
15-03-2025 Vol 19

Collage & Scarf

Instead of making myself crazy in the new year to “try” to get back into my usual weekly blog hops, I’m on a bi-weekly rotation for TAD and Wednesdays.  This gives me a two day posting week, Mondays (always) and today.  Next week, I’ll take TAD off to share my mid-week memories and photos series from our vacation last fall. 

I hate skipping out on a challenge when it’s given, so I’ll do my best on my on-days to present two illustrations for Rain’s Kitchen & Garden TADs.

Last week’s prompt was collage.  I used a free online photo-editors to create a collage using some of my artwork.


This is a free photo editor, PhotoFunEditor

Today Rain inspires us to use ‘scarf’ in our artwork.  It’s a coincidence that one of my illustrations in the collage could’ve worked but I wanted to create a new drawing using this week’s theme which is purely optional.  Rain welcomes all creative endeavors, so don’t let that stop you from joining in on the fun. 😉  Anyway, I am sharing two new Procreate designs.  That’s what happens when put my passion aside for months on end.  I’m stoked to be back doing what I most enjoy! 


A little girl with her pup in a wintry wonderland!
Can you guess where the snowman got the scarf?

I’m concerned about my iPad’s battery.  It’s really old and isn’t holding a charge well.  I’m afraid it’s going to kaput on me and then I’ll be in a mad panic to get a replacement.  I hope she can hold off until after the April A to Z Challenge and Apple’s release of their new iPads for the year. That’s not too much to ask for, is it? 🙂

Last September while on vacation, we ate at Polly’s Pancake Parlor in Sugar Hill, NH. We loved Polly’s! After we got back I found the recipe online but didn’t get a chance to make them until recently. A few days ago, I made a second batch. DH said that this time around was even better than the first. I remembered to snap a picture.

right click to enlarge

Let me finish up with a couple of “Thankfuls”.  The first and most exciting thankful is our son and his wife are first-time expecting parents.  The due date is sometime in September.  They will make great parents.  My second thankful is I got a good report on my eyes.  Optical nerves healthy, vision basically 20/20 with my current prescription, and the small cataracts grew only slightly in the past six months.  No return visits until next year. Yay!  That’s it for today.  Up next, you’ll find me boogieing on Monday’s Music Moves Me dance floor and you’re invited to the party.  This is CAAC signing off,  have a doodletastic day! 

The Scarf Song ~Heather Evans

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34 thoughts on “Collage & Scarf

  1. Hi Cathy! ♥ Oh the pancakes look delicious!!! Your collage of art is wonderful, but I must say I love the little girl with the puppy! My favourite is her snowsuit!!! ☺

    1. Nicole,

      No apologizes needed, my friend. You’re never late. Whenever the time is right for you, then that’s all that matters. 😉 Have a doodletastic week!

  2. I’m late getting around, Cathy. I had to leave my building for a power shutoff. Both of your drawings are cute, but there’s something so engaging about your snowman. I’ve see a lot of snowmen this week, and yours is the best of the bunch! You must be so excited about having a grandchild. Thanks for sharing your pancake recipe. The pancakes look delicious!

    1. My snowman is engaging, eh? That sounds nice. I like that! 🙂 I sure do appreciate your visit. It’s good to see you again and thank you for the congrats on our newest grandchild on the way. Our son and his wife are super happy that they are expecting parents. This will be an exciting time for them. Have a good week!

  3. Your drawings are super cute, CK, looks like the snowman is open his arms to welcome us. We think he’s got the scarf from that little girl☃😸We’re glad your eyes are stable for now and that you’re going to be a granny. Hoe exciting! Wishes for a succesful pregnancy🙏Double Pawkisses for a Happy Weekend🐾😽💞

    1. Peachy & Stippie,

      You’re right the snowman got the scarf from the little girl. I’m very excited about being a grandma “Mimi” again and our little granddaughter will soon have a cousin. God is so good! Thanks for visiting, my dear!

  4. That’s a very cute snowman, Cathy, and I love your art! I scaled back on blogging on other sites and now just concentrate on my two sites. It’s a relief not to be overwhelmed. Have a fantastic weekend. 💖

    1. Eugenia,

      Our time and energy is important. That’s good that you’re cutting back as well. It’s difficult to maintain one site, I can’t imagine how you do more. Thanks for dropping by for a visit, my dear!

  5. Your art is always fun to see. Those are really good thankfuls too. Thanks for joining our Thankful Thursday Blog Hop!

    1. Thank you, Mimi! My daughter in law had her first OB appointment today. She’s 6 weeks, doing well, and the baby looks perfect. She and our son are super excited. I remember those feelings with my first pregnancy. 🙂 I’m glad you stopped by, my friend!

    1. Ellen,

      You’re welcome. You’re in my thought and prayers. I’m sorry my little furriend Emmy crossed the Rainbow Bridge. She will be missed. Hugs & love to you, my dear!

  6. Oh it is so good to have you back … you always make me smile and I love that you share your “Thankfuls” with us. I am afraid that many people don’t appreciate what they have to be thankful for and you always remind me to be more aware. I love your paintings, they are so sweet , the one’s in the collage included. And pancakes … oh how I love pancakes, but I don’t eat them often because they make me hungry for all things sweet which I don’t eat. But, that said … yours look awesome and I am sure my FH would love to come sit at your table to eat 🙂 And only you could find a “Scarf Song” … again, I am smiling. I so enjoy visiting you, Cathy 🙂

    Andrea @ From the Sol

    1. Andrea,

      I don’t think I’ve met anyone who doesn’t like pancakes. I don’t make them very often. In fact, these couple of batches I made this month is the first time in more than a year. Of course, we had lots of pancakes while on vacation last September. I’m ready to have more anytime. Brain’s Home hosts Thursday Thankfuls which is an excellent idea. Like you, I believe it’s very important to tell others what you appreciate – big or small. We’re so blessed, more so than we even know and it’s a good thing to share with others your gratitude. It serves to remind us that all thing come from the Almighty and He above all else deserves thanks and recognition for our blessings. Thanks for visiting!

  7. You use the word “kaput”? I never stop learning (I am German and we write “kaputt”) – fingers crossed this does not happen!
    My Hubby´s late Granma knitted a red, fluffy scarf for me I wear on any cold day. It keeps my heart warm thinking of her. We lived with her and after we moved out and visited she always exclaimed “my children!” before we even could ring the bell.
    I didn´t know that song!

    1. Iris,

      I’m not a scarf wearing these days but when my husband and I were dating more than 40 years ago, I had a turquoise scarf that I loved. It’s possible I still have that somewhere. 🙂 Thanks for sharing a sweet memory of your husband’s Granma. That was nice. I didn’t know the song that I shared either. I just hoped I could find one that works and I did!Thanks for dropping by. I’m heading your way in a few minutes. 😉

  8. Mary outgrew her first iPad and got a new one. I told her to get twice as much memory; she came out fifteen minutes later and said she couldn’t get one with 64 GB, because new ones start at 128GB. So this would be a good time to get one. I just ordered a new Mac Mini; the new ones have the new M2 processor and are cheaper than the one I bought several years ago…

    1. John,

      I have an iPad Pro (2017). It has 256gb. Memory isn’t an issue. I still have about 157gb available. 🙂 With something this old then it’s normal to expect the battery showing its age. That’s one reason why we upgraded our iPhones just before vacation. DH got my iMac also in 2017 and I am keeping a close eye on it. It has the SSD which is really nice, so I don’t have to worry about the moving parts of a rotary disk failing but storage is getting a bit tight. I try to keep important files backed onto my external HD and to Sync whenever frequently. I haven’t checked the price on replacing my desktop but that’s good to hear that the Mini is cheaper than your old one and you’re getting better technology. Speaking of the M2 processor, I believe the iPads just below the Pro line uses the same chip. I love Apple products!

    1. Kathy,

      Your comments were sent to moderation since you’re new on my blog. Hopefully, future visits your comments will publish immediately but if not, I’m fairly quick to notice them. 😉

  9. Good morning, beautiful post your scarf paintings are sooo sweet. and your pancakes-yum. My husband has been requesting homemade pancakes for breakfast lately so I have making him blueberry pancakes once a week these days.

    1. Greetings Kathy! Thanks for stopping by to check out my TAD contribution. You might like to know that your blog link isn’t on your Gravatar profile for others to find you easily. Luckily, I was able to find you on Rain’s link up. Otherwise, I would be lost. Pancakes blueberry or plain are favorites in this house. We can eat them just about anytime. This recipe is quite good and it brings back good memories from our trip to Maine last September. That was so much fun! Have a doodletastic day, my dear!

  10. Hi, Cathy!

    Happy Thursday Art Date with Rain, dear friend! I appreciate that you have adjusted your schedule so as not to overtax yourself trying to generate content. I needed to make an adjustment this week as well. For the last couple of years, I have been averaging one new post every 5 days. I am finding that I can no longer keep up that pace. Therefore, from now on, I will be posting every six days on average, with an occasional week having as few as four or five days between posts or as many seven days. If I find that it is still too much, I will continue to scale back as needed. As you get older, time becomes all the more precious, and managing it wisely all the more important. It is a lesson I am learning in 2023.

    You know how much I love your artwork, and the collage is fantastic. I love that old red pickup truck hauling a Christmas tree along with the girl ice skating on the frozen pond, Mr. & Mrs. Snowman wearing scarves and the birdie who snatched some berries from that bush. I also love the individual scarf drawings of the cute little girl posing on a wintry day with her pup at her side and the snowman wearing the same scarf in a snow shower. I’m guessing that the girl thought the snowman looked chilly, took pity and wrapped her scarf around him.

    I will surely show Mrs. Shady your pancake recipe. I would love to dig into a stack like the one in the picture. Congratulation to your son and his wife on expecting a baby this fall. That’s wonderful news! LA will be excited to have a little cousin that she can play with and teach. It is also a blessing that your recent eye exam revealed excellent vision and that your eyes are good to go for another year.

    Who knew there is actually a song about a scarf? You found one!

    Thank you for sharing your heartwarming artwork with us along with great family news and personal news. Enjoy the rest of your week and weekend, dear friend Cathy!

    1. Tom,

      I understand the need to do things differently with blogging. I’m sure I’ll make adjustments as needed. Putting blog content together takes a lot of time. Yours are fabulously well written and loaded with lots of excellent music, so yeah, give yourself a break. Do what’s comfortable and enjoy the present without regret. You’re so thoughtful with your words of praise. Creating art pieces bring me so much joy. It’s one of the simple pleasures I can do for myself and I’m always happy it brings happiness to others like you. I hope Mrs. Shady makes you some of these pancakes. I’m tempted to make another batch this weekend but I DH turned my eye onto a new recipe that I may give a whirl. We’ll see. I’m thrilled with the blessings in my life – good eyesight and a new grandbaby on the way. Hey, I was surprised as you that there’s a song about a scarf! lol Thanks for being the early bird this morning, my friend. Have a good day and upcoming weekend!!

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