
15-03-2025 Vol 19

As Sweet as an Iris Scent Dancing Across a Breeze

Welcome to day 9 of the A to Z Challenge which brings us to the letter “I” of the alphabet. I did a huge make-over to my original Iris pencil sketch.  I really enjoyed experimenting and playing around with the various brushes offered in the Procreate app to turn my pencil designs into something a bit more special.  

The realism isn’t spot on with my newly reinvented artwork but my primarily objective was to do what I love colorizing these early pieces. 

Thanks for allowing me to be a part of your day.  I’m heading over to the A2Z headquarters to leave my calling card and maybe I’ll take notice to see who else came to the party.  I’m winding things up with an oldie by Ace of Base, “Life Is A Flower”.  This is CAAC signing off, I’ll be back tomorrow with the next letter in the alphabet! 


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14 thoughts on “As Sweet as an Iris Scent Dancing Across a Breeze

  1. I like the coloration of your iris artwork. The blue, green, and purple shades go nicely together.

    I have no idea what an iris smells like. I’m not even sure I could pick out an iris if I saw one in a group of flowers. I don’t know that much about flowers really.


  2. This drawing looks good & I think a lot better drawn than the original pencil version. Your use of colors is great.

    Have a lovely day.

  3. Love your artwork and you colorized it very nicely.

    Love the video. Catchy tune.

    Have a fabulous day and week, Cathy. Love and hugs. ♥

  4. I’m finally here! Crazy week last week with travelling to my new job plus having to put my sweet Wallace down. I love your flowers especially how you outlined them plus shaded it nicely with the yellow. I xamt wait for spring here.

  5. Hi, Cathy!

    Happy Monday and I-Day, dear friend! I hope you and DH had a nice weekend.

    On that 11th day of April five years ago, my comment on your A to Z offering included the following: “I agree that it would be a great idea to colorize this drawing and give it a watercolor effect.” It in indeed a pleasure to see what you have done to make your Iris sketch pop. I can’t decide if it looks more like a watercolor or an oil painting, but it is suitable for framing. Mrs. Shady and I have a wildflower painting on our family room wall and yours is every bit as good. Purple and green are my two power colors. As I gaze at this colorful composition, the two things I like most are its simplicity and its symmetry. I can indeed imagine the sweet scent of those Iris dancing across a breeze and into my lucky nostrils.

    I also appreciate the optimistic song you posted containing words to live by::

    Life is a flower
    So precious in your hand
    Carry on smiling
    And the world will smile with you

    Thanks for getting my week off to a great start with your glorious artwork and the inspiring song, dear friend Cathy. Have a super day and I’ll see you tamale on J-Day!

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