Far Away Series is the brain child behind today’s little meme I happily am apart of and with a little help from STMcCP (details on site) together they put together a bi-monthly hop that we know as the….

Let the competition begin. Your pick may decide who wins the show!
Summer is quickly ending, but it doesn’t mean there ain’t no sunshine. Now, that’s a good song title!
In 1971 Bill Withers wrote and recorded #3 R&B hit Ain’t No Sunshine (not included in the battle) and since its release covered at least 131 times. That’s pretty impressive, but even more impressive is the 100+ million YouTube views Withers song received.
I listened to a number of covers for this song and I don’t have a reason why I chose the dueling bands, except to say the music moved me!
The first contender is a band from the UK. I never heard of them until I stumbled across their names on SecondHandSongs.com. This band combines American soul and British folk music giving them a signature flavor all their own. Allow me to introduce to you, Reel & Soul Associates!
Have you heard of the Reel & Soul Association?
The next artist also hails from merry ole England and doesn’t need any introduction. This band has produced music since the 70s. Let’s give it up for Sting!
Did Sting sting RSA or did Reel & Soul Association buzz you away? Okay, my humor (I know what humor?!) stinks…so, bite me already or laugh at my poor attempt, but whatever you do, don’t forget to vote in comments!
Who gets your vote and why? Will it be Reel & Soul or Sting?
Wait, the fun isn’t over till the fat lady sings! I invite you to check out these more amazing battles taking place now!
•Fae @ Far Away Series •Stephen @STMcC Presents ‘Battle of the Bands’ •Lee @Tossing It Out •Robin @ Your Daily Dose •Donna @Book Lover •Mike’s Ramblings •John @ The Sound of One Hand Typing •Dixie @ dcrelief ~ Battle of the Bands (on break due to health reasons GET WELL SOON!!) •Alex J. Cavanaugh •Kim @ The Belle Rocks •Tom @ Shady Dell Music and Memories •Debbie @The Doglady’s Den •Cherdo @Cherdo on the Flipside •Michele @ Angels Barks •Mary @ JingleJangleJungle •Janie @ Women: We Shall Overcome •Jeffrey @ J.A. Scott •Madilyn @ NovelBrews •Holli @ Holli’s Hoots and Hollers •Guilie @ Quiet Laughter
Thanks for joining in on the fun. I’ll have the results next week this time, so mark your calendar and stop by to see if your pick gets named. This is Curious as a Cathy signing off and saying have a bandtastic day!

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I have to go with Reel and Soul. I loved the style they brought to the song. Sting started out strong and then he seemed to get lost in the words from the production end of it.
Oh this is breaking my heart because I love Sting, but in this case…. I gotta go with Reel and Soul. they did a really good cover – Sting seemed to be trying too hard.
Les, isn’t it interesting to find someone you really like get out done? Thanks for voting. I’ll be by to visit soon!
I am a Sting fan, but I’ve found there are many songs from him hit or miss. Unfortunately, I didn’t like his version all to well. There were bits I found annoying. Additionally, I found the Reel and Soul Association was very pleasing. I loved it. So you can give my vote that way. Reel & SA.
Jeffrey, I’m impressed with how the incumbent RSA is stinging Sting with this showdown. I’m heading to the mountains for the day with DH, so I’ll be by later to listen to your choices. Thanks for voting!
STING did this considerably better’n I expected (and I liked the violin accompaniment). I’m not really a fan of Sting or The Police. But this is probably the best recording I’ve ever heard by the bloke. (And I never heard it before today, Cathy.)
But I still gotta cast my vote for REEL & ASSOCIATION.
Very good BOTB installment!
What, no William Shatner version? He would-a got my vote, I’m sure. Ha!
~ D-FensDogG
‘Loyal American Underground’
First off, Stephen, I’m sorry for disappointing you by not sharing a Shatner cover, if one exists. Can you imagine how over the top that would be?
Anyhoo, I’m not much much of a Sting fan, either. Sure I like some of the old stuff, but that’s about it. I’m excited over how well received RSA is for this battle. I logged your vote. DH & I are headed to the mountains for the day, so I will hop over a little later to your place. Thanks for joining me in the fun!
Without a doubt; Reel & Association, never heard of ’em before, but they are a winner to my ears.
Wow. Both versions were really good, but I’m giving my vote to Sting. It just felt more authentic to me.
Gotcha down for Sting, Mary! Thanks for dropping by and voting!
The Bill Withers original is a classic. No one does this like he does.
I’m going with Sting here, mostly because Reel and Soul made it sound like open mike night.
Well, this is amazing. I’m voting against Sting…what kind of world is it where I vote against Sting? It’s a world where Reel and Soul sound mighty tight and fine…
GREAT battle, Cathy!
Hi Cathy! Ooh, and ouch! I was really impressed by Sting, but that middle instrumental didn’t work with his voice arrangement. Then it hits again at the end. Too much. So I went with plan B: I vote for Reel & Soul Associates. Nice battle, lady!
Hiya Dixie-chick-a! What a surprise to see you popping in to cast your vote. I hope this means you’re feeling better. Are you? *cross fingers* Saying prayers that THIS is the case and we’ll all see you back to your ole self really soon. {hugs}
Wow, I really like Reel & Soul’s version of this song! I never heard of them but glad to have been introduced to them for sure. Sting’s version was okay. And I’m a Sting fan but RSA did a way better job, in my opinion. It’s Reel & Soul for my vote. Good battle.
Michele at Angels Bark
Michele, so glad I wowed you with RSA. They have the lead by a wide margin. I’ll be stopping off soon to listen to your featured bands.
Sting gets my vote. However, RSA did offer some great vocals.
Mike, I have your vote recorded for Sting. Thanks for stopping by. Now, to listen to your battle!
Hi Cathy; One of my favourite Bill Withers songs!
Sting’s version was good, but Reel and Soul completely “reeled” me in! I love the haunting, ethereal quality and the vocals. Please cast my vote for them. They are new to me and I shall look for more of their material. Thanks for the introduction.
Ever since I decided to use Withers original for this battle I’ve been humming it out loud. No doubt I’m driving DH nuts, but he never complains! It’s a great song!! Gotcha, Debbie for RSA!
Both versions are good but I Reely ( lol) liked Reel and Soul more. My vote goes to them. Thank you for introducing us to their music. I have never heard them before.
Anytime, Holli! So, glad I am able to share someone new with my fellow BOTBers.
Sting did okay with the song, but it’s not really a stellar performance to my ears. But it’s a nice twist on the song.
I really like the Celtic touch Reel and Soul put on the tune. Their version is relaxing to listen to and it captures the spirit of the song better.
Put me down for Reel and Soul.
Arlee Bird
A to Z Challenge Co-host
Tossing It Out
Lee, I’m quite surprised to find out how well RSA are doing against a music legend like Sting, but then again I liked RSA’s cover the best too.
Thanks for the vote. I’m heading your way next to see what interesting song pick you are sharing!
I love Sting, but his version seems over-produced. I vote for Reel & Soul Association, and no, I’d never heard of them before. I like their folk-rocky sound.
Janie, I can’t say that I’m a huge fan of Sting even when he was with The Police, but I did like some of their music. I guess I really need to revisit the sounds of Sting with/without The Police. Anywho, got your vote for RSA. It’s time to hop over to your blog to see who you have playing against the other!
Hi, dear Cathy! I vividly recall the popularity of Bill Withers’ “Ain’t No Sunshine” in 1971. I liked one of his follow-up recordings, “Use Me,” even more. I do believe that you have introduced me to the new definitive version of “Sunshine,” the one performed by Reel & Soul Association. I love female lead singers and Reel & Soul boasts two of them, Kellie While and Thea Gilmore. Reel & Soul Association is my overwhelming favorite in your BOTB and they get my vote.
Thank you, dear friend Cathy!
Tom, it’s always good to get your visits, my friend. Now, I don’t remember Withers song, Use Me, so I had to pop over to YouTube to listen to it. It’s a nice tune, but I think I like Ain’t No Sunshine a wee bit more. I may have to check into buying a greatest hits CD by him to add to my music library. I’m glad you enjoyed RSA. It occurred to me that I forgot to say who I was voting for in my post, but Reel & Soul Associates is my band pick, too. Thanks for voting. Don’t forget to come by next week to see who wins. Now, to hop over to your place!