps belong to worrier. Whereas fine lines may belong to someone who sheltered their skin more and maybe have a more careful life. Of course, I can’t say for sure, these stories would be nice to know if one cared to share with others. Thanks for visiting.

  6. Did you listen to any of the other versions of “The Letter”? The Mindbenders’ is very similar to The Box Tops’. That’s like “Billy, Don’t Be A Hero.” The original was by Paper Lace, but it wasn’t a hit here because Bo Donaldson & The Heywoods recorded and issued theirs for the US before Paper Lace could get theirs released here…

    The drawing of the woman in the nightgown is quite good. It reminds me of the days when the Frederick’s of Hollywood catalog featured drawings of the clothes (and the models).

    The story about your husband reading the encyclopedia reminds me of my cousin, who read the whole World Book in the bathroom over the course of a year. Which, when you think about it, is a great way to learn. Of course, now they don’t print the encyclopedia, not even the Encyclopedia Brittania, but you could probably take an iPad in and read from Wikipedia. They do a “random article of the day,” which sounds like a neat idea….

    1. John,

      I did listen to The Letter covers. The Mindbenders is close to the original but isn’t quite as rich sounding vocally. I had forgotten about the old Frederick’s of Hollywood catalogs using illustrations instead of photographs. I’ll take that as a compliment. 🙂 I believe someone mentioned in recent years encyclopedias are no longer printed. DH uses his iPad nearly 100% time. In the evenings, he’ll plop on the sofa while I’m making dinner to catch up on the latest news or text alerts or surf the net. Often at bedtime to get sleepy,he’ll read articles on the Internet or if he wakes during the night and can’t go back to sleep he’ll reach for his iPad. He’s my weather forecaster and anchorman giving me all the latest updates. lol I don’t know if he has an encyclopedia app but that’s something worth checking into. If there isn’t a free one then getting him a paid version might make a good present. 🙂

    1. Monica,

      I’ve avoided staying out of the sun or covering my face much of my adult life. I think this has helped a lot but perhaps genetics plays even a bigger part in how we age. You’re beautiful no matter what, darlin’!

    1. Jacqui,

      Embrace that experienced, beautiful woman in the mirror. Having good health and a happy disposition trumps those creases any time! 😉

  7. Oh I love that song, The Letter, even if the guy looks a bit creepy:). I don’t know that Tears For Fears song but it made me go back in time enjoying the free wheeling 80s with that big hair and those outfits. I went to many weddings in the 80s and many had that pouff. You are very lucky to have such a good man(and he a good woman) that you still love to be with. I have known many long married couples who really don’t care for one another but just stay together because….I love my hubby who has some beautiful traits but I would want to write about my other best friend whom I have known since the mid 80s. She is steadfast and true, practical(I can be but often choose not to be), loves what I love in music and movies, has never..I mean, never disparaged me. We can disagree and laugh. Time has no meaning when we are together.

    1. Birgit,

      That’s so wonderful you and your husband are best friends but you have another best friend. It would be nice if I had someone like that now and while I have many life friends from childhood who always be my BFF, DH is my BBFF (Best Best Friend Forever). 🙂

  8. Thanks for the shout out, Cathy! To answer your question, I’ve been doing Throwback Thursday as a regular feature for the past few months. I just decided to open it up into a blog hop, and this is the first week it’s been opened up for others to join in. I think the number of music bloggers has dwindled quite a bit, and I’m just trying to do my part to re-vitalize. So, I really do appreciate you joining in!

    1. Mary,

      That’s great! I’m glad you’re trying to revitalize music posts in Blogosphere. You’re right there is a decline in that sort of participation but I’m finding all areas generally seem to have dropped off. I was so close to not doing the A to Z next month and then yesterday I decided I will go for it. I’m not sure if I want to do it officially or fly under the radar like you did one year. I’m getting a late start planning so I’ll see how things go over the weekend before making a decision to sign up or not. Thanks for visiting!

  9. Ohhh I LOVE your art. That first face is a delight. Really wonderful post. Mr. M. and I are best friends too, I think because we started out that way. This year will be 40 years for us. #1 He is funny, #2 He thinks things out and then comes up with the best solutions, #3 He gives me my way all the time. #4 He does house work, the things I don’t like doing, #5 He is a great artist in photography and drawing but he won’t show his art. It is just for him. Have a great day today.

    1. Nicole,

      Starting out as best friends in a relationship is the way to go. I wonder those who divorce can say that about their exs? This would be interesting to know. DH is also funny with a quick wit. He cracks me sometimes with the things he says. DH is also very good to do what I want to do first. He says making me happy, makes him happy. DH is a good photographer. He has a natural eye for composition and picking interesting angels for his shots. I’ve learned trying to mimic what he does but sometimes I don’t see what he sees which conveys in my pictures. As a boy he enjoyed drawing but as an adult he hasn’t taken the time for it. I think he an artist side but he’s not serious about it. I think overall his greatest passion is photography. Thanks for sharing more about your husband with me. He sounds like a nice fella.

  10. I agree with you about aging. I don’t wear makeup, my hair is gray. My face looks like a person that’s almost 70. I’m good in my skin.

    I always enjoy your sketches.

    I love your hubbies great traits. My hubby has many too. We are such lucky gals.

    The Letter was a favorite of mine back in the day. I wore makeup, colored my hair and looked very young when that song came out.

    Have a fabulous day, Cathy. Love and hugs. ♥

    1. Sandee,

      I wear make-up and my hair is getting more salty looking with each year but it’s not so bad since my natural color is a light to medium brown shade. I say when it finally changes completely I’ll have snowy colored hair. Like you, I’m comfortable in my skin. It took me a few years to accept this season of life I’m in but I’m okay with it now. Oh yes, we are lucky gals to have fine, fine husbands. I couldn’t be anymore blessed than I am. I turned six years the year The Letter released. I don’t know if I remembered it coming out but it certainly got a lot of play time in the late 60s in elementary school by the older kids. The bigger girls always played their favorite records and danced at lunch. I always envied and wished I could dance like them.

    1. Timmy,

      I agree totally. When I look at a celebrity’s face who’s obviously had work done I’m thinking…”She’s not as pretty as she once was!” The reasons being is she’s removed the character from her face. Now the forehead or eyes or cheek don’t want to move when she smiles or frown. It’s as if her face is made out of plastic. I rarely see any actress who has cosmetic work done that’s complimentary.

  11. Lovely creases art! The face makes me think of that quotation: “A face without wrinkles is like a book without words.”

  12. I don’t see the first video either, but the last one is great !!
    Very nice your drawings with the folds, oh yes, it’s the years of life, I think it’s good to stay the way you are.
    The bouquet of roses is beautiful!
    Greeting Elke

  13. The first video is not available in my region, and I also can’t guess what is it about ?!
    I look a bit like your first lady … I don’t have that many wrinkles but my jawline is also soft … Well, I am not getting younger anymore, but I am proud of all my wrinkles! The lady in the night lingerie looks like me too … but 40 years ago! LOL
    The Valentines roses were beautiful, but the roses also wrinkle and die too! And that’s no fun!
    Girl … you were married very young too! I was 18 1/2 and my husband 21!
    In 4 weeks we will be celebrating 43 years of marriage! Yes, my husband is my best friend too, and I still love him!
    Enjoy your day, and see you next week at Rain!

    1. Ella,

      I apologize the Tears for Fear YouTube video “Advice for the Young at Heart” did not play in your region. If you’re interested then you might find it by searching YouTube on your end.

      None of us are getting any younger for sure. What once was thought of as old keeps getting pushed off. In December I will turn 60. That just seems so weird to me. I’m definitely a young at heart person but I believe we all are, don’t you? In June, we’ll celebrate our 42nd wedding anniversary. I’m glad to read that you and your husband not only married young but are still together going strong. Way to go!! That’s so wonderful.

      Have a good day and thanks for dropping in this week!

  14. That was such a fun post today, good tunes and terrific drawings. I always did enjoy The Box Tops. Even though I’m way older now I still play multiple instruments several times each week.

    1. Brian,

      The Box Tops are a great oldies band! What’s this, you play multiple instruments? Don’t tell me the kitchen pots and pans, right? lol Seriously, I didn’t know you’re musically inclined. That’s super cool! I want to teach myself how to play the piano someday. 🙂

  15. Hi, Cathy!

    Happy Thankful Throwback Thursday & Art Date with Rain, dear friend! I hope you’ve been having a great week.

    I honestly don’t remember that Tears For Fears song “Advice for the Young at Heart.” It’s a good song and I like the video, but I don’t think it played on the MTV station where I worked at the time. Perhaps that’s because the single only reached #89 on the U.S. chart whilst becoming a top 40 hit at home in the UK.

    Cathy, I am astounded by the quality of both your sketches! The aging woman with creases in her face is amazingly realistic. I can imagine having a conversation with her and exchanging stories of our Boomer youth. I am inspired to share with you song lyrics that mean a lot to me. The song was written and recorded by folk singer Tom Rush. I have the album this is on. Here are the words to “Old Man’s Song”:

    Hair on your head
    White as the snow
    Old man, stand feeding the pigeons

    Your body is rust
    Skin is like dust
    Seen in the last light of evening

    Lines on your face
    Each one a trace
    Of happiness, distance, and sorrows

    Lonely you stand
    Weak are your hands
    Old man with too few tomorrows

    Memory’s gone
    Friends passed along
    Old man, stand lost in your reverie

    Life has been kind
    To give you this time
    To dream unrestrained as the wind blows

    People pass by
    Go on their way
    Not wishing to engage conversation

    You, you know why
    One look in your eyes
    Reminds them their time, it is wastin’

    Hair on your head
    White as the snow
    Old man, stand feeding the pigeons

    i also love the fetching female depicted in “Nighty Nite Lingerie.” She appears to be in the middle of a seductive dance to entice her lover.

    I love your Throwback song pick. “The Letter” has special meaning for me because it is the last song I remember from my years of regularly going to the Dell and the first song I remember as I arrived on campus to begin four years of college upstate far away from home. It was somewhat jarring to have “The Letter” transition from a “Dell song” to one I heard every day at the campus canteen (“The Hub”) and at public dance functions at PSU (called Jammies).

    I absolutely agree that you have ample reason to be thankful this Thursday and every day of your life that you met DH and enjoy spending time with him. Your hubby is also your best friend, and I am very happy for you both. Thanks for sharing info about DH. I like those qualities in a person. It’s interesting that you and he are substantially different in the ways you mentioned, yet are a perfect fit. I applaud you!

    I wish you a happy Thankful Thursday, dear friend Cathy, and I’ll see you tamale if you post Sillies!

    1. Tom,

      I read the lyrics to the song before going to YouTube to listen to it. How beautiful and yet sad. We all are on this journey, someday, we’ll be like the old man. sniff sniff Oh well…I plan to make the most of every day I’m blessed. I appreciate your sweet compliments on my artwork. You’ll never know how much your kind words mean to me. 🙂 DH and I are different in many ways yet it makes us all the better together. I wasn’t familiar with the song, “Advice for the Young at Heart”, either. I’m glad you liked it, though. I did, too. Thanks for dropping by, my friend!

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