
27-03-2025 Vol 19

A2Z Challenge Beautiful Sunday on WW

I have committed myself to the April A to Z Challenge.  Chances are very good that you may find my routine daily hops taking a slight set back, as I get into a rhythm, but I will be around to visit….eventually!

In the spirit of keeping up my routine Wordless Wednesday and my new link up, I am going to give you a two for one special this morning.

Today’s prompt is the letter


as in a beautiful Sunday afternoon around town.

DH and I enjoyed the day taking a drive in an older subdivision off Kingston Pike with beautiful prestigious homes and gardens known as Sequoyah Hills. The blooms weren’t all out for display, but that will change with this week’s bright sunshine and warm temperatures. Meanwhile, you can enjoy these shots of our outing.

To join other bloggers for more WW fun, then click here! It’s so nice of you to come by and I hope you decide to make it a repeat visit to share in my photo ops. Wanna make me happy? Then, leave a comment! 😉 I’ll be hopping over to see you soon!




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32 thoughts on “A2Z Challenge Beautiful Sunday on WW

  1. oh my gosh – just beautiful! absolutely love the tulips! I cannot wait for our Tulip festival – you’ve never seen so many tulips. Just google Ottawa Tulip Festival. It’s glorious. Happy Spring is here for you!

  2. It’s been a long time since I’ve taken a Sunday drive. So busy working…we need to set aside time to do this, especially in the spring and fall.

  3. Ahh, such lovely tulips! I love daffodils and tulips the most out of all the flowers in the world! Thank you for hosting WW!

  4. These photos are beautiful! Thanks so much for sharing a little slice of spring. Thanks also for stopping by my blog. It’s great to meet you! 🙂

    1. I have been hosting WW for more than a year, so yes this is a permanent meme with me. I hope you’ll join me every week! You will find my WW blog button under my Blog Hop page at the top.

        1. Well, you originally followed me on Cathy Kennedy’s Blog, and then I created another blogger blog with the name Curious as a Cathy last fall. Then, as you know I just recently switched to WP early in March with the same name as my last blogger name. I even set it up to auto-redirect people to my new site, and maybe no one is detecting the change over. That’s okay. In time, everyone will pick up on it. Don’t worry about having lost track. I have not been the best to keep up with changes, either.

  5. It was only 40 degrees today, but yesterday it was 65.. and I bought some tulips to plant in my big planter out in front, but then today it got cold. 🙁 WHERE’S SPRING? I THINK YOU GOT IT ALL! PLEASE SHARE!!!!

    1. Of course, I’ll share with you! Warmer days will surely find you soon and stay around. We’re forecast for some beautiful weather the next few days (80° temps)and then we are expecting some thunderstorms on bringing us back to the mid-60s. Now, I love pretty weather, but 80° is a bit too warm for me. But, it’s better than being cold I suppose.

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