
14-03-2025 Vol 19

Back to School

Welcome to Monday’s Music Moves Me on Sundays!  I’d say by now most schools in the US are back in session.  They go back earlier every year. In fact, our county started on the 8th this month. Crazy, right?  This week’s theme is songs about going back to school or childhood favorites. 


Remember music themes are only suggestions.  I don’t care one way or another.  The important thing is to share whatever music moves you. Now, it’s your turn!

This is a music link up.  Your post must contain at least one song or your URL is marked “No Music”.

Here are my Friendly Fill-ins for this week.
1. I am in my senior era. Or, so they say.  I don’t see myself as a “senior” and I bet if you’re in your 60s like I am then you don’t, either.  I cling to the mindset, it’s only a number and you’re only as old as you let your mind tell you. Mine is screaming, “You’re still a juvenile, grow up someday already!” lol
2. I am insecure about my physical appearance. Why is it nearly every woman on the planet is not happy with the way she looks? When I was young, I never felt pretty enough.  My weight wasn’t an issue.  As I got older, I felt like I got prettier and others seemed to agree.  While my weight isn’t a huge problem, I still have a few added pounds, three full term pregnancies, and age totally works against my self-esteem.  
3. I’m really happy with my recent purchase of several iTune $4.99 movies.  One of the films we got is National Lampoon’s European Vacation.  Back in the day, we thought it was our least favorite of this movie series but compared to what’s made today, it’s an outstanding comedy. We got some good belly laughs watching it.
4. My alarm clock is usually set for 5:30am during the week. The weekends it gets turned offWe’re at the point were sleeping through the night is rare. DH suffers more with this than I do and it seems I do far worse then him but I usually get more sleep. I wish we could fix this issue.
Daddy was in the hospital this time last year.  My folks didn’t get to celebrate their anniversary as they would’ve liked and it was their last one. He passed away the following week.  So, in honor of what would’ve been my parents 64th anniversary today, I’m sharing with Elvis Presley #1 song, “It’s Now or Never”.


Elvis’ song sold 20 million copies and it was recorded in Studio B in Nashville that we toured last October.


My site continues sporadically to go off line. I hope it doesn’t affect you. Downtimes have been about an hour. Please let me know if it does.  Feel free to do what you want, click “Like”, or leave an emoji or a short comment.  I’m easy going.  This will flag me of your visit.  Before I sign off, I can’t resist sharing the next video, an Old Town Road parody by Hometown Road “Back to School”.  Have a boogietastic week!





Last week, I shared this little lighthouse and while I was recreating it I felt inspired to do a second one as a night scene.

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13 thoughts on “Back to School

  1. The music is great. I love your lighthouse picture. This is a nice tribute to your parents and your dad. It sucks to lose someone we love. It’s nice to always remember them. I like your answers and I have yet to meet one woman who is happy with her looks meanwhile men can think their the Gods of Greece in a little red bathing suit while their big belly hangs over…I don’t get it.

  2. Love the videos. Back to school here too. There are so many cars carrying the kids back to school each morning.

    Love the lighthouse. Beautiful. You’re so talented.

    Have a fabulous day and week, Cathy. Love and hugs. ♥

  3. Very nice songs. Bless your parents and I feel the same way about my appearance. I have learned that inner beauty is the most important thing. Thanks for hosting and I hope that you have a wonderful week.

  4. Inner beauty is more important than one’s appearance. Ageing can be difficult but something we must embrace and live life to its fullest. 💖

  5. Well your State is going back early , it’s later here in the UK. You have a great play list today and I empathise with DM I have trouble sleeping and am usually up by 5am! I have hit my seventies and am more interested in keeping moving than what people think I look like anyone 😂
    I hope your parents enjoyed their anniversary.
    I was bullied at school so no good memories from that era so I hope my play list doesn’t reflect that too much . Have a great week 💜💜

  6. School always starts the Tuesday after Labour Day, here. I can’t believe that summer is almost over! This is a sad anniversary for you. Sending hugs! 💖

  7. My school days are far behind me which is a mixed blessing. Facebook keeps me in touch with my old school including who has died.

    Arlee Bird
    Tossing It Out

  8. I knew most of the country started before my district does (Sept 5 this year) but your district really is early. Summer has gone by so quickly. I didn’t know the first song. I never caught that Hometown Road parody when it came out – that superintendent and high school principal have a great sense of humor. Alana ramblinwitham

  9. I am sorry your parents did not get to be together for their last anniversary.
    School does start early in your area. It starts this Thursday for my great-nieces. Thank you for participating in the fill-ins, great answers. Stand near me and you will feel like a supermodel. 🙂 XO

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