Aah, the taste of peppermint and coffee together! What a festive cup of delight this is for my taste buds. Yep, that’s right I’m indulging in a cup of candy cane coffee this a.m. DH bought this – a bag of Archer Farms Candy Cane coffee just for me. What are you drinking this morning?
Unbeknown to me, my email address is was used by someone other than myself to send spam out. What surprised me most is this apparently isn’t the first time, either. My SIL informed me over the weekend my email address was sending her spam. She thought my account got hacked. I would have thought the same thing, but I have total access to my username and password with no problem getting into my account.
That’s when I discovered a different email culprit called “email spoofing” which basically means someone changes the email header to mask their identity to the unsuspecting party’s eye by using a friend’s email address to send bogus email. In this case, it was a link. Who knows what that link was. My SIL’s anti-virus program flagged it as spam automatically and this is what alerted her. Has this happened to you?
The good news is, this type of spamming is short-lived and stops at least temporarily. As I mentioned my SIL told me she has gotten this kind of thing before from my email address, but didn’t pay much attention to it until this time. She was hit three days in a row with the spam, which prompted her to call it to my attention. I am glad she did, too.
The bad news is, there is really nothing you can do about spoofing. If you do anything with an email address, then its a sitting duck. It’s not a question, if it happens, but when it happens.
The really awful news is your email address can be placed on a server’s blacklist due to someone spoofing your account. This means all of your emails can be blocked going to a specific person or persons. In which case, you will have to contact the server’s “postmaster” to explain your account was spoofed to get your email address off the blacklist. I got to wondering about Facebook. Maybe this is how my email address became prime picking. What do you think, do you believe your email account associated with social media networks are an easy target for these spammers?
Yesterday’s while visiting Monday’s Music Moves Me participants, I stopped by fellow 4M co-host, Stacy Uncorked. She featured a new tune (to me) to enjoy and is now a new favorite of mine for this Christmas season. That being said, I wanted to share it with you.
I’m always looking for new tunes to add to my music library, especially Christmas music. What is your top favorite song (new & old)?
Last week I made:
- Chocolate Covered Cherries
- White Chocolate Covered Peanut Butter Balls*
- Almond Butter Crunch
*I use part of my Chocolate Covered Cherries recipe to make these. It’s easy. All you have to do is incorporate enough peanut butter to suit taste to the center mixture. It will be thicker and crumblier, but it holds together well once you roll into desired ball size. Place in freezer for 5-minutes while you melt the white chocolate. I use Make n Mold Candy Wafers Vanilla, as this works the best. Dip each PB ball into the melted white chocolate & allow the excess to drain before returning PB balls to your waxed paper lined cookie sheet. The candy wafer melts will harden quickly and the PB balls can be eaten straight away or if you want put them back into the freezer for a few minutes. I prefer to store all of my home-made candies in the freezer throughout the Christmas season to better keep the flavor and to cut temptations down a bit. Prior to serving them, I remove them from the freezer to return to room temperature.
If you’re interested in the Almond Butter Crunch recipe then I’ll try to get this up before the week is up. This is another simple to do recipe with crowd pleasing results!
This week’s goodie list includes:
- Chex Party Mix
- Stack Cake
Usually, I have to fight myself to not do a lot of sampling while making these little tasty sweets, but this year my cravings have been nearly zero percent. That’s so strange! If I didn’t know better, I’d swear aliens abducted the Cathy I know and replaced with something out of this world. Not that I’m complaining. I’m not. Really! Maybe this will keep me from gaining 5-pounds over the holidays and then having to work myself ragged to get them off. Do you have traditional goodies you make every Christmas?
I have two presents wrapped beneath the tree. These belong to DH. I need to pull together the remaining gifts I’ve stashed away for family and make sure everyone is accounted for and then wrap them. How many gifts are underneath your tree?
To date, I’ve sent out a dozen or so store-bought greeting cards and have hand-stamped a dozen with plans to do at least a dozen more hand-stamped cards. Come on, be honest with us! Are you one of the few who enjoy sending out Christmas greetings regardless, if you get one back or not OR do you only respond politely to those who send them to you?
With the New Year less than a month away, I decided it was time to print my free wall calendar off. Yep, you read that right “FREE” wall calendar. It’s nothing fancy, but it gives me precisely what I want to chart my weekly weight progression, along with marking upcoming, non-repeating events. If you’re interested, then here! Do you like having a mark-up calendar at your finger tips? Where do you display yours? I keep mine on the side of the freezer.
DD#2 had allergy testing performed yesterday. She’s allergic to cats, dogs, mold, dust, trees, grass, pollen, bugs, …just about everything and on top of that she’s diagnosed with Asthma. The doctor put her on two inhalers.
When she moved to her own place in 2009, she insisted on getting a cat. Despite my warnings of her allergies. At that time it wasn’t official she was allergic to them, but she had the symptoms like me and I knew for fact I was highly allergic to felines. Would she listen? Let’s just say, I had better odds in the wall hearing what I said than her. Eventually, she reluctantly gave her cat away to a friend to only get her fur-baby. She was in an apartment that didn’t allow pets, so her sister is keeping it till such time DD#2’s can move her little fur baby home.
Meanwhile, guess what she does? She gets a dog. The apartment she is in now allows pets. This isn’t her first dog, either. But, she never suspected being allergic to dogs until now. I think it’s because her apartment isn’t occupied with a cat at the moment to throw off self-diagnoses senses that she has dog allergies. I haven’t asked what her plans are for her new puppy, yet. If I were a betting gal, then I’d say she’ll be stubborn on this and keep Brutus for a while till she just can’t take it anymore. What kind of allergies do you suffer with?
This weekend, I discovered my grandma was to the hospital. She had a mini-stroke. It tears my mother up thinking about having to move her to a nursing home. Many of the hospitals in rural communities such as the one my folks live in lack quality medical care.
Last year, they sent my grandpa home three times with pneumonia. By the time they had him in the hospital the last time it resulted in him having to be moved to a nursing home. Things went from bad to worse quickly. The staff did not give him the necessary care and in short he became severely dehydrated on top of other problems that claimed his life prematurely. The medical staff needed to be in tune with his condition when things turned for the worse, but were not on top his care.
You can imagine this scenario plays over and over in my mother’s head. It has to be tormenting and this is the last thing she wants to have happen again. My mother pushes herself beyond reasonable boundaries and her health is suffering. Please keep my grandma and mother in your prayers.
It was a pleasure to chit-chat with you this morning over the aroma and flavor of a cup of coffee. Next week, I may have to change things up by having a cup of cocoa. It’s now time for me to do the blog hop thingy and if you want you can tag along, then go to the top of this page look under Daily Blog Hops for my regular random/coffee chat buds.
Phew, I was a bit long-winded today! I hope I didn’t bore you to tears. I hope you have a T-rific Tuesday!
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I don’t have a single thing under my tree, it’s all on order from Amazon. That spamming thing terrifies me! My friend Eric just has his email send out a three day blast too. Terrible!
We have peppermint coffee and peppermint mocha creamer going here today. Just finished off the pumpkin spice coffee last week. LOVE seasonal flavors.
I feel the pain, I have cats…3 of them, and I’m very allergic. But love them all too much to part with them so I just take meds.
That is my new favourite song! And why I love 4M – I heard it at Stacey’s too.
So, I’ve got Kahula flavoured coffee in my cup this morning. And I have had an actual live friend over for a chat too! I am rocking it both virtually and in reality! haha
My favourite Christmas recipe is my family’s traditional shortbread cookies. Or as my uncle fondly calls them: sand dollars. LOL he’s not a fan, I guess.
I have few presents hidden away from the kids, but since no tree yet, nothing is wrapped. Plus, since we are going to my mom’s house for Christmas Eve/Morning…I have to drag them all to her house. so not quite sure yet what I am going to do….
No spam from you – that I know of.
Your poor daughter – faced with having to part with her new puppy. I don’t know that I would find a new home right away either – I’d probably suffer it out as long as I could too.
Will keep your mom and grandma in my prayers.
Thanks for chatting today!
Your coffee sounds delicious. I love that Christmas song too, I found it last year and played it all the time

I am just starting to decorate, I decorate slow and take my time. We won’t do our tree until later, maybe this weekend. I don’t know how people keep their live trees so long? I need their special touch! I like mine to still feel really fresh on Christmas Day and I keep it up until New’s Year Day, so the tree goes up little later for me or I will go nuts with it up too long but that is me
Oh, I send my cards to the people on my list and I don’t worry if I get one back. Many people don’t send cards so I don’t worry about it. I try to get my cards out before December 10th and the latest, the 15th!
I hope you your Grandmother’s health improves and your mom finds a nursing home she is comfortable with, I know how hard that is on a family.
I am one of those people who send out Christmas cards even if I don’t get one back however I have been sending a card to my friend in England for 37 years and for the first time I met her in England this summer. I also reconnected with a woman this weekend because I put my phone number in the card. She was so glad to get in touch with me. It has been years.
I need to get some candy cane coffee! I’m adding it to my shopping list for tomorrow…
I’m glad you enjoyed that song – I keep replaying it. I’ll be doin g the MMMM visits later today – so much to do, so little time!
Spam emails are always annoying – and particularly when it’s your email address that’s been spoofed. I’ll get locked out of gmail every so often when they find a issue with my account being ‘spoofed’ – I keep changing my password to be safe.
I’ll be making my Swenson candies this weekend (including the same chocolate covered cherries you make – I’ve made those with my mom since a very young age!)
I’ll also be bottling new wine batches in a couple of weeks so I can put together my annual Gift Baskets.
I’m going to be late with some this year…
I don’t have my tree up yet or presents wrapped! I need to get busy – I have gifts stashed all over, hopefully I’ll remember where I’ve got all of them hidden!
Chicago Fire’s Fake Plane Crash, Christmas Shopping, Lego Minecraft Shortage, Pony Fun, Unconventional Cards – RTT Rebel
I like that song; always looking for new takes on old favorites or anything that embodies the feeling of Christmas. Sorry about your grandma; mine has had a lot of mini-strokes over the past few years; a couple weeks ago, doctors told my g-pa to prepare for the worst and yet, she’s still kicking! It’s kind of crazy. Happy Tuesday!