
22-03-2025 Vol 19

Cathy’s AtoZ Challenge Pinup Girl Art Sketch Series (‘G’) & BOTB results

I’d like to say I’m doing great keeping up this year with the A to Z Challenge but I’m struggling to make my rounds.  For now, I have more than half my posts completed but I’ll catch up with it fast at this rate and then I’ll slip behind most certainly. *sigh* All I can do is my best. 

How’s life treating you today? I hope you’re doing well and staying safe.  Today’s illustration is inspired by Art Frahm’s 1951 What a Beautiful Morning calendar illustration and if you’re this type of artwork makes uncomfortable then you may want to proceed with caution.SaveSaveSave

My original pencil drawing. I call ‘Good Morning”. The legs need work but over all I generally like this sketch. I wish I looked this good first thing in the mornings. 😀
In Procreate I was able to get my pin-up girl’s legs drawn more closely to the original artists’ painting. I’ll never be a true copy-cat artist but that’s alright. I have so much fun illustrating the vintage style pin ups and that’s the most important for me. 🙂

Personally, I can’t start my morning with a cup of coffee and Julie London helps me to get things going with some Black Coffee!

Please read: Aces being wild birthed the idea of my new mid-week hop WILD WEDNESDAYS (#WildWednesdays) and all personal bloggers are invited to promote yourself. Share your photos, artwork, music, musings, randomness, or more! Warning… NO CRUDE CONTENT and spammers will be DELETED without prejudice. Thank you! 

This linky list is now closed.

Eugi’s Causeries weekly word prompt, ‘Captivating’ spurred this little verse.

I was totally blown away catching sight of this blue bird that our security cam recorded.  These little critters don’t come around in swarms.  I remember eons ago at my late in-laws seeing my first blue bird, so to see this little guy was exciting!

In last week’s The April’s Fool #BoTB showdown Laura Avanloni took a strong lead but then things evened up and then over the weekend, The Moleskins took the lead by one giving the lead gal singer, Caroline Larsson Ekstrom and her band the victory in this round. Congrats to The Moleskins. Now for another sample from this Swedish band with Love Light in Flight.

Thanks for joining the fun with me today, let me point out all previous A2Z posts are listed in my side menu this month, so you won’t miss a thing.  Don’t forget to leave your footprints (direct URL) in comments so I can find my way back to you easily. I hope you’ll come back again tomorrow for another illustration in Cathy’s Pinup Girls Art Sketch Series. Have a wonderful day

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48 thoughts on “Cathy’s AtoZ Challenge Pinup Girl Art Sketch Series (‘G’) & BOTB results

  1. I wake up looking more like Phyllis Diller. I think you did an excellent curvature of her torso and in the coloured image, her knees are much improved. That photo of the bluebird is amazing…a professional shot.

  2. That is a beautiful sketch, Cathy! The bluebird capture is so lovely. Hope you’re enjoying the #AtoZ! I did it only once.
    Have a safe week and stay in, dear friend!

    1. Esha,

      Thanks for joining me. The A2Z blog fest is quite involving. The first time I did it just about wiped me out but I keep coming back year after year. 🙂

  3. Such lovely sketches. Very nice. I do like the pinup theme. Thanks for hosting and I hope that you and your family are healthy.

    1. John,

      I made the decision after the pencil sketch to try to purrfect the legs and feet. Having her shoes off was the best way to do that. Thanks for noticing!

  4. No one looks like that first thing in the morning. I mean, unless you have a makeup artist and stylist on hand to get you out of bed… Great job.

  5. The sketch is lovely.
    I love the bluebird capture too.

  6. What brilliant sketch Cathy both look good I wish I could draw like that and the good capture of the Bluebird 🙂

    Have a safetastic week 😷😷😷

  7. Excellent sketch, Cathy, and I love the poem. Wow, the picture your security cam caught is fantastic! What a beautiful bluebird. ❤️

  8. Girlfriend, you out did yourself & the legs look fine! When I first looked at the pencil drawing I thought it was Betty Grable! Doesn’t it look like her? Well, I think so. Great job! By the way, is there a list somewhere of the people that are doing our Letters? What a beautiful day! Dave & I are about to go for a walk. Oh & I won’t be around on Friday, but I’ll post my letter the night before. Dave is having a colonoscopy they’ve tried everything else to find out why he’s had diarrhea since February 2019 🙁 Poor guy lost 60 lbs. The latest with him is depression. He feels like he’s worthless & I told him he just needs to figure out what he wants to do with the rest of his life. I told him to go back to playing guitar & writing songs, but you know the old cliche… you can lead a horse to water yada yada yada… my poor Dave. Thank God I’m not like that. I can always find something to do. hahaha & I got my friend Cathy to hold me up if I need a friend. As the song goes, “…You’ve got a friend…! Love ya girlfriend. By the way, you know Sandy? the one that loves boats and she has sooooooo many friends. She was your first visitor today.. I believe you showed me her Post and I met her she’s a great gal… love her to pieces she’s so nice. Boy I’m building a big ol’ family look at all my sistas! hehehehe Have a great day & “Stay Safe & Stay Healthy” you and your family! You’re always in my prayers! HUGS

    1. Marie,

      Just so you’ll know I have Dave in my prayers. I feel everything is going to be ok. The problems you mentioned that he suffers with might be that he has an intestinal disorder like Crohn’s. I’m sure once he knows what’s wrong and has a treatment plan then he’ll bounce back to his old self again. Yeah, Sandee is a real sweetheart. I’m happy that y’all connected. Blogosphere is a gateway to many wonderful friendships.

  9. HiYa, CAThy! It’s that you?

    Great, great Battle, my friend! A one-vote margin of victory? It literally doesn’t get any better’n that in BOTB. That’s the ultimate right there.

    Very nicely done! See ya again next time, m’dear.

    ~ D-FensDogG

  10. Wow this sketch came out really well. Beautiful.

    I’m having my morning coffee too. We slept in this morning.

    Thank you for joining the Wordless Wednesday Blog Hop.

    Have a fabulous Wordless Wednesday. Big hug and lots of love. Be well. ♥

  11. Great job on the sketches. Thanks for hosting. Have a nice day and stay healthy. XO

  12. I think we all wished we looked that good in the morning 😂. On a good day I’m a throw back to punk, on a bad day something along the lines of did not survive the zombie apocalypse 😂 Best of luck with the AtoZ.
    Tasha 💖
    Virginia’s Parlour – The Manor (Adult concepts – nothing explicit in posts)
    Tasha’s Thinkings – Vampire Drabbles

    1. Tasha,

      I think we all look more like those fallout images of a zombie apocalypse first thing than this beautiful lady. Wouldn’t it be grand if would could look this good first thing? Thanks for visiting!

  13. Hi, Cathy!

    Happy Wild (and Almost Wordless) Wednesday and “G” Day to you, dear friend. I’m thankful that I am able to submit my comments w/o any problems so that I can keep up with your daily A to Z posts.

    Art Frahm is one of my favorite classic pinup artists. I have several of his ladies in my collection of giclee fine art canvas inkjet prints. I must admit that your D.O.O.D. (drawing of the day) does indeed make me uncomfortable… but in a good way. 🙂 She’s a beauty! I admire her pale skin, red hair and black silk negligee. She is stretching after a good night’s sleep and already has a steaming cup of coffee, no doubt poured for her moments earlier by her lucky companion. I like the pretty rose, pink and green color combo.

    I remember singer Julie London from my youth, but never heard the song “Black Coffee.” In a soft and intimate voice, Julie purrs her way through the sexy number which suggests that she relies on coffee and cigarettes to get through the empty hours and beat the blues.

    That’s a marvelous picture of a blue bird in flight captured by your security cam. That image is good enough to be published on a nature calendar!

    The way it started out on day one, I thought your BOTB would result in another lopsided win (for Laura). It surprises me that The Moleskins came from behind and won the battle. I enjoyed Caroline’s singing on “Love Light in Flight” more than her treatment of Bacharach’s “April Fools.”

    Have a good, safe and healthy day, dear friend Cathy!

    1. Tom,

      Sometimes commenting on any blog can be a problem. I’ve run into an issue with certain WP blogs that won’t take my WP credentials. I’ll go through the motions of composing a long message, hit submit and it disappears. That’s when I remember I have to use my Twitter sign-in info. That drives me nuts to say the least. I’m glad you didn’t have any trouble this morning.

      Thank you for your sweet comment on my artwork and the blue bird capture. It’s tricky freezing a video at the right spot to save as a photo so I’m happy on how well this turned out. The BoTB results really surprised me, too. I thought for it was going to be heavily in favor for Laura but then the tide changed and that’s how goes sometimes. Have a blessed, safe, and healthy day, dear friend!

    2. Tom,

      I apologize for falling behind on my responses. I truly appreciated your lovely words on my drawing of the day. 🙂 Her morning companion is indeed lucky to find such a ray of sunshine as this pinup beauty to wake up with and honestly I’d love to meet a gal who looks as good this chick first thing in the mornings. 🙂 Unless she does a Marvelous Miss Maisel quick a.m. fix-up before her man rises. Did women really do that in the 50s? Needless to say the scene I’m referring to and I know you’re familiar with the program to know what I’m talking about literally was an eye opener. When I fall asleep, I’m usually out. There’s no snicking off to the bathroom to wash my face and forget doing it before DH gets up. I’m so groggy first thing all I can do is stumble in the kitchen to get things going. lol I WISH that I was like this, though. To be that fresh faced every morning!

      It wasn’t until recent years I found Julie London. I think I made the discovery in 2017 and at the time I had no idea that she the actor from the 70s TV drama, Emergency! That’s when I also learned that she was once a Calendar Girl. She’s a beautiful lady!

      DH and I are pleased as punch with the image quality of our security camera system but freezing the frames to get the right angle to save as a picture is tricky because birds are fast critters. I’m happy that you liked the picture. 🙂

      The battle surprised me, too. Like you, I thought it was going to be a lopsided victory for Laura but then things change making for an interesting surprise to announce The Moleskins winners. Thanks for playing along to make it fun.

      I’m playing catch up, so let me dash over to your place to see what’s going on, my friend.

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