
16-03-2025 Vol 19

Bringing up the rear with these laughs this Friday!

Purrs and hisses, Kittens & Dawgs!  Another week bites the dust. This is DH’s off Friday, so I’m sharing nothing but sillies with you and I hope you enjoy today’s punch at medical procedures for some giggles in this edition of Friday Sillies!

Yesterday, I went for a long overdue colonoscopy. Need I say more? 🤣 Except, I got a clean bill of health – everything looks good which makes me especially giddy. While blousing browsing around YT, I tripped upon Colon Wars which was a fun discovery.

That’s a wrap for now.  Join me for a double feature with BoTB and Mondays Mewsic Moves Me!

I’ll see you on the dance floor with Monday’s theme ‘your choice song picks‘! 😉

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23 thoughts on “Bringing up the rear with these laughs this Friday!

    1. Martidiy,

      I wish I could go 10-years between colonoscopies but I’m supposed to have them annually because I have Crohn’s. 🙁 I don’t think I need yearly checkups. I’m sure my doctor won’t sign off on that and if not I will be forced to make the decision to schedule or not next year which I probably will not.

  1. Thanks so much for the laughs, Cathy!

    So very happy to hear about your clean bill of health, too. Colon Cancer is rampant in my family. I lost my sister to it in 1996, and my oldest brother to it about 5 years ago. I have another brother and a niece that is in remission as well.

    As someone who has had 3 colonoscopies now, I can honestly say that with all of the improvements that have been made with the ‘cleansing’ process – the procedure as a whole is not as ‘bad’ as it used to be.


    1. Mary,

      I’m sorry to hear that you’ve lost two siblings to colon cancer. The unpleasantness of a colonoscopy pales in comparison to anyone going through colon cancer treatment. I’ll take being uncomfortable for a day over the disease any day! Aren’t you a cancer survivor, too? I’m glad your brother and niece are in remission. Saying prayers that they stay that way, too!

  2. That scene with Lou Rawls is hilarious! I wonder how many takes they had to do and when I have my next Colonoscopy, I am going to remember this. I found the 2nd one very funny because the day before is the worst. I hate drinking that vile hellish crap. I read some of the comments that you got a clean bill of health which is great. Did you ever watch the youtube video of Billy Connelly’s talk about colonoscopies? I was almost on the floor from laughing so hard.

    1. Jacqui,

      Honestly, the colonoscopy itself isn’t that bad and trust me when I say the prep while it’s not fun it’s tons better than it was several years ago. Colon cancer is the silent killer, symptoms go unnoted in the early stage. As your friend, I highly recommend having one. An ounce of prevention might save your life.

  3. I enjoyed the laughs and glad your colonoscopy was clear now you can relax 🙂

    I like Scared Of The Dark was slightly different to their early stuff I saw them singing it live on tv here they still sound good live too

    Have a stepstastic weekend Cathy 🙂

    1. Steven,

      Steps is one of those groups I accidentally tripped over. I made a funny. Get it steps,tripped? LOL Maybe, I’m just being silly. 🙂 I’m glad to hear that Steps is good live. That’s the only way to judge artists true talent. It’s so easy to create magic in the studio turning an average singer into a super star. Have furtastic weekend, my friend.

  4. Hi, Cathy!

    I hope you got something to eat, got a good night’s sleep, and that you are regaining your strength and feeling fine following yesterday’s procedure. Once again I must say how much I admire you for following the recommended guidelines and having that routine test done every few years just in case. Now that the colonoscopy is “behind” you 🙂 you can breathe easier and get back to enjoying life.

    Bringing Up The Rear is an especially funny set of Friday Sillies. I never saw that scene with Lou Rawls playing a Gastroenterologist giving Damon Wayans a colon exam on the TV series In Living Color. It’s hilarious! Sadly, Lou died of lung cancer 12 years ago shortly after turning age 72. That’s too young!

    In recent months you and I have been discussing the English dance-pop group Steps, the ones who covered “Tragedy,” the big Bee Gees hit. Together more than twenty years now, Steps has a long string of hit singles in the UK and Europe but, strangely, only one charted record in the U.S. I thoroughly enjoyed this video of Steps doing “Scared Of The Dark,” a song from their fifth studio album, Tears on the Dancefloor which was released last year.

    Don’t you just love when BOTB falls on a 4M? Yikes, it’s going to be another busy one. I will be here for it, and I am going to sneak in a post of my own this Sunday, one that will crank the Halloween season into high gear. I hope you can take a look at it Sunday, Monday or perhaps Tuesday.

    Thank you very much for the early morning giggles, dear friend Cathy. Have a fun Friday and a super weekend!

    1. Tom,

      I definitely had something delicious to eat yesterday upon my return home. It was a protein-packed breakfast of ham, eggs, and whole wheat toast with all-fruit preserves. It hit the spot purrrfectly! Oh, yes…it probably was you that introduced me to Steps. I told Steven a few seconds ago that I thought it was an accidental find. I should’ve known you exposed my ears to their sound. I think I remember hearing the mews of Lou Rawls passing. However, I didn’t know it was from lung cancer. That’s so horrible. I will definitely try to make it over to your place. DH is expected to work all weekend so I should have time on my hands to visit in Blogosphere. I don’t like when he has to work but it’s better than not having a job. He’s electing to take comp time instead of pay with the hopes of going to the mountains on a purrrty weekend soon. We’re so ready for a fun-packed day in our beautiful world! Thanks for including me in your day, dear friend. Have a furtastic Friday!

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