Hello, Kitten & Dawgs, This April, I enter my 6th A to Z season but I only completed four so I prefer to say my 5th year. Initially, I started the challenge as a means to jump start a daily post routine. It’s exhausting work but a rewarding experience that I found to be addictive or maybe I just don’t want to be a quitter. Some people like to create posts as they go but not me. It took me years to figure out how to get ahead to keep from feeling overwhelmed.
Last year I succeed by getting everything done before April 1 which made it my best year ever. I felt more at ease and enjoyed it a thousand times more. Anywho, in case you’re new here let me back up a bit. Last year, I challenged myself to venture outside my comfort zone by picking up my pencil to create art sketches for the first time in years. Removing all self-doubt (okay, I’m fudging on this point) and excuses, I sat out to only have fun doodling but what I didn’t count on is I discovered a seed of artist talent that laid dormant just waiting to sprout. Hmm, I hear those gears clanking and banging in your head. Okay…I can imagine I hear it and you can see a complete list of my posts here of my 2017 artwork.
Keeping true to my word in my reflections post last year, I’m continuing the challenge but instead I’m going high-tech using my iPad, Apple pencil, and a drawing app Procreate to create my sketches. Some will have color and others won’t. I’m gonna stick with the same mindset to not take myself seriously and just have fun. I hope you’ll decide to visit me throughout April to witness the marvel before your eyes as I create more art sketches through the alphabet.

I hope I didn’t jinx us with a snow storm of the century dumping two feet on us like in 1993. Think positive, spring is only a few days away!
Are you playing along next month? What is your theme? Offer suggestions on what to sketch and if I borrow your idea then I’ll give you credit.
My objective besides the obvious of having fun is to encourage others to pursue their interests instead of putting it off like I did for year because you might discover like I did that you can do it!Thanks for making me apart of your day. Don’t forget to leave your footprints in comments with your signature (URL) so I can find my way back to you. Please let me know if you’re a new follower, so I can do the return favor. I realized the importance of building social networks. It’s the weekend and tomorrow is the official reveal date. I will link up with other fellow AtoZers tomorrow but you will also find me on the dance floor as co-host of Monday’s Music Moves Me and you’re invited to boogie with me!
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Hi Cathy; I thoroughly enjoyed your sketches last year and look forward to checking out more next month, even though I’m not particpating this year. That ipad rendition looks amazing! You really have talent, my friend. Best wishes for another succesful A to Z Challenge!
Hello Debbie,
It does my heart good you enjoyed my sketches last year. Being able to challenge myself to resurrect this part in me I thought was dead gave me a new drive and passion to keep pushing my boundaries. I’m glad you like my wintry art sketch. It was fun to draw and to share with others. Thanks for visiting, my friend.
I can’t believe you did this on an iPad. I’ll be with you on this journey, Cathy.
It’s amazing what you can do with electronics today, isn’t it?
Procreate gives me the flexibility to create my sketch in stages so to not disturb any particular area. This also makes it easier to fix parts of my drawing without wrecking the whole world. I look forward to sharing in the 2018 A2Z experience with you, my dear. Have a good week!
I’m looking forward to more of your art. Could I challenge you to draw parakeets? They are my favorite bird and it’s hard to find art (at least for me) featuring them. I’ll be trying to A2Z with posts about Florida, and I may only end up with one mewsical post, but we’ll see.
Hmm, a parakeet sounds like a fun challenge. I may take you up on this one! If and when I do I’ll let you know. Thanks!
Hi Cathy I didn’t do the challenge last year and it did feel strange. This is my second attempt and now I have my theme I can start getting ahead a little with planning and writing. It can be quite overwhelming. I wish I could draw but alas I can’t although your theme and posts might inspire me to try. Good luck and congratulations on reaching 5 years with AtoZ. Have a great day!
Sue from Sizzling Towards 60 & Beyond
I’m glad you returned to the A2Z adventure, some might call it a misadventure depending how things go. lol It’s good having a plan for the annual event and certainly makes life easier. We all can’t do the same things but if my doodling encourages someone to do something they are not comfortable pursuing then my mission is complete. Thanks for visiting.
A2Z Appears to be such a grind… I envy anyone who can pull it off.
The A2Z Challenge is just that, challenging but it’s fun and I don’t mind. Anyone can do it, it’s just a matter of sticking to it even when it’s tough.
I like your theme! I’ll be looking forward to your posts and artwork!
Thank you, my friend. And, I as well look forward to your daily contributions.
I love your sketch! I look forward to visiting you again and seeing more of your atoz challenge sketches and drawings! You are good at it. Here is my theme reveal
Thank you! I’m glad you liked my artwork. You’re very kind. Let’s have some fun together next month, ok?
Wow! That sketch is absolutely amazing! Your talent is evident and I love that you were really able to hone in on it last year and now dive deeper this year. I’m doing what you’re doing: writing my posts now to be ahead of the curve. Let’s hope I actually finish my posts
I appreciate you stopping in and leaving a comment. That’s excellent you’re getting ahead of the challenge game, too. Even if you don’t finish them before the first your efforts now will lighten the load next month. Have a great week!
Very cool theme, Cathy! I look forward to seeing what you draw with your new skills.
Are you participating in the A2Z Challenge? I wonder because your blog is set for invites only. Did I click on the correct blog? Hmmm, never mind I clicked on your Gravatar and discovered your blog. Thanks for stopping by and have a pawsome week!
Thank you for letting me know I sent you to the wrong link. I fixed it so future comments (hopefully) will lead to the correct link.
Emily, it was your sign in info that had wrong blog addy but on your profile I was able to click on your site URL.
Your creativity continues to blossom. I’m glad you’ll be back again with another Challenge. Thanks for announcing it.
Arlee Bird
Tossing It Out
I’m excited to join in again and I’m happy to report all posts are 99% done.
That’s a great theme Cathy and I’m looking forward to seeing your creations. This is my third year of doing the challenge and I’m going with romance for my theme this year.
Pamela @ Days of Fun
It’s gonna be lots and lots of fun! Thanks for checking in with me.
Oh wow so that means you’ve already got all those sketches done too? It sounds like another challenge to prepare them too. Very impressive!
I’ll join with 2 blogs, one will be rescheduled (I hope – not written everything yet though!), the other will be based in the input of the visitors so very much live! I’m excited
Miss Andi,
Thanks for dropping in for a visit. Yes, I do have all my sketches done. I will take some time this week to make adjustments before the challenge kicks off. I’m impressed that you have two blogs signed up for the event. I always marvel at anyone who can juggle more than one blog on a daily basis. Now, I’m off to see read your theme reveal.
I remember some of your picture from last year. I find your new medium very daring. I mean, I know how to use a penciel, but I wouldnt’ knwo where to start with a ipad and an app. Kind of scary.
So I’m really curious to see where you’ll go
I’m trying to be ready for the beginnign of the month. You are right, having everything ready when the challenge starts is the best thing… but let’s see if work will leame me enough spear time to get properly ready.
Let’s do this!
The Old Shelter – Weimar Germany
The thing with the digital medium is it shows up every mistake I make. I’m hoping everyone is forgiving when they see my artwork on display for the A2Z event. I find it an excellent way to redo an area a lot easier than if I have to erase time and time again. My hope is this will aid with how I see something mentally as it’s translated to hand for when I’m using paper and pencil. We’ll see. Thanks for stopping by!
That’s really cool, i am looking forward to seeing more of your work!
I love that sketch. That’s awesome. You’re most talented.
Have a fabulous day. ♥
Sandee, you’re my much too kind.
Looking forward to some more of your sketches, Cathy. I’ll be there this year as well and I’m hoping to have a lot of the posts written before as it really does make a difference! I do have all my drafts done, at least with the basic stuff. Now to add the pictures and descriptions.
Sounds like you have a good start. It’s good to get ahead as much as possible so to not become overwhelmed during the challenge. I sure do appreciate your sticking with me last April and then throughout the whole year. I attribute the challenge bringing new friends such as your into my life.
I look forward to your beautiful sketches. See you tomorrow for Mewsic day
Thanks, Ellen! I’m anxious to share, too!
I have signed up for the A-Z challenge, but that’s as far as I’ve gotten. I’m hoping it will give me a jump start on blogging more regularly. I’ve done it a couple of times before with no particular theme with nothing in particular prepared ahead of time. It looks like that will probably be the same this year. It’s exhausting, but a fun thing to do. I look forward to seeing your sketches. That’s a good idea if only I had some talent in that direction I’d do the same thing.
Going at the A2Z challenge with no theme is a fun approach but it I can imagine it being a bit maddening. It’ll be great fun to see what you come up with every day as it keeps us all at the edge of our monitor waiting for more! Thanks for checking mine out.
Wow Cathy, that’s amazing what’s possible with the iPad…AND A CREATIVE PERSON OPERATING IT! Love your snow scene. You know I love it because I’m a snow girl. I don’t know if you got my message (comment) that I left on your 4M post where I talk about that…
Anyway, I look forward to seeing your art next month. As mentioned, I’m having surgery in early April (4/2) so I really don’t know how much blogging I’ll be doing but for sure I’ll bop in and out throughout the month…
Enjoy your Sunday!
Michele at Angels Bark
I like snow but not enough to have much of it in the cooler months. I love seeing snowy wintry scenes and I enjoy sketching them but I wouldn’t be happy living somewhere that got lots of the white fluff.
Thank you for your kind comments and I hope you find time to visit next month while you’re on the mend. I hope it’s nothing serious but anytime surgery is involved then I know how it complicates life even if it makes things better. I will keep you in prayer and if you need for me to do anything in Blogosphere for you then please let me know, dear friend. Enjoy your Sunday afternoon!
Thanks Cathy. I’m having shoulder surgery: remember when I fell right before Christmas and crashed my shoulder into the fireplace bricks? Well I have two massive “full thickness tears” in my rotator cuff and getting it repaired (or reconstructed, depending on what the surgeon finds when he gets in there…). Not looking forward to this at all. Can’t drive for 6 weeks, will be in a sling all the time. It’s just a major disruption. And my sweet mom is having her gall bladder out on Friday so I hope to be able to be some help to her while I’m laid up. And I have no idea how it’s going to work with me having the dogsitting business and only having one arm to use. Like I said, it’s never a good time for surgery…
Thank you so much for your prayers. I sure do — and will — appreciate them very much!
talk soon…
Yes, I do remember your accident. WOW, I’m sorry that has to be repaired but like you said there’s never a good time for surgery. The good thing is, you’ll finally get this resolved and hopefully good as new after the fix. The restrictions are always a killer, I know. We’re hoping DH will have his eye surgery sometime this month which we’re eager for him to get out of the way. It’s been a long year and we’re still not out of the woods with this issue but at least we can see the light at the end of the tunnel.
You’re in my thoughts & prayers, dearie!
Thanks for sharing, Cathy! Looking forward to your sketches.
My theme reveal will hit at 4:00 Monday morning, and this will be my seventh year participating. Like you, I absolutely must write the posts ahead of time. It makes a huge difference and enables me to visit other A to Z blog posts.
Thanks for stopping by. I will check out your theme reveal tomorrow morning. I think more bloggers would like to blog ahead but find it difficult to schedule it. That was me a few years ago but have learned much since that time. Now i need to figure out how to juggle cyberlife with real world to-dos. Hopefully, this is the year I master this feat.
Hi, Cathy!
I thoroughly enjoyed seeing your artistic talent on display in last year’s A to Z and I am delighted to learn that you will be presenting more of your sketches this April. Your artwork takes me home and recalls happy memories of my youth. I look forward to visiting you as often as possible during the month and viewing your latest sketches.
I never heard it before but enjoyed this mewsical number “2 Become 1” by the Spice Girls.
Have a great week, dear friend Cathy!
Good day Tom,
I’m eager to place myself out there again. I’m feeling a tat vulnerable because creating electronic sketches feels different, making it a bit tricky to control and every flaw is magnified. I just remind myself I’m a novice and this is all in fun. I love the whole experience! Today’s mewsic share is new to me, too. I’m glad you like the song.
Thanks for the visit, my friend. Have a great week!